Voomers with Xbox and Xbox Live

I didn't have to hold down anything, I just told the Xbox I had a 16x9 TV in the setup, and turned on all the modes it could do. The games take care of the rest.

Dvlos said:
Good "widescreen" games are far and few between, I'd say check out Soul Caliber (not true widescreen but 720p), definately check out Ninja Gaiden, best looking Xbox HDTV game out there. Enter the Matrix is 1080i but the game is not that good, but you can give the game a try...

Halo 2 will be 480p unknown if it will be true widesceen, I hope so.

To the poster who was talking about the side bars, there is a way to make the Xbox boot into 480p mode, by holding (I think I could be wrong, Google this or check Xbox's site to be sure) L+R and X, then go into your settings and change it to widescreen, that will make all games default to widescreen, those that are "true" widescreen wil detect the setting and set itself accordingly.

Is there any way to get rid of little sidebars on the gamecube? or xbox? and should I get the High def cables for em?

Borrowed True Crime from a friend and it's aggrevating that it has sidebars..not to mention I can't play it for long, so the bars don't get burned in. I set it to widescreen int the game options.. and still the bars.. (this is on my gamecube) any advice? :confused:
Halo 2

What do you all think about Halo 2 my friends say they like Halo 1 the best all these time to make Halo and they droped the ball. In the game you can't use the Scope to zoom in you only have Binocaulars that sucks. :D
I'm sorry by I think Halo 2 is good. You can zoom in, but only with certain weapons like rifles etc., which makes sense to me. This version has some interesing twists and turns.
What rifles were you using unless i was getting the wrong weapon i do have to admit it does look okay but even G4 Tech Tv said they didn't like Halo 2 i still will buy it though my friend has Halo 2 i need to Buy it so we could link up to my other Tv.

I have a INFOCUS 4805 with a 106 Inch Drapprey Screen so ANY HALO game looks awesome and my other Room i have a 32 Inch TV. :D
As far as I know the only weps that use zoom are: Battle Rifle, both sniper rifles and the Covenant Carbine. On a a side note anyone play H2 on XBL yet? One word, awesomelyfun :D
WOW need to play Halo 2 on XBL i heard if you buy the X-box Live Kit you could play for a whole year for free. :D
Halo 2

Anyone playing halo2 on xbox yet? I got it and aside from the fact that it seems rushed to market, because of several glitches in the graphics, it is very similar to the first halo, with a new story, and somewhat fun to play. I've been busy lately, so after the first 2 days of playing I haven't gotten back to it, but I made it far enough to a campain where you play one of the enemies. The Flood are introduced fairly early in the game so I hope there are some good surprises later in the game. One neat new vehicle (at least I think its new) is the tank. Pretty cool firepower!

SonicRob said:
WOW need to play Halo 2 on XBL i heard if you buy the X-box Live Kit you could play for a whole year for free. :D

I got my Starter Kit through the DEW U promo that ran over the summer. If you play on XBL look me up. I'm usually playing on Sat nite.
Scotty said:
Anyone playing halo2 on xbox yet? I got it and aside from the fact that it seems rushed to market, because of several glitches in the graphics, it is very similar to the first halo, with a new story, and somewhat fun to play. I've been busy lately, so after the first 2 days of playing I haven't gotten back to it, but I made it far enough to a campain where you play one of the enemies. The Flood are introduced fairly early in the game so I hope there are some good surprises later in the game. One neat new vehicle (at least I think its new) is the tank. Pretty cool firepower!

2 xbox's with live and Halo2, as well as numerous other live games. My son has finished Halo2 on easy. Live is very fun as well. Great game!
Hey guys I just picked up X-box and I love playing on my 60" Sony Lcd, thru the home theather it pretty sweet.. I did not know that the games were in 5.1 DD it sounds great..

I all so see there is a setting on the X-box for DTS, is there any games in DTS? Cya Slick

Playstation 2

voom and recording

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