Which HD Cinema Movies have you seen?Would you like to post your review of the movie?

Pet Sematary 2 - 2.5 stars: Good surround sound. Surprisingly good movie. I liked it almost as much as the original. Obviously this is a familiar story but they do a good job with it.
The Tingler - 4 stars: Oh, this is a fun one. Creative, even interactive. I'm a big fan of home theatre, but this one really should be seen in a theatre -- seems perfect for midnight showings in small independent theatres. Looks good, sounds good. It's cheesy as can be, but undeniably enjoyable and entertaining. Basically, a doctor/scientist dude (Vincent Price, no less) isolates the thingy that causes the spine to tingle from fear. One gets loose and can only be paralyzed by screaming. With the right audience, I have to think it would have to be a great (though loud!) time at a theatre.
Parasite: 1/2 star. This movie totally sucked, the only redeeming value it had was a 22 year old Demi Moore. ;) The PQ was extremely soft.
Hey Sean -- reading through the Index of High Definition Movies thread, I noticed a problem with some of the movie descriptions. For Switchblade Sisters, the description for Onibaba (the movie in the entry above it) is given. Same thing for Full-Tilt Boogie (Nightwatch is described) and Amelie (And Baby Makes Two is described).
Not a big deal, but I figured you'd wanna know. That's a great thread by the way, I really appreciate your hard work on it. Thanks.
I corrected the problems. Thanks for letting me know. Thanks I will catch up one of these dates and also update the index. I just re-read your comment about the sinking ship and you feeling alone in those days that VOOM was sinking. I kind of smile in a good way because it was so true but somehow we have at least 10 V* channels to dwell on now.
Dead Man 2.0 stars. Very obscure movie. I do not know what to say. It is one of those movies that makes you go--> What did I just watch?

Nightwatch 3.5 stars. A serial killer murder movie with a twist and some very funny moments. I will be terrified to work in a morgue and it made the movie very funny. Nick Nolte was excellent on this one. It was 2:35: (OAR) and the hd transfer was excellent.
A Chinese Ghost Story II 3.5 stars. I really this enjoyed this one; excellent Fu HD flick being shown on GuyTV! To sum it up quickly: Good vs. Evil - spectacular fight scenes and special effects - Chinese spiritualism - and toss in a romantic interest. This is very good movie if you don't take it too seriously and just enjoy enjoy it for what it is...really, flying swords and a flying caterpillar? The special effects, although plentiful, were on the cheesy side...but certainly not a distraction. This film is 1:85:1 and subtitled. The transfer could have been better.
The Tingler 3.0 b&w movie with Vincent Price. A very original idea about fear and a supposed experiment that was made possible by a man wanting to get rid of his wife. He gets his desire but also pays for it at the end.
A Chinese Ghost Story III 3.49 stars. I enjoyed this almost as much as much as I did A Chinese Ghost Story II; very good Fu HD flick being shown on GuyTV! No surprises - it's similar to the others in this series, with the exception of a love interest between a monk named Fong (Tony Leung Chiu Wai) and the lovely ghost Lotus (Joey Wong). Jackie Cheung does a good job playing Yin and the attractive ghost women in this movie use hair, nails and tongues to do in several men. Today, women simply use credit cards and the checkbook to achieve this goal. Anyway, the film is 1:85:1 and is subtitled. It looked pretty good, but would have been much better on MonstersHD
Pet Semetary Two 3.5 stars. It is great to have seen both of these. This one was great to see all the blood and bites in HD. It was awesome to see that head with electricity explode. Found it to the kid to be a little dumb that he could not understand what was happening.

Annie 4.5 stars. Best musical movie for kids I have ever watched. This one I have seen so many times in my life. I saw it as a kid and it made me dream. I saw it now with my kids twice. Once on DVD and now in HD. It is a great movie about Annie who is an orphan and goes through the hard times of life in a musical. Some technical information about the aspect ratio were posted. It is thought to be an open matte version.

