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Everytime We say Goodbye 3.0 Stars. A romantic movie about a gentile (Tom Hank) falling in love with a Jewish girl. The one thing about this movie that kept me watching it was that it reminded me how I met my wife. The girl makes it difficult for Tom Hank to ask her out. At the end they fall in love but have a hard time convincing her parents about Tom. Her family is a traditional family and they have a very difficult time.
The Adventures of Mark Twain - 3 stars: With a "G" rating, I was expecting...well, a kids' movie. That isn't what this is, in my opinion. This is some heavy, philosophical stuff dealing mainly with death and dying, and heaven and hell, and religion and spirituality and God and Satan -- not the usual stuff of a kid flick. You might wanna skip it unless you want to explain to your seven-year-old why Adam and Eve didn't realize they were naked until she helped herself to an apple; and why Satan would reach down with his hand and crush humans because he found the sound of their voices annoying; or who the crazed maniac named Injun Joe is and why he's trying to stab Tom Sawyer with a knife; or why there are aliens tongue-kissing in heaven. All that being said, I think it was pretty damned interesting and thought-provoking and entertaining. Looked real good, too. I just woulda stuck a "P" in front of that "G" if it were up to me.
Delicatessen - Five Stars. Bizarre yet extremely entertaining French fantasy about an oppressive future in which some resort to consuming human flesh. This is dark comedy at its best. Very inventive. Excellent transfer and in the original language with subtitles. Yes! Highly recommended.

The Flesh and the Fiends - Three Stars. Though not a Hammer film, the presence of Peter Cushing awash in period costumes and sets make for an entertaining horror flick which claims to be based on the true story of 1827 grave robbing in Edinburgh. Transfer was not the greatest and appeared to be a zoomed image of 4:3 original. Lots of half faces on the sides and bottom of the frame. Nonetheless, I'd never seen this picture and enjoyed it.

Invasion of the Saucer Men - Two Stars but this classic is so bad it's way cool. The monsters are seriously cheesy but you gotta love 'em. This b&w sci-fi comedy was released during the heat of the 50s flying saucer craze and features Frank Gorshin, who died just a few days ago. The transfer, in my opinion, is so-so but acceptable. Odd note: The alien "saucer" isn't even a saucer. It's looks more like a home-made ride at a cheap carnival. I love this picture but I'm hopelessly a fan of 50's sci-fi and horror.
Carrie 4.0 stars. One of my favorites. Sissy Spacek was excellent on this one. Carrie's mother was crazy and Carrie misunderstood by everyone. I thought it was very sad the end. You wonder why they do not make movies like this anymore.
Fat Man And Little Boy - 3 stars: An excellent cast and a fascinating topic. A movie about the development of the first atomic bomb, with Paul Newman and John Cusak and John C. McGinley and Laura Dern. Sounds like it can't miss, and yet it kinda sorta does. Somewhere along the line I actually found myself having trouble paying attention -- it just dragged a bit here and there. Parts of it were top-shelf stuff -- the bomb explosion; what happens to John Cusak's character; watching Paul Newman act; some strikingly good-looking scenes. But it left me vaguely unsatisfied, like it had the potential of being much better than it actually was.
The Texas Chainsaw Massacre 2 - 2 stars; Not as good as the original classic...ok, actually it was kind of crappy. However, I am giving one star to Dennis Hopper and one star to Leatherface. Cannibals, victims, and chainsaws - that pretty much sums up this one.
The Car that Ate Paris 3.0 stars. Excellent Quality transfer. It's about a little town called Paris and decisions that are made that are not so ethical. It took a while to watch this one and BTW it was 2:35:1.

Starman 4.0 stars. This is an excellent movie. According to the John Carpenter's documentary (running on MonstersHD), Mr. Carpenter decided to do this movie because he was heavily critized about "The Thing". The Thing came out at the same time as "E.T." and critics were basically saying to Carpenter how dare you to make a movie like "The Thing" at the same time as "E.T.". Both movies are about E.Ts but in the opposite direction. Starman came out of this heavily critism. There are a few things that Starman can teach us. One as you can see, Cloning was an idea in the minds of a lot. Two is the fear that humans have for the unknown. Just the mere fact of having ETs visitors makes us afraid because we do not understand the unknown. Yet, it makes me laugh because we can hardly understand each other on planet earth. I do not imagine that if there are ETs they are willing to speak to us because our differences to other humans are as wide planetary distances.

