Which HD Cinema Movies have you seen?Would you like to post your review of the movie?

Made (2001) - 1.5 stars: This is a pretty bad movie. The best thing about it is Vince Vaughn's performance. I hate his character, but he sure did a good job of playing him. Sean "Puffy" Combs ("P. Diddy" these days) is as awful at acting as he is at rapping. Considering how bad and predictable this film is, I was caught off guard by a pretty heartwarming scene at the end.
The Rage of Lake Placid (2003) OAR 2:25:1 3.0 stars. This is a very good film with very good acting. The story is about Lake Placid and trying to find himself to fit with those around him. Lake plays the nerd and finds to be rejected by his peers and then plays the formal business man and also finds himself rejected by his parents. He needs to find a way to be balanced in a world that he finds hard to understand (based on his upbringing and environment). I guess this film asks the question of how the environment in which we leave can shape a person. It is an entertaining film and I love the complexity of it and what Lake is going to do next.

The Decline of the American Empire (1986) 3.0 stars. The title is a little misleading but the story is quite good. It is very hard to find a story interested when it is a dialogue about friends. This film does it and makes it interested. They talked about cheating, love, sex, etc. around the dinner table.
Judgment at Nuremburg 4.5 stars - Outstanding! Must see HDTV! B&W, AOR: 1:85.1. This film follows the military tribunal of 4 Nazi judges who are accused of using their office to legitimize Nazi policies of human exploitation and genocide (aka societal sterilization). The proceedings occur a few years after all high profile Nazi leaders were all tried. While these trials were of a lesser profile, they were certainly important in understanding how Nazi Germany was able to establish Nazi policies, practices, and actions as being lawful and necessary.

Spencer Tracy (American Judge Dan Haywood) leads an all-star cast in this Classic: Burt Lancaster (Dr. Janning), Richard Widmark (Col. Lawson), Marlene Dietrich (Mrs. Bertholt), Maximilian Shell (Hans Rolfe), Judy Garland (Mrs. Wallner), Montgomery Clift (Rudolf Petersen) Werner "Col. Klink" Klemperer (Emil Hahn), and even a young William Shatner (Capt. Byers) who plays one of Judge Haywood's aids. The acting was solid and often brilliant!...even though Judy Garland's performance was less than stellar. Although largely silent through the first 2 hours of the film, Burt Lancaster delivers a stunning performance when he takes the stand to testify against himself and his peers; he nails what this trial is all about.

The film is brilliant because it does not focus directly on the Holocaust. Instead, it reveals an insight into how it happened, and the horror at how the events unfolded in a civilized country. Again, great move...great acting...just a great experience.

Col. Lawson (Widmark): Now, what was the Feldenstein Case?
Dr. Geuter (Feldenstein lawyer): The case of a man accused of racial pollution.
Col. Lawson: Will you explain what is meant by racial pollution?
Dr. Geuter: This is the charge that is referred to by the Nuremberg laws, it says that any non-Aryan having sexual relations with an Aryan may be punished by death.
Thieves Like Us (1974) 1.5 stars A somewhat predictable film. Three thieves get out of prison. They continue robbing banks and ultimately end up killed or in jail (although I think one of them escaped by pure luck). I did not find any originality in the film. It was like I was watching Bonnie & Clyde.

Blue Thunder (1983). 1.0 stars I did not have the patience to watch this film. At the start of the film, they give you a message like "All of the surveillance equipment are real..." or something like that. That quite caught my attention and decided to watch the movie although the presentation was cropped. The OAR is 2:35:1. After "Blue Thunder" made its apperance I was not impressed at all with the technological capability of this helicopter. Maybe in 1983 I would have been impressed but today it looks like junk. I did not stay around to see what other stuff it was capable of.
Buccaneer 3.5 stars - Nice little film about the Battle of New Orleans and the War of 1812. Granted, it's a 1950s Holleywoodesque verison of history, but it's a nice story with good acting: Yul Brynner and Jean LaFitte, Charlton Heston as Andrew Jackson, and others. AOR 1:85.1 and excellent PQ...even for VOOM-Lite. Anyway, it's a nice litle film but you had better pay attention or you'll get lost. On a side note there was a very nice supporting appearance by Lorne Greene (ok, it wasn't that great...but I'm a Bonanza fan!). Heston had one or two of his classic "Moses moments" in this one:

Gen. Jackson (Heston): "By the Lord God I'll kill the next man who moves."
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Pinocchio 1.5 stars - This is Roberto Benigni's Pinocchio; he was both a writer and the star in this film. I've seen several Benigni films, such as Vita è bella (Life is Beautiful), and was hoping to be highly entertained. Instead, I found myself bent over a porcelain receptacle heaving chunks. What and hell ever prompted Benigni to make a film about a middle-aged, balding man playing Pinocchio? I managed to catch the first 20 minutes before losing my lunch and, after my recovery, the last 20 minutes before tossing the rest of my cookies. There is no redeeming value to this flick so save your time (and lunch) and watching something else. On a positive nore, the PQ is very good and very colorful.
House of 1000 Corpses - 4 stars: Holy effin' crap. What a thrillride! An absolute orgy of gore (if the word "gore-gy" doesn't exist, I think it's time to invent it!). As over-the-top and ridiculous and theatrical as it was, it was very well done. I couldn't believe it was over so soon. So. Much. Fun. On second thought, maybe it's better if I drop the hyphen and just go with "goregy". Either way, this thing rocked!
House of 1000 Corpses 2.5 stars - Ok, there was plenty of gore and this movie had it's own unique "Texas Chainsaw Massacre" type charm at times. However, I didn't find it all that scary and I was quite often left scratching my head trying to figure this one out. This movie could have been really good but, just like Reggie Jackson and a curve ball, it would often swing & miss. 2.5 star for some good gore and a good attempt at scaring me.
Winter Stories (1999) 3.5 stars this is a great film. A young boy who is hockey fan dreams of watching his favorite team and favorite player. The film portrays his childhood in Quebec and by watching it one is reminded of his/her own childhood and how great those years were. It is a down to earth film. Very well done and with a simple story that takes you to your own past.

The Light of My Eyes (2001) 2:35:1 OAR. 3.5 stars. This film got my attention. It is a story about Antonio & Maria. Maria is a single mother with lots of problems. Antonio is a bachelor open to anything in life. These two lives collide by coincidence and the whole plot of their lives start. This movie has a strong story but other may not like the way it ended. It touches the human perspective of having to deal with every day problems and how sometimes the problems may seem enormeous and complicated. Anyone in the same plot of their story can relate to Antonio & Maria.
Amityville II: The Possession 2.5 stars - I can't figure out why I liked this movie. Objectively, the individual parts weren't very good and the plot was tired and old: family moves into dream house, house scares family, family members are affected, oldest son is possessed and go on a maniacal tirade, Catholic Priest performs an exorcism; acting is predictably bad; special effects are...well, nothing special. However, the movie just seem to work on some level. I was mildly scared and entertained...even though I knew better.
A Man for All Seasons (1966) OAR 1:33:1. 4.0 stars This is just a wonderful film. The story of Thomas More who basically did not acknowledge the King's divorce and try to go with the flow mentality that everything is ok despite the fact that everyone knows is not. Thomas More is decapitated but in his believes he has complete confident that he has done the correct thing. Even those admired him when he was killed.

White Nights (Le Notti Bianche) 1957 4.0 stars Marcello Mastroianni is a man who falls in love with a blonde who has been waiting for year for a lost love. Marcello finds himself in a situation where he feels desperate to have the love of this woman yet finds a way to put his feeling asides and let her go. It is a masterful film and a great performance by Marcello Mastroianni.

The Cyclops (1957) 0.5 stars. OAR 1:33:1 to me this one just purely bad. Bad acting, bad special effects and bad story. Do I need to say more?

Day Break (2005) 3.0 stars. This one is a weird film. As one is watching it, one thinks it is a documentary but it's not. This whole sentence from IMDB describes the film "Day Break - based on a compilation of true stories and shot inside Tehran's century-old prison - revolves around the imminent execution of Mansour, a man found guilty of murder. When the family of the victim repeatedly fails to show up on the appointed day, Mansour's execution is postponed again and again. Stuck inside the purgatory of his own mind, he waits as time passes on without him, caught between life and death, retribution and forgiveness." In my opinion, it is quite a good film that shows a different type of lifestyle than prison in the Hollywood movies.

Un Affaire De Femmes (1988) OAR 1:66:1 3.5 stars. Reviews stated that this is a true story about a french woman who was guillotined for performing abortions during Germany occupation of France. It is quite an injustice what Marie has to suffer because she was caught in the middle of a depression. She helps her neighbor get an abortion and start making good money doing it. The irony of it is that the abortion that she was performing was on French Woman who had sex with German soldiers because most of them were pushed to a sort of "prostitution". There is also a very funny plot played by her husband who ultimately denounces what she is doing to the French authorities. Good story; good film.
Shaolin Soccer (2001). 2.0 stars. I thought that this movie was going to be real good and my expectations were very high. After I started watching it, I found out that it was a comedy and not a very good one. I do not believe I laughed once througth the entire movie. I had to watch it twice since I felt asleep the first time. This movie tries to be funny and there is some KungFu but I do not know why lots of people are high on it. To me it was just pure KungFu nonsense. I rather watch the samurai's movies.

