Which HD Cinema Movies have you seen?Would you like to post your review of the movie?

Here are a few I reviewed or others: Zatoichi: Life and Opinion of
Three Outlaw Samurais
7 Samurai
Michunmoo -
Zatoichi Challenged
Throne of Blood
Zatoichi Vengeance
Zatoichi's Revenge
Zatoichi and the Chess Expert
Baran (2001) 4.0 stars. I have been trying to watch this movie but did not have the chance to do it until tonight and it is a masterpiece. It keeps you in suspense even though the story itself leaves lots of things unresolved at the end. It is a story about love and reality of living in conditions that we may call un-human. You have to sit down and watch it to understand it. Beautifully done.

Kwaidan (1964) OAR 2:35:1 - 3.5 stars. This one was a surprising film to find. It is comprised of 4 stories. A husband who leaves/divorces his wife because of better wealth somewhere else and yet finds himself going back to his ex-wife but a surprise is waiting for him. The next story is about two woodcutters and probably a tale we have seen before -- another surprise. The third story is the best and gives you the best visualization of colors in the film. The fourth story has no ending but gives you a glimpse of the directors intend in the story. I found all the stories quite fascinating and enjoyable. They are not horror stories but ghost stories.

Metade Fumaca (1999) 0.5 stars. Here's one that should have never been done. After 30 years in exile this guy returns to Hong Kong to see a girl that he has not seen for 30 years. The story is bad, the ending is bad and the acting is ok.

The Spy who Loved Me (1977) OAR 2:35:1 -- 4.0 stars. I loved this film. From the title song to the action/adventure sequences to the instrested gadgets. When it first came out, I thought that the car was out this world. The lovely xxx (played Barbara Bach) was excellent besides her beauty. Others beautiful women were part of this one and the story was not that bad.

Ay, Carmela (1990) OAR 1:66:1 -- 4.0 stars. Carmen Maura was excellent in this film (as always). This film is about some of the reality of civil war in spain. The artist are forced to perfom for the enemy despite their reluctancy of the script. The conflict is interpreted in a comical way but it delivers a strong message. The subtitle does not really convey the meaning of the sentences. If you know spanish, it is better just to listen and enjoy it.

Box 507 (2002) 3.5 stars A banker discovers (by accident) that the death of his daughter was not an accident but a plot to collect billions of dollars through a web of individuals who got paid off. He sets a bunch of events that eventually kills lots of them but not all... The story is very good and the acting quite good. Very entertaining movie.

Visible Secret (2001) 1.0 star. A sleeper --- no doubt about it. A young girl can see ghosts in the daylight and strings along a guy with no purpose. The end is supposed to amazed us or wow us but the film is poorly made in the sense that it does not have coherent in the story therefore the ending although unpredictable fails to deliver the punch line. If you are frustrated and nothing to do watch it, otherwise skip it.

License to Kill (1989) OAR 2:35:1 -- 3.0 stars Timothy Dalton, Benicio Del Toro, Pam Bouvier and Talisa Soto. A good cast of actors and the two women were excellent. Bond now goes and fights a drug dealer who has attempted to kill his friend and has killed his wife on their wedding night. Bond loses his license to kill but he really never loses it as the british intellegence agents back him up. In this film Bonds defy the laws of gravity by driving trucks on on side. Well, it does suffer from the Bond fiction but is more down to earth than the others.
Flores de Otro Mundo (1999) 4.0 stars. This is a beautiful yet simplistic film. It deals with a real social issue occuring in Spain. I know because I know people who have migrated to Spain in search of a better life. This film concentrates on a couple of stories. One of them is Damian & Patricia. Damian is a country man who lives from the produce of the land. He has never married and finds himself in a festivity where the small town invites women to meet bachelor man of the village. Damian is shy but finds Patricia who has her own problems. Being an immigrant of Dominican Republic with two kids and spouse that she left and never divorced. The other story is about Carmelo who goes to Cuba and brings a cuban girl to the village as his wife and the third is about another couple who basically cannot leave their own towns to be together. As I said there is no special effect on this film, there is no big stars, it does not look like a big budget film but it captures your attention and brings you to understand a social-economic problem -- Spain and Immigrants.

For Your Eyes Only (1981) OAR 2:35:1. 3.0 stars Good music title. In this Bond flick is back to being a spy. A boat with a secret machine is sunk and then its secret put in the black market. Bond wants to get back the the encryption machine and goes through various ups and downs to get it. The woman on this one are a non-factor. That is very strange for a Bond movie.