Friday the 13th 3.5 stars. One of the best of the Friday the 13th series. When I first saw it, I really thought that Jason was doing the killing but it turns out to be his mother although in some instances it implies that Jason came alive. The difference of this movie is that the story is different than other Friday's the 13th. It captures your attention to see who the real killer is and the reason behind it.
Next Stop Wonderland - 2 stars: A bit too slow for me. A bit too haven't-I-already-seen-about-a-hundred-versions-of-this-same-movie for me. Only thing I really liked about it was the piano music.
Every Time We Say Goodbye - 3 stars; two and one-half from me and three and one-half from the missus. A true love relationship blossoms between an American (Tom Hanks) serving in the British Army (1942) and a young Jewish girl (Cristina Marsillach). The couple meet in Jerusalem while Hanks is recuperating from an injury. The antagonist in this film is the girls strong family and religious beliefs that work to drive the two apart. IMO, the story is a little weak, at times, but this is a good movie that is well acted. Does the goy get the girl or does the goy wind up looking like a shmo? It is certainly worth a couple hours and a box of popcorn...so tune in and find out.
The Razor's Edge - 3 stars: Not bad. A good Bill Murray vehicle as he does a good job of portraying W.Somerset Maugham's Larry Darrell, who volunteers for WW 1 and then decides to grab life by the cojones, eschewing all the so-called advantages of wealth and privilege to look within and live how he thinks best. It is done with equal portions of humor, tragedy, drama, and romance. Theresa Russell and Catherine Hicks (where else have I seen this breath of fresh air?) also excel. PQ kinda weak, as is the sound.
The Razor's Edge - 3 stars: Kicked back and watch this one while recovering from a busy Memorial Day weekend. The only item I'll add to this review is that I kept anticipating Bill Murray spinning into his 'Stripes' routine while he was in uniform. As much as I like Bill Murray...don't ever place this guy in uniform and expect the audience to take him seriously. The PQ was very grainy!
The Boogens - 3 stars: I couldn't tell you why I enjoyed this dog of a monster movie, but I sure did. Nothing special about the story or actors, and the monster itself was sort of a stupid octopus/monster hybrid running around mine tunnels , hangin' out in a basement, and rippin' people apart. Couldn't tear myself away. Go figure.
Lady Jane 3.5 stars Religion, politics, and chaos reigns in this movie. If you like history, you will like it. Otherwise do not bother. I find it quite good since I love history and how social issues affect those in power and how decisions are made based on greed and power (basically the same that is happening in our modern government).

Lord Jim 3.5 stars. Very good movie but not OAR (I did not like it). A man who one time fear took the best of him and this episode in his life hunts him everywhere he goes. He tried to get away but the past always catches us with him. I won't give up the ending...

Samurai Saga 2.5 stars A Samurai romance type of movie. Two samurais fight (in honorable way) for the love of a woman. One of them has physical defects and shows humility toward this woman. The plot is well known but the stunning thing about this movie is the HD transfer. It is an excellent one for a 1959 movie. It is also presented 2:35:1 (OAR) and the views are real good.