Cuando Todo Este en Orden (2002). 3.5 stars simple film but yet very powerful story. Again the subtitles do not do any justice to the native language. So if you know Spanish watch it without looking at the subtitles. The story about a broken family and the relationship between Father-Son and Father-Daughter.

Friday Night (2002) 2.5 stars. A woman meets a stranger while stuck in the bigges traffic jam in history ( I have to smile). The story is a bit too much in trying to convey that she will give up a steady relation for one that flew into her car while in a traffic jam.

The Elephant Man (1980) OAR 2:35:1 4.0 stars excellent film. The story is a great one that deals with how society and humans deal with external body deformations. Anthony Hopkins does a great job here and John Hurts (who plays the elephant man) couldn't have done a better job in his performance. Nominated for 8 Oscars and I am surprised that it did not want any in the USA. The film is just an excellent film and fun to watch.

Judgment at Nuremberg (1961) OAR 1:75:1. 4.5 stars Very rare you have the opportunity to watch a film like this. This is just a tremendous films that touches on the inmorality of those in power that consented to the killing of millions of innocent people during WAR World II. It has some clips of original films by the military. It is just a great film to watch.
King Kong 4.5 stars - I must admit that it has been more than 30 years since I had last seen the original '33 version. Why did I wait so long? This film stands the test of time very well in my opinion! It's an original Classic that has spawned an entire genre of movies and films over the years. It's hard to believe it has been more than 70 years since this first hit the big screen. AOR 4:3 and B&W.

Son of Kong 3 stars - released on the heels of King Kong 1933, this film follows Carl Denham, the entrepreneur who captured Kong, as he escapes the New York press, and lawsuits, on a ship back to Skull Island. He and a few other companions are stranded on Skull island, where they make friends with the smaller Son of Kong. It's not a great film, but it's interesting how Denham is compelled to help the son out of guilt for what happened to his father - and it's an interesting dynamic of how his kindness if reciprocated. AOR 4:3 and B&W.
Beethoven's Hair 4 stars - Very interesting documentary, stories, and music. It was well done and worth the price of admission. The film traces the journey of a lock of hair taken from Beethoven's corpse, as per his wishes, and ultimately leads to the discovery of his painful life, hearing impairment, and finally his death. This film does an excellent job depicting the people and events from the time of Beethoven's death in 1827, until modem times when the lock was purchased from an auction house. The film is often set to some of Beethoven's best works, as it explores the world of 19th century Vienna and the amazing survival of the the lock during Nazi Germany.
When analyzed, Beethoven's hair had 100 times the normal amount of lead found in most humans. But how did the lead get into his system? And how long was it in his system? Well, in Beethoven's time, lead was commonly used in daily life. For example, wine was sweetened with lead sugar, so alcoholism was punished with lead poisoning. There was also high lead concentration in the water because of lead in the water pipes. Ceramics were lead-coated. But also with so many doctors, surely he was given lead-based medicines. It was suspected that he may have picked up lead poisoning when he spent several months at his spa at the age of 19 when he spent a lot of time lying in mineral water.

Arachnophobia 3 stars - pretty good and pretty creepy movie about a giant killer spider unknowingly brought back from a trip to Venezuela. This is a very bad spider, and a surprisingly good movie.
Samurai III (Ketto Ganryujima 1956 1:33:1) 3.0 stars. This is the conclusion to the Samurai triology. In this final film Musashi learns the value and honor of being a samurai. He also confronts his strongest opponent. The story of love between him and Otsu continues.

Vacas (1992) 4.5 stars. I was quite surprised with this film. It is story about two families who use wood chopping as a sport to determine who is the best wood-cutter. This film is entertaining and very well done. The acting is superb and the film makes you laugh and at the same time go wow! A must see.

Whisky Romero Zulu (2004 2:35:1) 3.5 stars. Another film that was quite pleasant to watch. It is based on a true story of corruption within the Argentina Airline industry. One man (a pilot) not satisfied with the safety violation of his company stayed put with his principle and does not let corruption get to him. The prosecutor later indicts a bunch of executive responsible for all safety violations but not until a tragedy has happened.

The Rainbow (2004) 2.0 stars. The story of this movie is not very good. A young girl wants to be liberated from the concept of what was supposed to be a woman. That is get married and have a house to maintain and raise children. In her pursue to find what is the meaning of life she gets to experience woman and man in her life that taught her about sex, marriage and love. I did not spend too much on the movie and skipped most of it.

