A Passage to India - 3 stars: I really didn't care for this movie at first; it was very slow and bordered on boorish. I would have deleted it from the 942 it is weren't so colorful and downright beautiful at times - stunning eye candy. I was drawn to this movie partly because it appeared similar to a series of English Colonial books I had read years ago about a family of archaeologists (antiquities) who adventured throughout Egypt around the turn of the 20th century. Needless to say, you have to be expecting Pud Pompius attitudes and Wry English wit in order to enjoy this one.
Anyway, this film addresses social issues and injustice between English Colonialists and native Indians - these aspect of the films was well done. The English enjoy India, but only as uppity tourists who believe India is something to enjoy at a distance. However, when an elderly lady, Mrs. Moore, played brilliantly by Peggy Ashcroft, and her young traveling companion, Ms. Quested, decide to see India upfront and personal, they hire a local Doctor to be their medical escort and advisory. Along the way, Ms. Quested and Dr. Aziz develop a close friendship and interest in one another. But something terrible happens when Ms. Quested explores an ancient cave. Dr. Aziz winds up in jail and English-Indian relations are strained (near riot conditions).
Biggest Mystery: What and the hell happened in that cave. The film does a poor job explaining what happened, which is a big mistake in my opinion.

Biggest Rube: A monkey man jumps onto a passing carriage during a near riot and shrieks like a monkey into the face of its passenger. Monkey man gets ripped away from the carriage by Indian police and is prompted beaten to a fruit-juicy monkey pulp.
Funniest Dialog:
Mr. McBride (Prosecutor): The darker races are attracted to the fairer, but not vice-versa.
Judge: Even when the lady is less attractive than the gentleman?
This is a good Majestic film. Personally, I found it difficult to rate this movie...but if you can stay awake past the first 1 hour :sleeo , then you should find it enjoyable :clap . Hmmm. This is always a 3 hours movie. It would have been more enjoyable had they cut out 30-40 minutes of mob violence and scenery.
Lastly, excellent PQ...but could have been even better if viewed at 1920x1080.