Which HD Cinema Movies have you seen?Would you like to post your review of the movie?

Three Outlaw Samurais 3.0 Very basic plot about farmers being oppresed by a village lord. The three samurais come together from different walk of life to help the farmers.

MoYimbo (sp??). 3.5 stars very complicated plot and you need to follow it carefully in order to understand the movie. Someone made the reference as this movie been an image of the Good, the Bad and the Ugly. I need to go back and watch it because I could see clearly who was the good but I could not figured the difference in characters between the bad and the ugly.
Elephant Man - 4.5 stars: Outstanding film! Top 100 film of all time! Must see! A disfigured and mistreated sideshow freak named Elephant Man (John Hurt) is rescued from his hellacious existence by a Victorian Era surgeon (Anthony Hopkins) and shown kindness and compassion. It is later discovered this elephant man is an intelligent man of character. This film is B&W and AOR 2.35:1
The Defender - 3 stars: Good Fu-Flick! A women in witness protection falls for her bodyguard (Jet Li). It's like the movie The Bodyguard...without that coke head Whitney Houston and with a few roundhouse kicks to the face.:rolleyes:
Rollerball - 3 stars: The tagline says, "In a corporate controlled future, an ultra-violent sport known as Rollerball represents the world, and one of it's powerful athletes is out to defy those who want him out of the game." Ok, I must admit in this day and age of steriod laden athletes, it was too much of a stretch to believe that James Caan could be a brutal world class athlete. This is good movie - love James Caan - but it is certainly one of those movies that doesn't hold up well over time IMO. PQ was so-so.
7 Samurai 3.5 very good movie. A similar plot as the magnificient 7 (as someone mentioned). The story is quite interested and the characters as well. Also, it the cartoon on Animania (Samurai 7) is based on this movie. So it was quite nice to watch it. It is a very long movie (with an intermission) and I watched it in several parts.

Grand bleu, Le (The Big Blue) 3.0 Jean Reno plays on this one. It is about two men who love the sea for different reasons. Enzo (played by Reno) looks at the sea as a competition that will win him the ultimate glorified title of best mark diving competition. Jacques on the other hand feels one with the sea and believes somehow that it is part of him. In the end Enzo kinds of understand what Jacques believes. Enzo meets his faith but is not quite clear what happens to Jacques at the end.

Maestros 2.5 a simple spanish comedy with subtitles. If you understand spanish, it is better to listen to it than reading the subtitles. A lot is lost in the translation. It is a simple story of 4 friends that have been in jail for 30 years. They are paroled and find themselves lost in a society that is not like they remember. They are rejected by their families and find themselves with the dilema of going back to prison. The plot is a little non-sensical but it is a comedy and does make you laugh a little. This is where the subtitle loses the meaning.
The Train 4.0 stars this is a very good film. A story about the most valuable paints in France history and how one german wanted to take them back to Germany a the end of War World II. The story of the french resistance and their efforts to save the painting was very well put together.

Inch'Allah Dimanche 3.5 stars. A story about culture clashes. After War Wolrd II, france hires Algerian man to work in the city. The man are allowed to come to France without their families. There is a struggle to bring the family and the movie concentrates on one of these families. This particular family has a culture clash between the france culture and their original culture. Woman abused is despicted very strongly in this film but there is light at the end of the turner for this family.

Irma la Douce 2.5 stars. A somewhat Comedy/Romance about Irma (a street girl) and Nestor (Jack Lemmon). The movie is 2+ hours long and very predicatable. A honor cop finds himself in a corrupted system in Paris. He is forced by his boss out of the police force. He becomes Irma's (Shirley Mclaine) pimp. Shirle Mclaine in her young years was beautiful. There are glimpses of her naked body in this movie. That was about all that kept your interest. OAR 2:35:1

The Greatest Story ever Told 3.5 OAR Charles Helston classic. A story well known by now but not easy to pass by and watch once more. The widescreen was quite small but watchable. The DD 5.1 was ok but not excellent. After watching "the Passion" this is quite an easy story to watch now.

