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Manic - 3.5 stars: Teens in a psycho ward -- hasn't this been done to death? Still a pretty good watch though, I think because it was so well acted. Joseph Gordon-Levitt (remember him as the kid "Tommy" from TV's 3rd Rock From The Sun?) surprised the hell out of me. I didn't even recognize him till about halfway through the movie. Zooey Deschanel was just as good and convincing, but less of a surprise. I just expect her to be great. And Don Cheadle is Don Cheadle. So while nothing really groundbreaking is done here and the pq and sound are just so-so, it's still not a bad way to spend a couple hours.
The Gorgon 3.0 stars A classical movie about the mystical woman that would turn into stone to anyone who sees it. The trick to the movie is that only happens on a full moon. The movie has its twists and turns and is one of those films that it was thrilling to watch during childhood. Now is a different story but it is quite an interested film.
Amelie - 4.5 stars: Excellent! A socially exiled girl grows up in a dysfunctional family to become a curiously playful young lady, yet highly eccentric and very much a social misfit. This story follows Amelie, along with her frequent daydreams, as she helps her dysfunctional father, shut-in neighbor (an even more eccentric painter), and others in a way that is typical of the lead character. I thought this film was clever, touching and uplifting...however, my wife thought it was a little depressing but still very well done. The PQ and sound were excellent.
Platoon - 5 stars: If you like war movies, you'll like this. Oliver Stone puts together a bad-ass version of the war in Vietnam here. Won Academy Award for Best Picture. Looks great, and sounds pretty darned good too. Great cast that includes Charlie Sheen (actually doesn't really suck in this!), Tom Berenger and Willem DaFoe at their bests, Forest Whitaker, John C. McGinley, even a small role for the great Johnny Depp (I can't help wondering if the film would've been even better if he had had the role of Chris). The last scenes in which we see Elias (DaFoe's character) are some classics that stay with you long after you've seen them.

"Death? What do you all know about death?" -- Barnes (Tom Berenger)
Ride in the Whirlwind - 2 stars: PQ and sound were both pretty bad. And the movie itself was a little on the dull side. But I did like the classic "feel" to this western - the dustiness, the clippity-cloppiness of the horse hooves, the music, the moods. And the story itself was a good one...three cowboys camp in a valley with a bunch of outlaws and the posse thinks they're part of the gang. But the good points didn't outweigh the bad pq and weak acting performances in my opinion.
Platoon 5.0 stars. If not the Best war movie ever made, one of the best. The movie can be summarized in the following quote as Chris is leaving what they described as "Hell on Earth" on the Helipcoter: "I think now looking back. We did not fight the enemy. We fought ourselves and the enemy was in us. The war is over for me now but it will always be there for the rest of my days... be that as it may for those that did make it, we have an obligation to teach others what we know... to find goodness and meaning to this life."
Max Mad - 4 stars: Classic Mel Gibson apocalyptic good versus evil, ass kickin', gas gusselin', adventure. This film launched the the Mad Max genre: Mad Max, Mad Max II, Mad Max Beyond Thunderdome, and is arguably the best of the series prior to Gibson entering his Lethal Weapon era. This film was low budget so don't expect stunning PQ and audio.
Little Man Tate - 3.5 stars: Jodie Foster plays a single mother (Dede Tate) who is trying to raise her genius son the best she can. She is able to provide Little Man Tate with love and affection, but is unable to meet his intellectual needs - the kid is a lonely, unchallenged misfit. During a selfless moment, Dede agrees to allow her son to reside at the Grierson Institute, a school for Gifted (as well as rich) Children. Dr. Grierson, played well by Dianne Wiest, is almost the exact opposite of Dede. Although she can meet the boys developmental needs, she hasn't a clue how to relate to children since she was never nurtured by her parents. This leads to some very good moments between Foster, Wiest, and the boy genius.

I enjoyed this film and really wanted to give it four stars...however, I found Dede (and Jodie Foster's performance) to be rather annoying and the plot was disjointed at times; to top it off, David Hyde Pierce's appearance in this film (Niles Crane) was a total distraction: I kept waiting for Fraser to enter stage left and have a hissy-fit with his younger sibling. Except for one or two middle fingers being flipped toward David Hyde Pierce, this is a very good family film.