Species II 3.0 stars. I am surprised that this movie only got one star according to IPG. I found it to be entertaining even though there are some flaws in the story. The nudity in the film is a whole lot. I liked the first one because it was less predictable. Sequels usually do not live to the expectation of the first one.

The Taking of Pelham One Two Three 3.0 stars This is quite a surprising good movie. The story about a group who kidnaped a train in NYC --- Train 6 for one million dollars. It is funny how this movie was made. The number 6 train when traveling to Pelham Bay goes north and not south like it was portrayed in the movie.

Slow Burn (2000) 2.5 stars. A story about an explorer and two thieves stuck on the desert. The three of them are looking for diamonds left behind by the explorer's family. The two thieves find the diamonds and the whole story develops on this. There is a flaw in the story which prolonged the movie. Not such a good story in my opinion.
Jaws 5.0 stars - Classic! The movie that gave me plenty of bad dreams when I was a kid, and it even had me a little nervous while swimming in the Great Lakes...I didn't want to be the first kid eaten by a freshwater shark!! See it!!!
You Can't Take it With You (1:33:1 1938) 3.5 stars. This film won two Oscars in 1938 - best picture of the year and best director. The story is simple yet very good. It is a somewhat a comedy about two family. One is super rich and the other middle class. They meet by the love of two of their children in a very amusing story. It is B&W but don't let it fool you. It is quite entertaining.

Invitation to a GunFighter (1954) 3.5 stars A cast that includes Yul Brynner, George Segal, & Pat Hingle. We know Yul Brynner from the Magnificient Seven and so many other movies. He is still in Black dressing and as mysterious as before and it is faced with a Town that has hired him to get rid of George Segal. George Segal has come back from the civil war and wants to claim his ex-girlfriend and farm. He finds that both have been reclaimed by other in the town led by Pat Hingle (who plays the corrupt politician Brewster). In a twist that I have never seen in western the Yul turns against those that hired him and now Brewster turns to George Segal who is the one that Yul is supposed to kill. Very good film and entertaining.

Strangeland (1998) 2.5 stars. A very good beginning a not so hot ending. The first half of the movie promised to give you a chilling episode of body piercing. Yes, borrowed from some other movies but yet creepy. The second half of the movie is just not there. It goes downhill and it never recovers.

Tierra (Earth 1996 2:35:1) 3.0 stars. This film is very long and very confusing. Angel a fumigator is caught up between the love of two women. One a family women and the other who describes herself as a whore. Angel himself is sick mentally. He has split personality which this films never explains if he is really sick or not. His mental illness is portrayed in the movie a fantasy and one never knows whether one is watching Angel dreaming or it is real. Very confusing. The movie has no beginning or end. It does have lots of sex.
Inherit The Wind

I got to watch this terrific film on the Family HD channel. The visual appearance & detail (B&W) is excellent. Having it now on my 50 inch plasma made it much more intense than when I had seen it on TV previously on a small SD screen. Also, the pacing feels better than when I remember seeing it in the movie theater many years ago (was made in 1960). And it seems very apropos to current debates between evolution & natural selection vs. creationism & intelligent design. I give it 4 stars, because the denouement where Tracy turns the tables on March is a little abrupt, with the courtroom spectators changing sides based not so much on March's character's mistakes, as on Tracy's rhetoric.

Description borrowed from another review:

Two of the juiciest roles in the American theater fall at the feet of Spencer Tracy and Fredric March, and both men make a meal of it. Inherit the Wind is a slightly fictionalized account of the Scopes Monkey Trial, that galvanizing legal drama of the 1920s. When a young Tennessee teacher is prosecuted for teaching the theory of evolution in a public school, he receives unwanted public attention as well as the legal advice of a giant. Tracy plays the role based on Clarence Darrow, the eloquent defense attorney, and March storms his way through a part based on Williams Jennings Bryan, the failed presidential candidate (and famed orator) who prosecuted the case. Gene Kelly plays a character based on the acid-penned H.L. Mencken, reporting on the trial and caustically commenting on the absurdity of the human animal. Stanley Kramer's direction is not especially subtle, but the verbal fireworks unleashed during the trial sequences are still stirring. Even the different styles of the actors are intriguing: March is all mannerism and false padding around the belly, while Tracy does his patented naturalistic grumbling. It would be nice if this story were a quaint period piece, but its issues and arguments keep reemerging in the headlines with each new generation.
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Cujo 3.5 stars - Ok, it's not Stephen King's best adaptation, but it is still pretty good and worth a viewing. The family pet, a Saint Bernard named Cujo, is bitten by a rabid bat and then creates a little hell and discontent for all concerned. 1.85:1 OAR - very good transfer.

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