Which HD Cinema Movies have you seen?Would you like to post your review of the movie?

Nadine 2.5 stars out 5. Jeff Bridges and Kim (I do not remember her last name) were on this one. The story is good in the beginning but later on one kind of know where it is heading. Very soft transfer.
Nadine - 2.5 stars: Not a bad screwball comedy with Jeff Bridges and Kim Basinger. The interaction between the two was very good, and Rip Torn was enjoyable, but the rest of the show was just eh. I saw this movie a few days ago and recall the PQ being a little better than what Sean described.
Mad Max 2: The Road Warrior 4.5 stars. Excellent movie. Mel Gibson is excellent in this movie and the high action through out the movie makes it worthy to watch over and over again. It was presented OAR which made it even better.
King Kong '76 3.5 stars out of 5. I was about 8-9 years old when this one came out. Of course, I was not allowed to watch it although everyone was talking about it. I watched years later and hardly remembered it until tonight. I do not know how this whole movie was able to pass as a good movie then. I believe Jessica Lange won an oscar on this one and brother did she win it. Since scene one that she came to the movie, everything was about her sexy ways. The way she was found on the boat with that sexy black dress. The way she dressed to go to the beach. The way that the "natives" of the island dressed her for Kong. There is the honeymoon of Jessica with Kong on the island where he pulled her dressed down and her breast are revealed. Jack (Jeff Bridges) have to give her his shirt to cover her. The other scene that was kind of questionable was when she fell on the cage where Kong was kept captive. After she came out, she took a deep breath and Kong also did and it kind of meant something that you only see.... well you know what I mean. Jeff Bridges plays the "Johnny Damon" ex-look alike "caveman". The whole story of the movie is just kind of stupid and silly. Kong special effects now look bad and silly. It is so obvious to see how bad they are. Most of the interaction between Kong and Jessica always started with Kong's hand. Kong hand was so much used that it should have been called the Hand of Kong instead of King Kong. The last scene on the World Trade Center is sentimental because of the World Trade Center. I still give King Kong 3.5 stars because it was entertaining despite of what I say. By the way it was oar 2:35:1.
From Beyond 4.0 stars What a good freaking movie. Re-Animator, Bride of Re-Animator and now From Beyond are very freaking original terror movies. How about that great scientist. She wanted to experience the power and she did... What a wonderful movie.... Loved it.!!!!
Halloween - 4 stars: Despite some awful acting in places, I really enjoyed this -- I don't think I'd seen it in its entirety before. It had some very creative shots, and some truly classicly creepy scenes/shots/compositions. And an excellent soundtrack. Like the original Friday the 13th and A Nightmare on Elm Street, I think this movie's greatness has been somewhat diluted (at least in reputation) by the endless stream of terrible sequels. Too bad.
The Nutty Professor - 3.5 stars: One of Jerry Lewis' nuttier pictures...if that's possible. A nerd turns into a cool, macho swinger named Buddy Love after driking his specially formulated potion. Not much in the way of a plot...just silly Jerry Lewis slapstick. If you like Mr. Lewis then this is a Classic - if not, then don't waste your time on this one. I've seen this on Cinema10 in the past, but the PQ was much worse when I saw it on VOOM-Lite last night. I'm not going to hold the PQ factor against the movie...just my Dish/VOOM experience.
Zatoichi Challenged 2.5 stars In this one Zatoichi is put on a spot by delivering the child of dead mother to his fatner. His father was kinapped by Lord who is getting money out of his pornography paintings. Zatoichi does not know this but it is met by a samuray who is sent by the authorities to stop the corruption and he is challenges Zatoichi.
Larger Than Life - **1/2 out of 4 Bill Murray and an elephant. If you like Bill Murray you will love this movie. Classic Bill Murray (in his Groundhog Day era). Transfer was a bit soft but my kids enjoyed it. Being that it is hard to find movies for our whole family to watch (age 6, 10, 29, 38) I highly recommend to other families in the same situation
The Indomitable Dr. Phibes - 3.5 stars: Very good movie - a Vincent Price creepy classic! Dr. Phibes seeks revenge against nine doctors responsible for his wife's death. Vincent Price does a masterful job delivering over-the-top, Phantom of the Operaeque performance. Lot's a cheesy, yet gross, effects and lots of dark humor that all work well together. I saw this movie several time as a kid and it stands the test of time IMO.