Oliver - 4.5 stars: This Oscar winning musical is pure entertainment pleasure from beginning to end. This film is suitable for all ages and would be perfectly suited for Family Room HD (but that's another topic of discussion). I haven't tapped my foot or sang along with a movie since Dick Van Dyke in Chitty Chitty Bang Bang. "Consider yourself at home. Consider yourself one of the family. We've taken to you so strong. It's clear we're going to get along." My biggest complaint is that the PQ, although good, could have been ever better if it were shown at 1920x1080i.
Carrie - 4 stars: Excellent! I had this one sitting on the 942 and hadn't seen this movie in a number of years. Well, it sure brought back a flood of memories...it scared the crap out of me in high school and it was equally effective almost 30 years later. This is must see for everyone prior to attending the prom. Morale of the story: treat others as you would want to be treated and never dump a bucket of swine blood on a psycho with telekenetic powers.
Bubba Ho-Tep - 4 stars: Funny, Original, surprisingly socially insightful, and redeeming...excellent! Fat Old Elvis (Bruce Campbell) and Black Old JFK (Ossie Davis) battle an Egyptian Mummy turned Soul Sucker at an East Texas home for the aged. The premise for the movie, although ridiculous at face value, is brilliantly worked by Campbell and Davis as they battle evil while portraying many aspects of aging and the treatment of the aged within our society. The PQ and steel guitar riffs were outstanding. I hated removing this one from the 942, but I needed the space.
Little City - 1 star: Well, that was pretty crappy. Kind of a romantic/dramatic comedy that lacked romance, drama, and comedy. And despite a fairly talented cast the acting was abysmal. The actors just never seemed to connect with each other, not a single conversation felt real. Maybe it was just bad writing. Whatever -- it just wasn't very interesting at all.
The Dead Zone - 3.5 stars: Not a perfect movie by any stretch of the imagination, but sufficiently creepy -- in large part thanks to Christopher Walken. It seems to be a little aimless at times, as I was wondering if it was gonna be a romance or a paranormal character study or if he'd end up actually saving the world. In the end, I found it good but not great.
Shadows and Fog - 1.5 stars: Very nice pq caught my attention. And it's shot all artsy and black and white and just really looked good to me. And what a cast! Lily Tomlin, John Cusack, Jodie Foster, Kathy Bates, John Malkovich, Madonna (yeah, you heard me, I said "Madonna" as a cast highlight... what?!?...**strikes a pose, returns to review**), even brief appearances by John C. Reilly and William H. Macy. In the end the cast is ruined by the same guy who ruins just about every Woody Allen movie for me. Woody Allen. Man that dude sucks as an actor. Not too big on Mia Farrow either. And as good as the movie looked, the story just wasn't entertaining enough to hold my interest to a point that I'd watch the Woody. Lost interest. Started reading newspaper.
Chances Are - 3.25 stars: Good+. Cute little romantic comedy about a guy (Christopher McDonald) who is killed in tragic accident, but who is accidentally allowed to be reincarnated with his memories in tact, yet dormant. As fate would have it, in his reincarnated life (Robert Downey) he meets his 22 year old daughter and through a serious of encounters meets his former best friend (Ryan O'Neal) and former wife (Cybill Shepherd). These meetings trigger memories of his past life, loves and relationships...and makes for some interestingly cute scenes too. This movie has an excellent cast: Shepherd, Downey Jr., O'Neal, Mary Stuart Masterson (Fried Green Tomatoes and Benny & Joon), and Christopher McDonald (prior to his role as Shooter McGavin in Happy Gilmore), however this movies missed the mark. It's a good movies and worth watching, but it could have/should have been better.
Platoon - 4.5 stars: Outstanding. What can I possible add to what has already been mentioned about this top-notch war movie? Nothing, other than to say I really enjoyed it. This is possibly my third favorite war movie...right behind Full Metal Jacket and Sands of Iwo Jima.