Well, it's taken until there's only a week of Voom left, but I've finally spotted a Voom dish other than my own...
two, actually!
The first I saw was while I was enjoying the springlike weather of last weekend on a neighborhood bike ride. When I was about a block north of 8 Mile I spotted that familiar off-air antenna (Stealth?) on a roof and circled back to satisfy my curiosity. Sure enough, Voom! Kinda wanted to stop in, say "hey", and commiserate on the impending doom but figured I probably would be thrown if someone did that to me so I passed.
The other one was during my first week back at work (again blame the springlike weather!). I installed a dude's sprinker system and actually cut the coax from his Voom dish ( :shocked ). I'm sure there's a very special place reserved in Hell for Voomers who cut other Voomers' Voom lines with only a week of Vooming left. In my defense, it wasn't marked and I had no idea it was there -- the dish and antenna were well-hidden on the side of his garage where we weren't installing anything, and the line went under his driveway (I think) and brickpaver sidewalk (not exactly standard Installs Inc procedure). Luckily, the guy was a cable man of sorts himself and was able to fix it with no problem, so I didn't feel too badly about it. But I'm still not looking forward to my special reservation in Hell.
PS. The "springlike" weather has somehow turned to
snow! Hopefully, the ol' unemployment account is still active!