Note: VOOM movie reviews are based on a 5 star scale.
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Larger Than Life - 3 stars: Surprisingly good movie; entertaining for the entire family. Bill Murray inherits an elephant from his clown father he never knew existed. The two depart on a journey cross-county so he can sell the elephant to a zoo in San Diego. Wacky sounding movie? Yes, but it works! Typical Bill Murry goof-ball humor, but also some interesting experiences, introspection and lessons learned.
The Tingler - 3 stars: Go ahead, Scream your head off! This was a good, imaginative, interactive Vincent Price scare flick. In a nutshell, Price is pathologist who discovers "The Tingler" that lives along the human spine and grows larger with fear. On second thought...maybe you shouldn't scream after all. The 1959 special effects were quite cheesy---you can see the Tingler being pulled along by fishing line in some frames, Tingler's appendages never quite more making it look even more like a plastic puppet---but it doesn't detract from the movie since fear is something that exists in the mind. B&W.
Tombs of the Blind Dead - (** & 1/2 out of ****) Spanish (as in Spain) zombie movie that is light on the zombie action but has much of an Italian giallo feel. It seems that this is an edited cut of the film with no nudity. Presented in a dubbed, windowboxed (black bars on top and bottom) version, probably from 16mm or a higher quality video source. Detail is soft but colors are strong and vibrant, almost saturated.
Rashomon (1950) 2.5 stars out of 5. Very weird type of movie. Black and White and 4x3 OAR. The story telling of rape that happpened on the road between three characters - a samurai, a woman and a robber. Each one tells his/her story differently. I was looking for something to remind me of about the entire story but I could not come across a similar story. At times the story is tiring but it gets you glued to TV to find out who was telling the truth. Well you decide who it was.

Stolen Summer 4.0 stars out of 5. I loved this movie. What is hell and what is heaven in the mind of a nine year old. What are religious boundaries in the mind of a nine year old. If only we could be like children maybe our differences wouldn't seem so huge. Excellent movie.!!!!
riffjim4069 said:
The Indomitable Dr. Phibes - 3.5 stars: \

Adj. 1. indomitable - impossible to subdue
Adj. 1. abominable- unequivocally detestable

I guess you COULD say Phibes was "impossible to subdue", but the name of the movie is "The Abominable Dr Phibes". :)

Good flick...I had memories of it from watching as a child, but I didn't really "get it" then.
Tales of Terror 3.5 stars. Vincent Price is on this one. The movie is made up three horror tales. The last tale, in my opinion, is the best one. It was presented OAR 2:35:1 and great to watch. I thought that the last story could have been expanded more but it ended up as a fight for a woman!

Larger than Life 3.0 stars. Great family movie and funny too. Bill Murray was great on this one.

Return of the living dead II 2.5 stars I love this series. I watched this one on HDnet so I was not going to watch it again.
Islands in the Stream (1977) 3.0 stars. The story of a man who wanted to be alone in an island in the Bahamas away from his family. His three children come to visit and have a great impact on him. An impact that makes him think twice about his life without his family. He goes into a journey that kind resembles of the journey of life that everyone makes about the choices that we make.
Tales from the Crypt: Demon Knight 4.0 stars. Great crypty flick with lots of blood, demons, nudity and all integrated in a tale from the crypt movie. :)
Rashomon - 3.5 stars: I saw this one a few weeks ago but never got around to writing a review. I'll ditto Sean's comments, but I'm going to bump it up a point since it was such a high acclaimed movie (a Japanese Classic). I had trouble following the story, but the camera work alone was worth three stars...reminiscent of Citizen Cane.

Sean Mota said:
Rashomon (1950) 2.5 stars out of 5. Very weird type of movie. Black and White and 4x3 OAR. The story telling of rape that happpened on the road between three characters - a samurai, a woman and a robber. Each one tells his/her story differently. I was looking for something to remind me of about the entire story but I could not come across a similar story. At times the story is tiring but it gets you glued to TV to find out who was telling the truth. Well you decide who it was.
Jews, Christians, and the Holocaust 4.0 stars. A documentary about the holocaust and the perspective of christians. If you like history, you will like it.

Hitler: the last ten days (1973) 4.0 stars. Not the best Hitler movie but it was quite an interested perspective from the inside the famous buncker 10 days before the allies took over Berlin. It is supposed to be based on the account of a witness. The movie/doc portraits hitler as not a monsters of what history portraits him. It portraits him as a mad man sometimes too strong believer in his own "bull" and how a whole nation was blinded by his bull.

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