Heaven and Earth: 4.0 Suffering, crying, hell, heaven, it is all in this movie. It makes you sad, angry, joyful, cry and a good evening of entertainment. Based on a true story, the story of a young woman caught between in two worlds and two cultures. A woman who suffers and at times you think what else can go wrong but situation gets worse and worse. What a fantastic movie! PQ was very good.
Mr. Mom: 3.0 Funny, it is the only way I can describe it. Makes me appreciate what my wife does for me and I can of ignore it because I find it to be done by her. Another one that was very good and you should not miss.
Octavia: 2.5 did not find this particular appealing but I caught it and I could not change the channel until the end to be dissapointed. Excellent PQ but poor plot.