who bought a hd tv just to get voom?


SatelliteGuys Guru
Original poster
May 14, 2004
with the crap pq lately, i wonder how many newbs are turned off with seeing a soft hd lite picture.i hope voom realizes a stunning pq is the only reason i came back on board.im gettin ready to jump ship soon if this lite version of hd does not go away.
i dont know where you guys are getting such bad pic quality, i have 2 high def tvs now and the picture is spectacular, must be your tv or your recs? even the sd channels have high pic quality on them
I can't be the only person to buy an HDTV just to get Voom!

Without Voom, why would you bother? 8 channels? No HD DVDs yet? 3 or 4 HD networks on cable?

Spend $4000 or $5000 for a HDTV when you could wait a couple more years, buy a better model for $500, and get way more HD by then?

Voom changes the whole equation!
Give it some time and the PQ will come back to the level it was. Harmonic engineers are on-site working with VOOM on the new encoder tweaking. This is nothing compared to the PQ crisis we had one year ago (March 2004). The old timers here know what I'm talking about.
I bought my HDTV on a whim and was not aware of voOm until after I had to suffer through a few months of Comcast HD. I sure was happy when I found out about voOm. Oddly enough the first information I read about voOm was ranting and complaints on another forum. But, I thought I give it a shot since I was not happy with Comcast. Then, I had the installer telling me about how bad voOm was while he was installing it. :eek: It was also his first voOm install, so I took it with a grain of salt. When all was said and done, I was very happy I tried it out :) :up
I voted No.
I didn't discover Voom until months after I bought my Mits 65". I was with Dish and was delighted to get Voom after reading about it on this forum for the first time. I held off for a while but decided it would be worth it to switch after my year obligation from Dish Mover was over. I will not go back to E* and I don't want D*. I'm stayin' with Voom until one of us isn't around anymore.
I voted no. My 1st HDTV was a Samsung HCL4715W (JUNK). Then I bought a Hitachi 51S500 (Sweet!) and put the Samsung in the Family Room. Got VOOM and noticed night and day PQ between the 2 sets.

Then I purchased a Hitachi 50V500 (Awesome!) and put the 51S500 in the Family Room. Gave the HCL4715W to the X. I went about a year with a HDTV using D* before I changed over to VOOM.
I'm not even sure if Voom was around when I bought my tv. I bought it with the intention of watching OTA network HD and DVD's until someone (I was guessin' cable, D*, or E*) offered an HD package that I felt was a good value.
Voom wasn't around when i bought my HDTV. I had D*and wanted to start receiving there HD shows like HBOHD,ShowtimeHD and HDNet. My OTA channels were not HD at the time so i didn't realy care about them at that time. I had cable for my local channels and still do.
I orignally bought my HDTV to view progressive scan DVDs. My old 50" 4:3 gave out, so I replaced it with a Thanksgiving special $999 52" HDTV. Didn't get Voom until about 6 months later (didn't want to fork out the $800 to buy the receiver, but when the lease came out, I jumped on it!)

I voted NO I had my HD box since Oct 2003 and joined va va Voom Feb 2004.. after i read an article about Mark Cuban in Forbes magazine and he talked about VOOM....
I voted yes, as I've been planning this HDTV purchase (ended up buying two, the main LCDRP and a small CRT for the bedroom) for a looong time. Long enough to seem Voom start up, expand, wobble now on the brink of dissipation, and hopefully survive and prosper. The HDTV purchase had (honestly) as much to do with 16:9 and watching movies in whatever disc format is available (for now SD DVD) as it did with OTA and satellite broadcast. I further qualify my vote a long-term 'yes' if PQ improves to where it was when folks wholeheartedly mantained it superior to everyone else.
I voted "no" as we had our projection video system over a year BV (Before VOOM) for viewing DVDs. Then we discovered HDTV at Bravo (formerly Premier) A/V and set up a Samsung STB with a Radio Shack antenna and began watching our OTAs. We were already hooked when we received the mailer promoting VOOM in early Dec.'03. 2 days of research and agonizing over the $750 for getting VOOM and we ordered it.

And, of course, still enjoying HDTV under cloudy Seattle skies, Gill
Yes vote

I vote yes; if there was no Voom, I would still be watching standar def on Directv. I have heard about Voom since I saw the Infomercials back in late 2003 and early 2004. I always said that if Directv does not increase its HD content, (and Comcast does not have anything either) then I would only buy a HDTV for Voom. So I bought my Mitsubishi WD52825 (52"DLP rear projection with built in Tuner and built in HDDVR) the day before the Superbowl (which I watched with my rabbit ear attenna in living room) and started making preparations for Voom. I then added 2 CRT HDTVs (actually one is only HD Ready....oh well). So I early terminated Directv and joined Voom in March (2 weeks ago now). No regrets!!


I bought my pj 1 month after Voom fired up and I was aware of the service way before then, but they were not the reason I bought it. I've had my Dish 6000 for about 4 1/4 years now. Getting Voom was to supplement my HD offerings. The bulk of my HD viewing is OTA and Dish until Voom picks up the PQ and adds more content to Cinema10.
I was dumb in 2003 I had the plasma HD first and then realized the absence of any real HD with DirecTV or TimeWarner plus the plain digital signal also looked poor on the set. So I desperately searched into my options and for the money and content and services Voom was the obvious choice.

So the vote must be no. But without Voom no need to waste money on any DBS or cable. Just DVD's and ota.
I was aware of Voom before I made my HDTV purchase. I ordered a 42" Planar Plasma from Dell but was distressed to learn after delivery that it stretched (distorted) all 4:3 picture sources to 16:9 aspect ratio. I returned it 2 days after receiving it.

I carefully checked out all of the available HDTV technologies and wanted a set with lots of inputs. The Sony Wega filled the bill. I got it for $1200 below retail by carefully searching the web. If I had only waited another 6 months I could have gotten the one with an ATSC tuner built-in.

I ordered Voom the day the TV was delivered. Voom was installed 5 weeks after my call, because they were out of STBs in Southern California when I called. It was an agonizing 5 weeks watching analog cable SD programming on the set. My wife wanted to throw a party when we first got the TV but I made her wait until Voom was delivered. She was pleased that she waited. I know that a couple of others bought the same TV because they didn't understand that it's the PROGRAMMING that is important. They are now watching analog cable and wondering why my picture looks so much better than theirs. They still won't order Voom even after I explain to them why they need an HD programming provider.

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