Who are Voomers going to vote for on November 2nd? (poll)


SatelliteGuys Family
Original poster
Supporting Founder
Jun 29, 2004
Allentown, PA
Who are Voomers going to voting for? (poll)

I know, I know... this thread is probably a very bad idea, but I had to ask. So, if the election were today...
I know, I know... this thread is probably a very bad idea, but I had to ask. So, if the election were today...
I'm not sure why this duplicate was posted here... the poll is the next topic up. Moderators, could you please delete this duplicate? Thanks.
riffjim4069 said:
They may not be able to balance the Federal budget, but I'll bet my last dollar they mandate HD 24/7. :D

You've got that right! and I will give "free" HD DVRs (including Tivo) to all who vote for us. I will have every company cable/satellite or terrestrial transmission and give every channel 19 mbps of bandwith. I will get rid of the FCC (they are just wasting the American Budget). You heard right! Every major event in HD from the day we are elected.
Scott, do not let them know that this is just propaganda or politician lies. Let the FCC know that once we are elected we'll increase their budget and give them compensation too. Do not let anyone know.

On a more serious note: It is hard to trust any politician from any party these days. I still say that America has the best system (although it has flaw) in existence today. I need change so my vote will go for change.
Walter L. said:
Another vote. I'm sure they will mandate emergency funds for VOOM :D

Yes! and will mandate that in six months every SD channel will go HD within a year. No more SD compressed channels. Only True HD, no HD Lite either. I will fine anyone who tries to sell 100% digital compression as crystal clear definition.

I had to laugh at the spam...

HD & SD = suck for sports
