Which HD Cinema Movies have you seen?Would you like to post your review of the movie?

The Man In The Moon - 4 stars : Excellent. A treat. Beautifully real and flawed characters, acted so well you forget you're watching actors. A heartbreaking story. A good transfer and good,clean sound ( though not much activity for the surround channels). And don't forget a young Reese Witherspoon who had obviously already figured out this acting thing.
The Life and Times of Judge Roy Bean - 2.5 stars : I thought it was a darned good transfer, but was lacking a bit in the sound quality department. The movie itself, while surprisingly entertaining at times ( the Bad Bob scene comes to mind), isn't something I would have kept watching if it weren't for Paul Newman.
Postcards From the Edge 2.0 It was OAR and HD transfer was very good. However, I thought the movie was bad. There are very few movies where I liked Meryl Streep acting. She looked awful in HD and make up did not cover how old she is. The line by Shirley McLaine that she will do better as an singer than Madonna just made me laugh -- Meryl Streep should stop doing film. Shirley McLain, although older, looked better than Meryl. Her character in this movie was really annoying and sometimes I was tempted to change the channel just because of her. Dennis Quaid and Gene Hackman played small rolls on this one and to tell you the thruth if I were them I wouldn't like to be remember on this one either.
The Man in the Moon 4.5 stars HD 1.85 transfer Excellent! They don't make movies like this anymore that make you laugh, smile, and make you cry and think about human life. A must see if you have not sit and watch this movie it is great entertainment. It is rated PG-13 but there are some scenes of nudity and sexual situations.
Postcards From The Edge - 1 star : I'm with you, Sean, on the whole Meryl Streep thing. I've always heard what a great actress she is, but I can never seem to sit through a whole movie that she's in! This movie was no different. I simply lost interest and drifted over to mooV.
Diggstown - 3.5 stars : Nothing real surprising happening here, but that doesn't make it any less fun to watch! A good transfer and some thumpin' surround sound definitely make it worth your time. Good performances from James Wood (!) and Oliver Platt, not to mention an impossibly pretty 1992 version of Heather Graham.
What's the opposite of a star...?

TheTimm said:
Troll 2 - 0 stars : Wow. Indescribably bad. Some of the worst acting ever put on film. PQ not too bad though.

I give this one "5 black-holes"! MST3k could have had a blast with this nugget!
Terminator....on ch 103. Great transfer....I missed it last time it was on MonstersHD. Great transfer. Really looks great for a movie thats 20 years old. I have the DVD and this HD showing blows it away....not even close. Great job VOOM.
Some great classics: HESTER STREET **** Coming to America and conflicting Old World vs. New World traditions. GILDA****One of the all time great Film Noir selections. Then others like TERMINATOR *** They got it right the first time. Forget T2,T3,T4, ect. Always at least one great movie on because there are so many to choose from.
Dead-Bang: 4.0 I saw this movie a long time ago so it was very nice to see once more in HD. Don Johnson was very good in this movie. I remember the days of Miami Vice and really did not like him but did like some of his movies outside Miami Vice. This movie was not shown in its OAR. If it had, the HD transfer would have looked even better and the HD transfer was very good even though it was cropped.
This was a separate thread, but I guess I should paste iot in here...

The Cars that Ate Paris

hahahah ah ahah ah ah aah the early Peter Weir film (1974) The Cars that Ate Paris was on one of the cinema 10 channels the other day.

I watched the beginning just to see what it was like and I got totally hooked.

I give it 4 stars out of 5 but be prepared for a totally bizarre movie.

The transfer is pretty good but I don't know much about that kind of stuff.

It was OAR, which was nice.

Don't be fooled by the title, the cars don't eat anybody and it's set in rural australia (in a town called Paris) rather than in France.

The story is about a small town that survives by causing visitors to crash their cars. The townsfolk then get all the stuff from the crash victims and crashed cars and distribute it to people in the town. Plus, a crazy doctor does experiements on the crash victims who survive. Oh yeah, and let's not forget the kids in the town who terrorize the town by driving round in their pieced together and wildly decorated cars and revving their engines angrily. ahah ahah ah ahah ah oh god.

So one crash victim is this timid guy (the protagonist of the movie) whose brother dies and he is left stranded in the town. He is deathly afraid of cars, which doesn't help matters. He is taken in by the crazy mayor of the town. He tries to get away but fails. I won't give away the ending.

The direction and cinematogrophy are really outstanding -- early indication of Weir's talent.