Exodus 2.5 very very long movie. It depicts the conflict of British/Arabs and Jews before the UN declared the Israel state. In the light of today's politacal/war events is very hard not to say anything that will not be constructed as political biased or otherwise interpreted in a very bad way. Although the movie was made in 1960 and those events happened even before then, the ripple effects are still today knocking on the door of every nation. Btw, Young Paul Newman was on this one.

New York in the Fifties 3.0 stars Documentary with various different topics about life in NY in the fifites. From Dancing to sex, to reading, to politics to poetry. The PQ ranges from mediocre to very good depending on the material that you are watching. Some of the topics are interested specially the ones about women, tobaco, alcohol and how the whole mentality of society has changed since then. What today is a forbidden fruit, it was normal in the fifities.

Next Stop Wonderland 3.0 stars. A story about a woman who is dumped by her boyfriend and finds himself lonely. By an act of her mother, she finds herself dating and most of the dating did not go very well. The one guy that looks that is meant for her she meets in a strange way. So of reminded me of how I met my wife but not quite the same. I enjoyed specially how some of the man made fool of themselves by pretending to be something that they were not.

The Trojan Women 0 stars. I do not know what this movie was all about. I deleted it before the end.
Duel At Diablo - 2 stars: A dusty Western with James Garner and Sidney Poitier. Nothing special, but pleasant enough I suppose. PQ okay, sound okay, story okay, acting okay -- like I said: nothing special.
84 Charing Cross Road 2.5 stars Two people separated by two continents but having original books collection in common. One the reader, the other the seller. They established a dialog that last through their lives and form a friendly relationship. Not much in this movie to see. But the story was a little interested to watch.
Born Yesterday - 3.5 stars: I missed the very beginning of this, but I sure liked what I did see. The story was easy to follow -- I think I've seen a remake of this with Melanie Griffith (?) -- and it's a good one. It was hard to take my eyes off the actress, and I was impressed with the acting all around. Also thought the pq was quite good. Pretty much everything about this movie was good.
Bound For Glory - 3 stars: A little on the long side, but pretty darned good. Woody Guthrie (portrayed well by David Carradine) leaves dusty depressed Texas during the Depression and heads off in search of a better life in California. Along the way he meets some interesting people and sings some good songs. Works for me.
Parasite - a half star: Every so often you stumble into a movie you've never heard of that just plain rocks. This ain't it. This just plain sucks. When you can make a young Demi Moore seem dull and sexless, you're doing something very, very wrong with your moviemaking.
North Station - 3.5 stars: Why anyone ever makes the decision to dub a foreign film in English is beyond me. It fools no one and never seems quite right. That being said, I did enjoy this Christmas movie (despite today being June 18th, which means the last Christmas was almost six months ago and the next one a little over six months away!). It wasn't perfect by any stretch but they did enough things well enough to keep me interested. The pq was good, sound disappointing. The best thing about this movie in my opinion was the adorable little girl who played young Evelyn.
The Ballad Of The Sad Cafe - 2 stars: This is a bit of a frustrating one. I like the basic story outline, liked the pq, and was very impressed with the surroundiness of the sound. The movie itself starts off a bit slow, then gets pretty interesting, then gets pretty stupid. Some of the acting was ridiculously bad -- in particular I'm thinking of Miss Amelia's fighting stance and demonstrations of anger (just terrible). And the dwarf? One of the least likeable characters I've ever had the displeasure of watching, portrayed with some of the worst acting I've ever seen. But like I said, I did like the basic story, and found it to be a visually pleasing film. However, the director who coaxed these performances from the actors needs to be shot.
Godzilla Fantasia - 2 stars: Godzilla highlights set to music. Sounded like a can't-miss prospect to me. I was wrong. Classical music wouldn't have been my first choice. Godzilla doesn't exactly scream "orchestra!" to me. And there seemed to be little or no effort to synchronize the music with the actual video being shown. How 'bout some big bass drum with Godzilla's footsteps? Or screaming guitars with the screaming people? There wasn't much success at all in getting the music to match the video. I ended up muting it and popping in a mix disc with AC/DC, White Zombie, Buckcherry, Marilyn Manson.... and it seemed to fit much better in my opinion. Godzilla Fantasia? A good idea poorly executed.