X-Box, Playstation, and Wii Game News

It appears that Fortnite, an Early Access game from Epic, temporarily allowed true cross play by having PSN and XB1 gamers playing together. Unfortunately it appears this was NOT intentional and it was later disabled.


Seriously, I just wish at this point that all the game publishers just say "F*ck you" to Sony and enable cross play on all their games. I mean, what is Sony going to do other than give them a reprimand? If they were to shut off the games, public backlash would be tremendous, more than it is already. I'm tired of this walled-garden gameplay. If Sony isn't willing to do it the easy way, then I say force them to do it the hard way.

All Sony would have to do to stop that is put in a requirement for certification that cross play is not allowed. Then it becomes a game of chicken between Sony and the publishers. You could argue that it would hurt Sony to not have games on PS4 because of this but It would hurt the publishers of the games just as much if not more to not be on the PS4. It's hard to say "f**k you" to Sony when have such a massive lead in sales.

I agree that it would be better if Sony would just get on board with this but I don't think it's a fight that the AAA publishers are willing to have. They aren't going to boycott the platform where their games sell best. I prefer the more open nature of PC gaming too but Sony controls what games are on their platform and the way PSN works. I don't think there is any way this gets done without their permission.
Final Fantasy XV's multiplayer expansion is coming on Halloween.

Note: This is free for Season Pass owners and will be sold as an upgrade as well.
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EA released a trailer basically saying, "Here's why Battlefront 2 won't be as sh*tty as Battlefront 1"

Looks great but I'm someone who got a few months of fun out of the first game. This looks like a solid improvement over the base they already built and the addition of a modern AAA Star Wars campaign is really exciting. I do hope it's much better than the campaigns in Battlefield 3 and 4 because those weren't even worth playing.
Cuphead has sold over 100,000 copies on Steam alone. I mention that because we don't have sales figures for Xbox, GoG, or Windows Store. Also this is a Play Anywhere title, meaning buying it digitally on a Windows market gives you an extra copy for Xbox/PC. Still, not bad for an indie game. I mean yes it had Microsoft's backing but 100,000+ in its first weekend is a nice number. Hopefully they'll make back their production costs by the end of the year.

Cuphead -
The first part of the noclip documentary about The Witcher series, CD Projekt Red, and gog.com is live. The first episode is mostly about how games first came into Poland after the fall of the iron curtain and how CD Projekt Red was able to start a profitable games company in a country that previously only pirated games. I just got done watching it and it's pretty interesting.

Reviews for Middle Earth: Shadow of Mordor are out now. Overall they seem to be very positive, with main complaints being with the loot boxes, story, and scope. The latter 2 seem to be similar to what happened with the Arkham Games when it went from Asylum to City, where the gameplay and world got bigger but the story didn't grow in the same positive way. Regardless, it seems like WB Games has another winner on its hands.

Tekken 7 has sold over 2 million copies so far.

I didn't realize the Tekken fan base was so big. While Tekken 7 is an impressive and well made game, it's so exclusive and unwelcoming to newcomers and casual players (I'll be going in depth more at my dubious game awards)
The review embargo for South Park: The Fractured But Whole has been lifted (better later than never, considering the game comes out tomorrow.) It appears that Ubisoft has another winner on its hands, with many praising the game's enhanced RPG combat system as well as the humor that parodied the Marvel VS DC "media rivalry" going on right now. I'm psyched for this. I'm a huge South Park fan and I really liked the Stick of Truth. Nice to read that this seems to expand upon the original as opposed to trying to emulate it.

Would have been nice for them to put in actual gameplay footage instead of just in-engine cut scenes. Still, it's in my GF Queue. I'm up for a modern Star Wars campaign, and considering Visceral studios had a bullet put in their head, this is likely the best we'll have until BF3 inevitably comes out.

The timing of the release of this hasn't been lost on some people:


Battleborn has released its final update.

Battleborn bids farewell with its final update | PC Gamer

I would NOT be shocked if 2K decided to just pull the plug on the game at the end of the year. The average player base for the past 30 days on Steam was 54. So that would mean you couldn't have more than what, 8 matches going on at any given time? The time and resources required to keep that game going could probably be used on ANYTHING else.
Reviews are trickling in for CoD: WWII. So far it appears to be fairly positive, with people enjoying going back to the original WWII setting.


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