The best scene is a pioneer's ball that they have. One guy has a big straw hat on and a sheet with a sign that says "Chinaman" and another guy has blackface (probably vegemite spread across his face) and his sign says "early aboriginal." And a bunch of the mental patients (the ones the doctor experiments on) attend the event with all kinds of bandages and whatnot on. One guy has a cereal box on his head. haha hhah ahah great scene.

I guess the message of the movie is that regular folk can get sucked in to all kinds of crazy things if they don't question them (Vietnam war anyone?). And that if you have no morals your kids are going to be screwed up (and put spikes on their VW bugs). Another theme is that small towns are really f**ked up.

I really enjoyed this movie through all of its strangeness. Check out the product placement/advertising spoof in the beginning with a couple smoking cigarettes and drinking coke and then violently crashing their car.

I'm pretty sure everyone else will hate this movie though.
Dead Bang - 2.5 stars : Some nifty camera work and decent sound make this worth watching. Also a pretty darned good picture quality. The movie itself, while not exactly a candidate for many "best-ever" lists, isn't terrible either.

The Terminator - 4 stars : As good as you remember it being, but with better picture quality and better sound.
A little princess. 2.5 stars. A little disappointed with this movie. Though it looks good and has nice production value, it doesn't hold a candle to the pbs/wonderworks adaptation of the novel. I think the key is the lead actress, who is kind of pouty and doesn't light up the screen as the other girl. She's not even British *gasp*. But if you have not seen the version I'm talking about, it's a good family film, esp. for young girls.

The man on the moon: 3.5 stars. A nice coming-of-age story I think it's Reese Witherspoon's acting debut.

I must say cinema10 selection is MUCH more to my liking than hdnet movies. I had hdnetmv for 8 months and I think I saw like 3 movies in their entirety.
Thrashin - 2 stars : Pretty bad, but it gets an extra star for the club scene featuring the Red Hot Chili Peppers back when they were still cool. Also some very unfortunate 80's fashions.
Every Breath - 3 stars : Whoa. Feel-good movie of the season -- if you're into movies that make little sense and are sprinkled with sadism, freaky sex ( think stun gun as a sex toy ), and psychological torture -- not to mention some truly awful acting at times. It does, however, have a scene or two that are worth the price of admission in my opinion - and a pretty cool soundtrack that doesn't skimp on the bass. Give it a look if ya dig movies that aren't exactly paint by numbers.

Rich Kids - 2 stars : Not bad, really - just somewhat dull. The friendship/romance between the youngsters was interesting and well-done. It was pretty much the adults that couldn't really hold my interest. I guess divorce just doesn't strike me as that compelling of a topic anymore - perhaps things were different in 1979.
Oh, God! - 4 stars : Was surprised by how good it looked and sounded, considering it's from 1977. The movie itself is a classic idea done very well. I thought Paul Sorvino was excellent in his role as a reverend. And Teri Garr was just gorgeous way back when.

Halloween 4 - 1.5 stars : Nothing special. Just what you'd expect.

Halloween 5 - 2 stars : Maybe a little better than you'd think -- not too bad for PQ and sound.

The Texas Chainsaw Massacre - 4 stars : Truly a horror film classic - and looks pretty damned good for a 30-year-old!

The Texas Chainsaw Massacre 2 - 0 stars : This movie didn't get a single thing right. A waste of time. As bad as the first one is good.
Brigadoon - 3 stars : A pleasant surprise - liked it more than I thought I would. The PQ isn't that great and I didn't love the songs, but the story itself is really good - kind of a fairy tale.
What Have I Done to Deserve This?: 2.5 decent HD Transfer but not outstanding. Plus it was not shown in its OAR which made it worse. This is Pedro Almodovar first big international movie. I would love if WorldCinema brings all his movie to HD Cinema. He always has a different angle to his stories which are out of the ordinary. The story itself was not that great on this one but I enjoyed seeing Carmen Maura younger. My wife did not like it but it was ok for an evening of entertainment. I would love if worldcinema shows these movies in its original language and of course the english subtitles I loved. If you are not a fan of Pedro Almodovar, you would not like this movie but if you are then you need to see this.
Places In The Heart - 4 stars :The acting performances alone make this a great watch. Sally Field, Danny Glover, John Malkovich, Ed Harris...what a cast! And a heartwarming story to showcase their talents. PQ okay, sound pretty weak.

Hannah and Her Sisters - 2.5 stars : At first, didn't care much for this movie. . . but as it went on, and I didn't change the channel, I slowly found myself wondering where it was going. Nothing exceptional about it, but some pretty interesting characters.

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