Eyes without a Face
3.0 stars. French movie b&w (1959) presented OAR (1:66:1). A doctor tries to restore his daughter face after an accident. He goes on a serial killer rampage with his assistance. It reminded me of Frankenstein.
The Family Jewels - 3 stars: Jerry Lewis play his whacky, zany, and loveable self seven-times over, as seven different characters, in this touchingly idiotic comedy. Jerry Lewis is clearly the original jerk. If you don't like Jerry Lewis then you will prefer having your teeth cleaned; don't waste your time on this one. However, if you love Jerry Lewis then you'll like this movie. It's a good family film and Lewis' vaudevillian antics always manage to entertain the little ones. As an added bonus for those of us 40+, Mr. French (Sebastian Cabot) and Commissioner Gordon (Neil Hamilton) appear in this movie.
Best of the Best 3: No Turning Back - 3 stars: Good GuyTV fodder, but perhaps better suited for the KungFU HD channel...of course, it's hard to categorize this one; there was plenty of gunplay, numerous explosions, and a fair amount of hand-to-hand ass kickings. Anyway, a small southern town is being overtaken by a well-organized, well-armed group of white supremest. This movies has the general outline for decent story, but that's about as far as it gets. Tommy Lee (Phillip Rhee), Sheriff Jack Banning (Christopher McDonald) and a School Teacher (Gina Gershon) represent the good guys as they battle the evil doers to regain control of their town in this largely unmemorable movie with unmemorable performances.

Ok, as poorly written and poorly performed as this movie was, the action scenes were pretty good and, for some strange reason, it kept me interested for 90+ minutes. 2 stars for the movie and an extra 1/2 star for R. Lee Ermey and the excellent PQ. Not a great movie, but good solid GuyTV material as noted.

Dialog to Die for?

Preacher Brian (R. Lee Ermey) : "This is exactly why people fear us...they think we're going to exterminate rather than separate."
Owen Tucker (Peter Simmons): Who then fatally stabs Ermey and says, "Why yes, the men do need new leadership."

Note: added 1/2 star after wanting to see parts of it again on the 942. Excellent PQ!
Samurai Rebellion 3.5 stars. The presentation was OAR (2:35:1) and it is B&W. Don't be fool about the B&W. It is quite an interested movie with a family twist created by political pressure. The story is very good. The special effects are good but you can see some of its flaw for a 1950 movie.

American Ninja 1.5 stars I am not very enthusiastics about watching this type of movies but I remembe seeing this one in SD and gave it a shot. I do remember that this one had a good story line. The action and the special effect flaws were not hidden very well as you can see some of it. One is that in the last scene when he is on top of the truck and being shot at he jumps and there are two soldiers on the other side standing there waiting for him to land but make no attempt to shot him. They only make the attempt after he crosses the fence. Not my type of movie.

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American Friends - 2 stars: Not the most exciting movie ever made, this one kinda moves at a deliberate pace. In other words, it's slow...bordering on boring. It is however a pretty good story. Not the best picture, but sound is pretty good.
St. Elmo's Fire - 4 stars: The wife loved this one just as much as when she first saw it back in high shool; it defined her generation. Personally, I took the opportunity to take a badly needed nap and will someday get around to watching it thanks to the 942.

Starman - 3.5 stars: An alien, played by a young Jeff Bridges, crashes to earch and takes the form of a young widow's (Karen Allen) husband. A very good movie and excellent PQ.
Day The World Ended - 2.5 stars: Nuclear war survivors battle radiation, mutants, and each other in a surprisingly entertaining 1956 thriller. Sure it's old school special effects, and that "mutant" is so obviously a man in a monster costume, but the story moves along nicely and the acting is decent. Neither the picture nor the sound were very inspiring though. Kinda have to be in the right mood for this one. My favorite part may be at the end where the words "The End" usually appear... I thought the words they substituted were kinda clever.
Best of Best 3 3.0 stars. A martial art man finds himself in the middle of a hatred community. The theme is well known but the action and hd transfer are excellent. I enjoyed a whole lot.

The Man in the White Suit 4.0 stars This is a b&w paramount classic. A comedy with a deep insight question -- what to do if one can develop a fabric (a cloth) that never wears out and never gets dirty? Imagine the catastrophic nature of this discovery. At first it will be an eureka (archimedes) but when one start thinking about it, one realizes that many workers will be without a work, people will only need a limited amount of clothing for their entire life and limited amount of clothing will be produced. Life as we know will be quite differently and many competing industry will just go out of business. This is what this 1:33:1 (OAR) is trying to answer in a comedy scene. I enjoyed the comedy and how amusing it was. The concept and the story are quite unique and don't be fool by the fact that is b&w and a 1959 movie. It is quite entertaining.