Carol's Journey (2002) 3.0 stars. A very simple movie about a girl who moves to Spain in the middle of the civil war. It tells her story of how her life was in the middle of the conflict. The movie itself does not concentrate on the civil war and it is trying not to be political. I thought it was a good story and well acted.
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The Return (2003) 3.5 stars Andrei and Ivan haven't seen their father for 12 years. They only know their father through a photograph that is kept in a box. Both of them have lived their entire lives with their mother and grandmother. Now at the glorious age of teenagers, their father makes an inexplicable visit to their home. They are stunned and so is the mother. The director never tells the audience or the kids why the father returns. He is quite a mystery throughout the entire movie. It seems like at times he tries to play the father figure but at other times he is just abusive and seems to be involved in some bad business. The whole story is about a fishing trip that the boy's father takes them. The trip is supposed to last only 1 day but it gets extended for almost a week. Both boys exhibit extraordinary behaviors in trying to cope with a father or a person who is their father but they do not know how to react. They want to bring themselves to love him but it is impossible. One do not call a person dad just because he is your biological father since he has not been there for you since the beginning. The film is very mysterious and some will not like the ending but it shows the emotions and psychological impact of children that do not have a father figure. Enjoy the show.

Sword of the Beast (1965) 2:35:1 OAR 3.5 stars A samurai is betrayed by his own both in a social betrayal that is common today around political leaders. The Samurai is only recourse is to be a fugitive of those that hate him. A group of people very close to the whole conspiracy is on his tale all the time. In a similar story he gets caught with a similar situation where government and corruption go hand in hand. A very good movie with social and political issues in it.

Artemisia (1997) 3.5 stars this one is about the first female influential in the arts - Artemisia. The movie concentrate on her young years while living with her father. She had an affair with her art tutor that brings disgrace and dishonor to her father. In spite of it all, she goes on to be one of the most influential female artists of her time. The movie does not concentrate on this but on her romantic and seduccing relation with her tutor.
Tears of the Black Tiger (2000) [Subtitled] 3.5 stars. When I first started watching this movie, I thought it was a joke. After the first 30 minutes I realized that it was not. This movie has the western, comedy and romantic genre all into one film. The film is filled with violent shot guns and blood all over. Very very violent movie without any nudity (very unusual to find). The story is simple. It is a Thai Western together with the romance of Dum and Rumpoey. They both know each other when they were children. They grew up feeling affection for each other and their love grew out of this affection. Rumpoey's father is worthy and have a very high social status to keep. He arranges Rumpoey to be married to his captain. The other story that follows and links to the romance between Dum and Rumpoey is the story of Dum becoming a bandit and how his family were murdered. The film goes beyond the "western mood". Where can you find cowboys using machine guns? --- It is absurd but I guess somewhat factious. The movie is meant to be entertaining and that is what it does. Action, violence and two stories that make you watch it.

The Living Forest/El Bosque Animado (2001) 3.5 stars. Great animated film to watch with your children. The Animation is not as good as Pixel animation but it is good. The story is simple, interested and entertaining. Nice film to watch with the kids.

From Beyond [1986] (the Director's Cut) 4.0 stars What a good freaking movie. Re-Animator, Bride of Re-Animator and now From Beyond are very freaking original terror movies. How about that great scientist. She wanted to experience the power and she did... What a wonderful movie.... Loved it.!!!! This is my previous review. Now that I have seen the Director's cut, I like it even more. The added scenes made it even more pleasant to watch.
The Bad Sleep Wells (1960) 2:35:1 OAR 3.5 stars Another gem by Akira Kurosawa. Corporate corruption is shown here at its best. A public corporation receives kickbacks by revealing the bids. The awards are in the millions and the corruption runs high within the organization. A man is killed and a distance son seeks revenge and the ones responsible. The corruption never stops and it continues beyond the imagination and therefore the title "the Bad Sleep Wells". Very well put together and a very unsual plot.

Beyond Silence/Jenseits der Stille (1996) 3.0 stars Here 's a story which you do not find very often. Young Lara's parents are both deaf. She is not and have to fill it in as an interpreter for both. The film captures her family experience as she is growing. She becomes a very talentive musician and there comes the age that every parent fears--the time when the children have to leave the nest. It is painful but at the end there is reconciliation. It is a very good film and the actors are very good.
Rattle and Hum - 4 stars: Ahhh.... a musical journey. Pure U2 fun. Great music, presented with style. Sure, Bono's a twit -- but it's great to see his band way back when they were crossing over to being The Biggest Band in the World. Great stuff.
U2: Rattle and Hum 4.0 stars. I agree with TheTimm. It was great to listen to U2 musical journey. The Music is excellent. It includes, Sunday Bloody Sunday, In the Name of Love, With or Without you, among others.
La Bamba - 3 stars: I've seen this before, but somehow I always forget that the Valenz kid was just seventeen years old. Pretty enjoyable movie with good music. I thought the sound mix was surprisingly good. I thought the Bob character played by Esai Morales was interesting, though perhaps overplayed a little bit. I think it would've worked better if instead of hitting us over the head with his character they could've more subtly explored the dynamic involved with one sibling making it big while the other is seen as a failure.
Pepe Le Moko (1937) OAR 1:37:1 2.0 stars. This is one film that watching in this area would seem illogical. The film is a ganster type film. The police is looking for Pepe - a thief - who hides in the Casbah (Paris). In the Casbah he feels safe and the police cannot get him no matter what they do. Through a complicated plot and some luck an inspector makes him go out of the Casbah. As I said do not expect much from this film. The HD quality is not very good either (a B&W film) and the story is not so suprising. However, if you put on the shoes of the time (1937) this maybe an enjoyable film.

