Who is going to have a championship ring faster?

I'll say that the Miami Heats have by far a better chance of winning the championship, but Kobe Bryan will definively be the scoring leader.
I voted Kobe, not b/c I think he'll win one any time soon, but b/c he's younger. Shaq will probably retire b/f he's able to nab another ring.
I voted none.

Kobe is a punk who lacks the morale character necessary to lead a team to any championship..if he were running for President, he too would have lost the election. :p This slug will only win if paired with talented leaders. Of course, he will certainly whine and pout that he's not the focus of attention...so only chumpionships will come for this thug, philanderer and possible rapist.

Shaq is great player, but big men don't last forever. Call it a hunch, but I suspect his playing time will be limited over the next 3 years due to a string of reoccurring injuries. He will retired the following year.

Anyway, where is my hockey! :mad: Ugh! :river
Not Kobe. He cannot function with another big time player and is not a good team player. His immaturity will prevent him from letting the lakers surround him with great players.
The only way either of those guys will ever get another championship ring is if they take a bath. Kobe's championship bathtub ring would be harder to clean because it would contain a healthy dose of scum.

Article on D* and E* new subs--no Voom info

