Wii u

Miyamoto focusing back on hardcore gamers and calls out "casual gamers" (you know, the people responsible for making the Wii a major success) and their passive attitude "pathetic."


Well, I think he's right when he says that focusing on the casual market was the wrong move. The majority of people who bought a Wii were just jumping on a fad. They didn't use it a couple months after buying it and they certainly didn't go out and buy lots of games. They alienated their hardcore base by pushing them over to the corner and focusing on moms who might try Wii Fit 2 or 3 times. The Wii obviously sold great but it gave them false encouragement that heading down the casual road was the right decision.

The Wii blowing up in the casual market gave them sales numbers that will never be repeated by any console. The problem is that all those casual people who jumped on have already moved on to the next thing. They weren't the gamers that have supported them for years. If they wouldn't have made the decisions they did the Wii never would have reached the heights it did. The other side of that is that the Wii U wouldn't have reached the lows it did either.

As for his comments, I hope this was just a case of English being a second language to him. It was a very poor choice of words.
This comic made me laugh harder than I'd care to admit..

Bayonetta 2 is getting incredible reviews on the Wii U. I may have to take a look at this next year. I wouldn't be surprised if they decided to port this to other consoles next year as well.


I never played the original but I loved the most recent DMC. I watched IGN's video review and this looks pretty similar to that.

Unfortunately, I don't see a violent action game selling very well on Wii U. I would definitely play Bayonetta if it makes it's way to PC or other consoles but I'm not sure what their exclusivity deal is with Nintendo.
If you have a copy of Cubic Ninja you can use an exploit that will let you install homebrewed games on your 3DS. ANY 3DS

Remember that Wii U port of Watch_Dogs? Well, it's out and Digital Foundry put it under the microscope. Needless to say, it's not a great port, and really brings to light the sad fact that this is probably the end of AAA releases from 3rd Parties coming to the Wii U. If publishers aren't even making games for 360/PS3, why would they bother with the Wii U with it's different architecture and small install base? In case it wasn't clear already, it appears the Wii U is now simply a "Nintendo Machine."

I was a friend's house over the weekend. He happens to have a Wii U and Smash and there were 8 of us there so we spent quite a bit of time playing together. Most of us were using Wii remotes with the nunchuck attachment. It's not the best way to play the game but it was the only way we were going to be able to round up 8 controllers.

We had a blast playing. I will say that with 8 players it can be hard to follow exactly what's going on, especially if you are drinking like we were. I would sometimes lose track of my character and it happened pretty often if there were more than one of us using the same person. We were all playing random so you were someone new every match. That only added to the confusion.

Like I said though, it was a blast. Services like Xbox Live have changed multiplayer gaming in a huge way but there is nothing like sitting in a room full of friends while you play against them. There was lots of yelling, trash talk, and laughter even though none of us are actually good at the game. If I had a Wii U I would buy it but I doubt I would even bother trying to play on my own. For me, Smash has always been about craziness in a room full of people. The single player mode and online multiplayer would probably have very little appeal to me.
I was a friend's house over the weekend. He happens to have a Wii U and Smash and there were 8 of us there so we spent quite a bit of time playing together. Most of us were using Wii remotes with the nunchuck attachment. It's not the best way to play the game but it was the only way we were going to be able to round up 8 controllers.
Wait.. does your friend have 7 wii remotes or did you all just agree to bring all your remotes to participate? I can't begin to fathom how annoying it must have been to play with the remote and nunchuck. I use the tablet controller but I also have the Wii Gamepad controller. I actually used to use the GC controller with the last game but I don't see myself spending money for a controller interface for just one game.