High and Low 3.5 OAR 2:35:1. A movie about a business man who is force to make a decision about losing his money or losing his chauffer's son. The movie is very good and the style is quite different from the crime investigation movies that we are accustomed. It is long but it keeps your attention. The end is a little disturbing not because of anything that happens but because of the response of the kidnapper.
It's Alive - 2 stars: Cheesy, but a surprisingly funny horrorable movie in which a newborn, complete with fangs and claws, wipes out an entire delivery room staff, escapes the hospital, and begins a killing spree...not exactly off to a good start on his birthday. Anyway, let's just say I would hate to be a milkman.
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Time Regained - 2 stars: Boring French flick with subtitles. It was shown on FilmFest, but was much better suited for World Cinema IMO. Artistically this Marcel Proust creation was well written and pretty well acted...it was just boring as hell. I usually enjoy a good foreign film from time to time, but I just couldn't get caught up in this film; you may, I didn't. I can't tell anyone to not watch this movie, but to me it was Time Lost.
The Long Walk Home - 4 stars: Excellent movie about racism and the climate surrounding the civil rights movement in 1955 Alabama. A white woman (Sissy Spacek) and here maid (Whoopi Goldberg) come together during the bus boycotts led by Dr. King. A timeless Family Room classic IMO. The PQ was quite good, but I was distracted by my frequently thinking how good this film would look at full bit-rate 1920x1080i.
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GamePlay E3 Coverage - 4 stars: Ok, this isn't a film nor movie, but what it is is nine (9) full hours of outstanding coverage of E3 in HD; I may have given it 4.5 stars if only it were broadcast in glorious 1920x1080i HD. Anyway, I checked out the coverage of this event on G4 and MTV, but GamePlay's coverage just absolutely blew them out of the water. Highly recommended for the avid, or not so avid, gamers out there. I haven't been gaming in almost 6 years, but I'm really looking forward to starting with my 4 year old when we get our PS3 or XBox 360 in the near future. Bravo Zulu GamePlay!
Autumn In New York - 3 stars: I didn't expect much from this movie and was pleasantly surprised. I'm still not a Richard Gere fan, but he didn't bother me much in this movie -- and Winona Ryder is love, of course. The story was okay -- nothing groundbreaking here, but interesting enough to keep me watching and wondering which way they would go with it. I was impressed by how pretty this movie was -- the compositions, the way it was filmed. Very artistic, beautiful.
The Best Years of Our Lives 4.0 A 1946 classic! This movie won 7 oscars and it was a success film at the box office in 1946. The movie was represented in its OAR (1:37:1). It is a B&W film but not to be dismissed. It is the story of three military man that came back to their original town in the USA after WWII. They find that lots of things have changed around them and that sometimes it is difficult to get re-integrated to their own lives. Al finds himself with a daughter who is now a grown young woman. He also has difficulty re-adjusting to his old job as a banker and struggles with the bank philosophy of getting collateral for every small loan he is to give out. Most of his clients are returning soldiers who have not much collateral but the desire to re-start their lives. Al recognizes the problem and try to convince people around him the situation. Homer lost both of his hands while in duty and finds it difficult to re-adjust his live with family, friends and his high school sweet heart. Fred finds that his wife is no longer the person he used to know. She is now more into fashion and getting the good live by spending and spending. Fred on the other hand has been changed by his military experience and has a difficult time adjusting to this new live. Great and excellent film. It must not be missed!
Hellraiser: Hellseeker - 3.5 stars. I really like this series and I liked this episode as well (6th in the series). I missed episodes 3, 4, and 5 but this one kind of picked up where the 2nd one, Hellbound: Hellraiser II, left off. Unlike the previous gore-filled, Cenobite-filled episodes (which were great), this one is more of a psychological thriller as we follow Trevor Gordon (Kristy Cotton's husband) after he loses his wife in a tragic car accident. The first hour, although interesting, is somewhat confusing trying to sort through what is real and what is just another one of Trevor's dreams. However, the last half hour does an excellent job tying it all together to include explaining Kirsty's fate (star of I and II).

I believe each of us are the sum of two entirely different people...good & bad, honest & dishonest, rightous & evil, that's how we're all made...some a little of both...it's just a question of how much of each.
Just Another Girl on the I.R.T. - 1.5 stars. A Brooklyn teen gets pregnant and decides to hide this fact from her friends and family. The main character is irresponsible, self-centered, ignorant, in need of a major attitudinal adjustment, and warrants little sympathy; this film epitomizes everything wrong with our youth. I suffered through this so you won't have to!
Autumn in New York - 2.5 stars. Middle of the road - not bad - cute little story about an aging skirt chaser (Richard Gere) who hooks-up with a much younger terminally ill gal (Winona Ryder). I agree with Timm...this is one of the few Richard Gene films that didn't cause a rapid build-up of bile acids and the emptying of my stomach contents.
Zatoichi: Life and Opinion of 2.5 stars. From another chapter of the Zatoichi adventures. In this one Zatoichi fights his master who looks at Ichi as an excellent Samurai but yet despise him and negates his sister's hand to Ichi. In the mean time, his master is involved in a kidnapping of a rich son. I like these episodes. It brings good stories to film.
The Bridge at Remagen 3.5 stars 2.35:1 OAR another WW II story. This time at the Bridge of Remagen. Both sides the Germans Nazi and the Americans want the briged blown up but both find compromises to keep it afloat. It has consequences on both ends costing the lives of soldiers in both fronts at the expense of military pride and order. Stupid as it seems that is the reality. Those that give the order never have to fight the war but only those at the bottom of the pit will die for the cause. Pitiful but true.
Eye of the Needle 3.0 stars A merciless German spy (Donald Sutherland) has critical information about D-Day. Britain intellegence is trying to capture him dead or alive so that he does not relate this information to the nazis and compromise the invasion at Normandy. In his path to escape Henry, the German spy, ends up in Storm Island where he meets a couple who have been married for 4 years. The married couple had an automobile accident on the day of their wedding and the husband lost both of his legs. Henry takes advantage of this situation and seduces a very unhappy and neglected wife. Lucy, the wife, finds out or gets an idea what Henry is trying to do. By the time she realizes this is very late. A point for discussion if this was a true story could D-Day had been compromised if Lucy did not intercede?
Two for the Seesaw 3.5 stars 2.35:1 OAR An excellent romantic film. A lawyer Jerry Ryan played by Robert Mitchum goes to NY to forget about his ex-wife and wait until his divorce papers go through. While in NY he finds himself with only $500 and no job. He meets this girl Gittel played by Shirle Mclaine. She has been in quite a few unstable relations and has yet to get stuck with one. Jerry and her meet and through a long dialog of no's and yes' (I do not think anyone will use Jerry's line to pick up girls), they get to know each other in a more intimate way. Being that both are afraid of a long lasting relationship that may end up in marriage, they both played the cat and mouse game through various dialogs but never certain to tell the other how each one feels for each other. The ending is quite stunning and unexpected. Love Shirley Mclaine on this one. She looks stunning when she was young. A great romantic film.

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