Which HD Cinema Movies have you seen?Would you like to post your review of the movie?

DANTON on World Cinema! This had 4 stars -- that's what attracted my attention. I liked it! Great flick if you enjoy historical films and especially if you enjoy foreign films with subtitles and their European approach to cinema.

It covers the period of the French Revolution "Reign of Terror" and the conflict between Robbespierre and Danton (Gerard Depardieu). Danton stayed true to his revolutionary roots while Robbespierre became a state autocrat. Well done!
The Magnificent Seven-- 3 stars. This is a 5 star movie, but Voom screwed it up. This movie is 2.35-1 aspect ratio, Voom shows it 16x9. Mosquito noise all over, either bad transfer or typical Voom PQ crapiness. Sound is great. Quite frankly, I'd rather watch the OAR DVD with DD 5.1 than watch this again on Voom. I'm love this movie, and Voom did not do right by it.

Yes OAR would have improved the PQ of the movie. What you saw was a lot of grainy. This is a byproduct of the HD transfer.
"August" -- film from 1985 based on the play Uncle Vanya by Chekov. This film had one and a half stars, but I am very glad I caught it!! Acted and directed by Anthony Hopkins, and if you notice the ending credits "Music - Anthony Hopkins". (!!) What's up with that?

Watching this film is like watching live dramatic theater. Great stuff! It was on Cinema 1 last night.
Sean Mota said:

Yes OAR would have improved the PQ of the movie. What you saw was a lot of grainy. This is a byproduct of the HD transfer.
You're right about grainy. But mosquito noise was visible. I got sidetracked on my main complaint. Doing non-OAR on an action movie is sacreligious in my book.
Mr. Mom - 3 out of 5 Stars, late 70s and early 80s recession forces some trying times on certain families. Micheal Keaton stars as the Dad who loses his job, and is now the "house wife" while his wife gets a job at an ad agency and pays the bills. Some laughs, some corny moments. Heh those of us that have always been into HT equipment the radios and TVs in this are a blast from the past, I can't believe I actually owned a TV like that in my bedroom as a kid.
The Magnificent Seven 3.0 I just saw this movie. Not OAR and this is why I would not give a good rating. The HD transfer was not that great either. A lot of grainy. It does make you appreciate the good western movies and it made me laugh. Charles Bronson when he was young is a must see. He looked big in this movie too. Steve McQueen, Yul Brynner, Rico Alaniz are just a few feature in this one. Great movie; a western classic. I am watching the Return of the Magnificent Seven and will write my review later.
Sean, what'd I tell you about the Magnificent Seven. Whoever's fault it is, it just didn't look good. Too bad you decided to watch the sequel, it's not good imo. Seeing George Kennedy in western attire is always entertaining, though.
yeah and the spaghetti westerns on fri look like they'll be cropped too. WHY WHY WHY????

Get Out Your Hankerchiefs: 0 star. I tuned in to find out they dubbed the movie!! I know French movies ain't everybody's cup of tea but one of the pleasures of watching a French movie for me is to hear French spoken. And they dubbed it! It's called WorldCinema. People who don't like foreign language ain't watching this channel. Duh! I didn't even bother to watch this.
BUtterfield 8 - 2.5 stars : I think this is the first Elizabeth Taylor movie I've ever seen. She's pretty damned good! Who knew? The movie wasn't the greatest, but the PQ was ok and ol' Liz ain't too bad to look at. Sounds ok, I guess, for an old movie anyway.
The Good, The Bad, & The Ugly, Fistful of Dollars: I don't know if it's data rate or bad transfer, but noisy PQ. Non-OAR. Very good sound on both. Both great films that get knocked down to 3.5 b/c of technical deficiencies in presentation. If you've got a good DVD player and a nice copy of these films, do yourself a favor and watch it on DVD.
squicken said:
The Good, The Bad, & The Ugly, Fistful of Dollars: I don't know if it's data rate or bad transfer, but noisy PQ. Non-OAR. Very good sound on both. Both great films that get knocked down to 3.5 b/c of technical deficiencies in presentation. If you've got a good DVD player and a nice copy of these films, do yourself a favor and watch it on DVD.

once you've seen a movie like this oar, it just looks wrong cropped. doesn't have that dramatic epic feel. not to mention losing stuff. during the climatic 3-way shootout, the cropped version loses one of the guys in the long shot. d'oh!

but do these movies have some of the best musical scores EVER or what?
Pauline At The Beach - 2.5 stars : A little too ... uh... French, I guess, for my taste. Story wasn't really compelling enough to keep me concentrating on the subtitles. A love triangle I can handle, but this was more like a quadrangle or pentagon or something. But a pretty high sexiness factor kept me watching. PQ was pleasant, sound wasn't bad really - just didn't have much to work with.
The Time Machine 3.5 Very good PQ. Excellent movie. I watched the new one and now the original and I have to say that both were excellent. This one is a classic.
The Three Stooges Meet Hercules - 3 stars : I've never been a huge fan of the Stooges, and Curly Joe isn't on my list of top four favorite Stooges, but I laughed out loud several times while watching this by myself so obviously they're doing something right!
The three stooges meet Hercules 3.0 This is not their greatest movie. The small episodes are much better but this one was real good.
RoboCop 2 - 3 stars : Okay, so the acting is atrocious - but I really did like the story. The PQ was quite good, and if you have a decent surround system you'll love the way it sounds - especially the orgy of gunshots, bullet ricochets, explosions, and shattering glass that is the last half hour or so. I think I saw my subwoofer smile. And it's always nice when the so frequently under-utilized surround channels get a proper workout.
RoboCop 3 - 2 stars : I didn't like the story as much as Robo 2, but other than that, they're pretty comparable. PQ was pretty good and the best thing about this was a surround mix suitable for this type of cops-and-robbers-shoot-'em-up. I did feel it was a little too violent for a PG-13 rating.
Winners Take All - 1 star : Cheesy 80's flick featuring motocross racing. Pretty awful. PQ actually was good - it was helped by the colorful bikes and uniforms in the races, I think. Soundtrack was a big disappointment. What a waste - we're talking about motorcycle racing and there wasn't a damned thing happening in the surround channels! And the music! Almost painful to listen to. But all is well in the world at last - someone was finally able to climb "Suicide Hill"! Retarded.

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