I Voted No also, and Will Address a few other issues...
fksammons said:
It's time to move on people (Vicki).
All that is left of VOOM is programming.
fksammons, I'm not at all sure what you think I may have done to offend you, but whether or not I or anyone else moves on should not be an issue for you or
jimmykce1 or anyone else.
If we do or don't move on, that's our problem, not yours, unless you choose to make it yours. It appeared to me that
jimmykce1 had done just that, by posting in every (then) current thread that it should be moved to the Dish forum. I initially responded to a couple of those threads because it appeared to be intendend to kill the VoOm Vorums...and one thread where he complained about being shut off early, seemed to be just trying to throw cold water on the initial post information.
If that makes me bad…OK...then, I'm BADDDDDDD….
I didn't
then, and
still don't see any legitimate reason for extinguishing the VoOm forums. Anyone who
isn't still interested in Voom
simply doesn't need to check in here…nobody is twisting your arm, are they? If you're interested, fine check in, but if your only purpose is to complain (at this late date)…why bother, it won't change anything…
I think the demise of the VoOm forums (in whatever guise they may exist, should (and undoubtedly will) reside with the management of this site. At the present time, the VoOm forums are still attracting more viewers than Direct, and only slightly fewer than Dish…so as long as people are interested in VoOm, these forums should remain.
I think
riffjim's suggestions and
lilyarbie's comments about potential changes are good...but again...the management of this site is probably best qualified to determine those issues.
Last, but not least,
Lob…I don't even know what you were talking about…maybe I really was asleep…