Are you going to vote?

I'm 32 and have never voted. I didnt vote this time because:

1. I think George Bush will make a great president. I think John Kerry will make an equally great president. So whoever you guys choose is fine with me.

2. 130 million other people are voting. I cant see how my measley 1 will affect the outcome even one iota.

3. Politics dont interest me. I cant understand why someone would stand in line for an hour. There's so many other things I'd rather be doing which will affect my life much more than choosing some multimillionaire politician who needs his ego fed.
TheTimm said:
I like the idea of splitting the electoral vote according to the popular vote ( or just getting rid of the electoral vote altogether). It just doesn't make sense to me that if a candidate wins the state's popular vote by a single vote, he/she gets all the electoral votes. It also seems to me to undermine the ever-so-popular idea that every vote counts.
Do you always vote? Or does it take some special issue/candidate to motivate you? How old were you when you first voted?
I like the idea of splitting electorial votes, or getting rid of same and going to popular vote.
Yes I always vote, since I was 18...been voting for 30 years and vote every election.
zubinh said:
I'm 32 and have never voted. I didnt vote this time because:

1. I think George Bush will make a great president. I think John Kerry will make an equally great president. So whoever you guys choose is fine with me.

2. 130 million other people are voting. I cant see how my measley 1 will affect the outcome even one iota.

3. Politics dont interest me. I cant understand why someone would stand in line for an hour. There's so many other things I'd rather be doing which will affect my life much more than choosing some multimillionaire politician who needs his ego fed.

First of all, free country and it's your right not to vote. But these are just my thoughts....

1) You might be the only person in the country who likes both Bush and Kerry. That is like being a Yankees and a Redsox fan. Their are very few issues they agree on. Pro War, Anti War, Pro Homosexuality, Anti Homosexuality, Pro being honest, Anti any type of the truth whatsoever.

2) 130 million people is not a lot considering it's only about half of the voting age population. Only Half! Every vote counts. Living in Florida I know, aside form the 2000 fiasco. Going back to Kennedy v Nixon, the election was so close it was decided by one vote per precinct. ONE.

3) Politics don't interest a lot of people. But whether or not your daughter has the right to have an abortion without your consent might interest you. Whether or not a racist judge remains behind the bench in your county might interest you, how much money the youth in your community get for minimum wage might interest you. Their is a lot more on the ballot besides Kerry and Bush.

My plea to everyone, Vote!
I've voted sense I was 18 and not once has my vote meant much but I continue to vote and did this morning.

Co-workers and I were interested in what it would be like to have all states split there electorial votes so we set up a quick little program to help us munch through a lot of different scenario's. What we found to our supprise is that instead of making it more likely for every one's vote to COUNT it accually just muddles things. Unless there is a huge agreement in america on ONE canidate it more often then not comes down to 5 or less electorial votes choosing the winner and we had more tie's than not.

Not sure if I like the idea or not but it sure would make things interesting.
I think voting Libertarian or other is the best thing any real true American can and should do. Send the Democrats and Republicans a one fingered salute! I should and would vote Libertarian, but I want Bush out of office more than anything. So I guess that makes me a hypocrit but i don't care.

We should know who won by Christmas I think.
1080iBeVuMin said:
I have voted LIBERTARIAN in every election since 1980. A lot of good that has done me.

"Don't Blame Me! I Voted Libertarian!"

You may as well be voting in Canada! There will be a civil or revolutionary war before either of the top two parties are removed from the office. But that is the great thing about America ... YOU get to make that choice!

For those of you that don't vote, move to Syria ... that is where you belong, even the Russians vote in todays world. So much wasted blood and valor on those that fail to appreciate what hundreds of thousands of us GAVE TO YOU.
I voted today. I took my kids with me and we selected the candidates. As I was making my selections, I explained that there was more than the presidential elections that affected us at a city and state level. I love to vote and feel that somehow my vote will be counted and making a contribution to do something for this wonderful country.

I hope that there's nothing like in Florida 2000. We don't need that.
Sean Mota said:
I hope that there's nothing like in Florida 2000. We don't need that.

I totally agree. I very badly want one of the Presidential candidates to win, but I would rather have his opponent win by a landslide than have this election decided by the courts.

By the way, if you haven't already, you owe it to yourself to visit Their videos are hilarious no matter which party/candidate you are supporting.
slacker9876 said:
For those of you that don't vote, move to Syria ... that is where you belong, even the Russians vote in todays world. So much wasted blood and valor on those that fail to appreciate what hundreds of thousands of us GAVE TO YOU.
What's with the hate, dude? For years and years I didn't vote , and really - it had nothing to do with you. And I did/do appreciate "what hundreds of thousands" of you gave to me. But why vote if I don't have an opinion? This is the first time I've voted because it's the first time I've given a crap one way or the other. Voting is a right -- it's not a requirement. Americans also have the right to not vote if they so choose. I have lots of rights that I choose not to exercise - that doesn't mean I don't appreciate having them or take for granted the work that went into getting them. So if you get a few extra minutes and can tear yourself away from saluting the flag and being more American than the non-voters, perhaps you can climb down from your cross and spend a little time not hating.

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