Divine Intervention (2002) 3.5 stars. Here is a film that it is actually challenging to know what it is. I did not understand it and had to go back and read reviews to find out what was the point of the whole movie. There is a story but it is not revealed to me since I do know the dynamic of living in Jerusalem or the middle east. There were some funny parts like the kid playing with the soccer ball. I watched entirely because I wanted to know what the end was going to be and there was no end. I want someone to explain to me what this film was all about.
Little Nikita - 2.5 stars: Boy, I remembered this movie being better than this. To the teenaged version of TheTimm, this movie was aces. Now it see that it just isn't that good. Sidney Poitier and River Phoenix were wholly unimpressive, as was most of the acting - with the notable exception of the guy who played Constantine, Richard Bradford. It's a good idea for a story, just not done particularly well. Still kinda fun though.
HOP 2002 OAR 1:66:1 (B&W). 4.5 stars "Are you going to pull a Hop on me?" This is an excellent film. Do not be fooled because it is B&W. The acting and the story goes beyond the Hollywood movies. This is an entertaining and enjoyable movie to watch. It has a little bit of everything in it - racism, conspiracy, comedy, suspense, ect. I was pleasantly surprised. I am not going to spoil the story for you but one simple event of trying to watch a soccer game brings about tremendous implications like a domino effect. Enjoy it.
The Dangerous Lives of Altar Boys - 3.5 stars: I love coming-of-age stories, and this is a pretty cool one with some unusual aspects and some nice twists. Great cast -- how 'bout Vincent D'onofrio and Jodie Foster in supporting roles? For added fun, there are some really cool animated scenes done by Todd McFarlane. I found the characters to be very interesting, and for the most part believable.
Drugstore Cowboy - 4 stars: Good one. Nothing like a good old fashioned junkie movie to liven things up. It's done really well here. I think they do a pretty good job of representing the different kinds of people involved with that lifestyle, and handle a serious topic without relying too heavily on stereotypes and exaggeration. And it features William S Burroughs! What drug movie is complete without this junky god? Matt Dillon and the whole cast shine as well.
Samurai Triology I (1954) OAR 1:33:1 3.0 Stars in Samurai Triology I two soldier's go into the battlefield with the hope of becoming great samurai. Their destinity leads them into different lives. One goes to live an unhappy live without having the women of his dream by his side. The other is prosecuted and almost killed for being a nuisance to society. Their paths are linked and yet different.

Samurai Triology II (1955) OAR 1:33:1 3.0 Stars a Samurai comes of age as he tries overcome his anger and accept different virtues to become the aspiring samurai that he wanted to be. But almost the love of a long love takes his path away from him.

The Warped Ones (1960) OAR 2:35:1 2.0 stars this one is kind of a weird film. The Jazz is the only good thing about this one. The story itself does not go anywhere. A japanese girl is raped by a criminal and she falls in love with him. There is rape, prostitution, violence all over. I guess this is looking at the life of a Rebel in a society he does not fit.
Room At The Top (1959) - 2.5 stars: An old b&w British romance dealing with lots of class issues. I couldn't really get into it. It looked pretty, and had some moments, but overall I just didn't like the characters and didn't care what they did or what happened to them.
The Elephant Man (1980) - 3 stars: While this movie certainly appealed to my inner freak, it didn't move me quite like I expect it was meant to. It may be simply because I was somewhat busy doing other things while watching. The dude definitely had an awful go of it, and this movie did a good job of showing how cruel people are to people who are different than the norm.
Sun Valley (1995). 2.5 stars. This movie story is a little strange and somewhat predictable. A man wants to avenge the kiling of his clan. He is been looking for the killer for the last 20 years without any success. At last he finds him but it is a little surprised to find out how things change within a 20 year period. His feared is conquered and life continues on. I waited for this movie to get better but it did not fulfilled my expectations.
Body Snatchers (1993) - 2.5 stars: Pretty entertaining. Looks good, sounds good and has a few pretty girls -- including the very lovely Gabrielle Anwar. The story's been done a million times, but isn't bad.

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