Hannah and Her Sisters: **** one of my favorites of Woody Allen's "serious" movies (the other being Crimes & Misdemeanors, which has been shown on ShowtimeHD). Basically a family melodrama, with Woody in a very funny role as a hypochrondiac.
Vanishing: **** most "psychological thrillers" aren't very psychological or thrilling. This Dutch film is both. About an ordicnary looking man with a family who is also a serial killer. Early in the movie, he kidnaps a young woman on a vacation with her husband. The rest of the movie follows her husband's quest to find her. Inevitably, the killer and husband meet and the ending will give you the creeps.
The Big Heat: **1/2 a decent film noir but not a great one like Double Indemnity. Don't know why Ebert likes it so much except that it was directed by the legendary Fritz Lang.
Picnic at Hanging Rock: *** a moody film about girls at an Australian boarding school who mysteriously disappeatone day on a picnic. Depending on your taste, it's either a snoozefest or a great film. I think it's sort of interesting. It helps that the girl in the lead is an ethereal beauty
Zelig: * about a guy who repeatedly shows up in moments throughout 20th cent history. Couldn't get into it. Stopped watching after 15 minutes.
Paulina at the Beach: *** Eric Rohmer's films are an acquired taste. This one, like most of his films, is about young French people playing at, and talking about, love. It's hooking up, French style! Try it, you may like it.
I'll say this about Voom's Cinema10: they have a wider selection than hdnet movies, which seems to play the same damn movies endlessly. I don't think their hd transfers are as good tough and they don't do OAR (DAMN!). People do need to give some of these movies a chance. Just b/c it's old and you've never heard of it doesn't mean it's bad