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The Train 4 stars - A very well acted and suspenseful film. A German colonel, Paul Scofield, loads a train with pilfered art treasures from Paris. As the train is en-route to Germany, a resistance group must stop the train without damaging its contents. Burt Lancaster plays the part of Paul Labiche, a railway official who is asked by the members of the museum to stop this train. Initially, he is not willing to risk the lives of people on the train merely for art, but this later changes when his friend is shot by the Germans. As always, Burt Lancaster delivers a stunning performance, but is matched by the brilliant performance delivered by Paul Schofield. This was a well-written and well-acted film, but it didn't grab my attention like so many of Lancaster's other films. I do not believe this film was show OAR (1.66:1), as I believe it was slightly stretched or cropped - B&W.
Sniper 3.5 stars - Not a great movie, but I really enjoyed it. Tom Berenger plays a hard core Army sniper, Beckett, who is sent down to Panama to rid the world of a few bad guys using his professional skills. He is accompanied by Billy Zane, Miller, who has never had a kill. Very nice dynamic between both soldiers while on mission. Anyway, to quote Marine Corps Gunnery Sergeant Carlos Hathcock, "One shot, one kill." OAR 1.85:1 - a good transfer, but not nearly as good as when I saw it on HDNet last year.
Room at the Top (1959 B&W 1:66:1) 4.5 stars Terrific movie! This a classic! It won 2 oscars in 1959 and was nominated for best picture of the year. It is the story of Joe Lampton. Joe has lived in poverty most of his life. His parents are killed during the war and he tells story of how he was himself a POW but never tried to escape because he had no future to look to while he was a POW. While a POW he was fed which may have not been the case if he was back home. This story gives the rationale why Joe Lampton now is looking for a relationship that will not only give him love but also has financial implications attached to it. He finds what he was looking for in young Susan. The daughter of worthy millionaire. While Joe is courting Susan, he finds himself rejected by her parents and her circle of friends. They believe that Joe's intentions are not to love Susan but going after her parent's money. Susans, on the other hand, do not believe so. At this point you think that you have seen this type of story before but the twist getst more complicated after Joe meets Alice (Simone Signoret won best supporting actress for her role). Alice is a mature french woman who works in the theater. She has her own marital problems with an unfaithful husband. She finds consolation in Joe. The twist gets more complicated as Alice relation with Joe goes through its up and downs. In the mixed lurking in the background is Alice's husband who has promised not to let Alice divorce him. The story is an excellent story as Joe emotions between these two woman and his own ambition is interlace in a story of love, desperation and dissapointments. I won't tell you the end. But you must watch it.
Masques (1987 1:66:1) 3.0 stars. In this film a well known host of a celebrity show finds himself in a story that most would not have guessed that he is involved. He is known well public figured and no one would suspect him of murder. Yet he finally meets his match in a young man who fakes his identity to follow the lead of his missing sister. All hints to the co-host but he has no proof. In a short vacation he gets to live with the co-host and unmasked the co host scheme. Very good film.
Birdy (1984) 4.0 Stars "Birdy... NO! NO!....", Nicolas Cage (Al). "What?", Matthew Modine (Birdy). This is one films that makes you go wow! Matthew Modine and Nicolas Cage are such great actors in this one. You kind of forget you are watching a movie and just inmerse yourself into the film wanting more everytime. I looked that clock (there were 7 minutes left) and I wanted more. The movie is about Birdy and Al. Birdy and Al go through life together and tell the story how they became friends and spent time together as friends. Both of them go to the Army in different times and places but both suffer the consequences of psychological problems after they are both injured. Al tells the story of Birdy who has separated himself from the his surrounding, friends, family and world and the only thing he wants to be is a BIRD or fly like a Bird. As Al tells the story, you can see Birdy sickness progressing and how he gets detached from his surrounding. Al is very down to earth but the trauma during the war has gotten to him. Al tries everything to change Birdy back to normal so that he does not end up in an assylum. At last Birdy.... I won't tell you the ending. Watch it...
Return of the Living Dead III (1993) 1.5 stars. If you are not into the Zombie gendre don't bother. The movie was done very poorly but I thought it was good until Curt tries to rescue Julie from death (second time). When the doctor tells him that she is going to become the ultimate battlefield weapon, he takes her away from the military facility and all hell brakes loose for the second time. I thought that after this the movie lacked creativity and ingenuity. Why do the same thing twice? it beats me. What's interested about this movie when watched in perspective to the other "Night of the Living Dead" movies started by George Romero is that you can watch the progression of the Zombies. In the first movie the Zombies did not speak or communicated in any way. As each Zombie movie progressed, you can see the Zombies becoming more and more consious of speaking and thinking. In this film, Julie not only can talk and think to Curt while she is a Zombie, she also finds a way to combat her hunger for human flesh (temporarily). I thought that was the only thing that was interested about the movie. I had to watch it because I am just a Zombie lover; they still give me the chills.

Just The Way I Like it (Forever Fever 1998) 1.0 stars. This one is a re-run of Saturday Night Fever singapore style. Young Hock dreams of buying a motorcycle that costs 3,000 but he is too poor to buy it (anyone can relate to his dream. We all had that dream before). He also has family conflict and problems with being accepted as a school drop out. His brother happens to be a Doctor and that does not goes well with his parents. The only way Hock can buy this motorcycle is by entering a dance competition (AKA John Travolta in Saturday Night Fever). The movie was dubbed in English and it is terrible on this. Subtitles would have helped a lot more. I did not watch the entire movie since it is so predictable. The only good thing about the movie is the '70 music and disco if you like disco.

Murder on the Orient Express (1974) 3.0 stars A murder mystery in which you find Sean Connery, Anthony Perkins, and Richard Widwark among others. According to the reviews, this is based on an Agatha Christie novel. I have never read them so here is my review without knowing her style of writing (based on the movie, of course). The film is like "Clue 1985". Richard Widwark is murderer on the Orient Express (A train traveling with destination to London). Why was he murder committed and who did it are the questions more relevant to the investigation. Mr. Poirot a detective gets stuck with the case. At first he is reluctant to take the case but the owner of the train company convinces him to take it. He takes the case and start interviewing all passengers. The movie is based on his conversation with the passengers and certain clues that were left by the murderer. At last he gives his final report and decides to give two solutions to the problem at hand and leaves it up to the passengers and train owner to decide which one should be the fate of the murderer(s).
J'en suis! (Heads or Tails 1997) 3.0 stars. A good comedy movie that is not predictable. Dominique is a young architect who has a small firm with Pierre. They lose the business and are in total debt. Pierre goes back to teach in a theater but Dominique can't find a job that will pay him appropiately to get out of debt. He meets the president of antique collection company (Beauregard) who offers him a job (with good money) but there are other things that come with the job. Dominique is almost forced to the get the job and changes his life style in order to keep it. The movie makes fun of both heterosexual and homosexual and their different views about homosexuality. I thought that the movie did a great job portraying this view and at the same time keeping the movie funny. Good film to watch.

Zio indegno, Lo (1989) 3.0 stars. Another good Italian comedy. This one is about Uncle Lucas. Lucas is a poet who lives carelessly. He lies, steal, molest woman (of all ages...a little disturbing) and lives a life of a bump. At the same time he sounds educated and a the same time charming. Ricardo, on the other hand, is very down to earth and has a hard time understanding his uncle behavior. The first time he gets to spend time with his uncle Lucas, Lucas takes the money Ricardo left for his surgery and in a very natural way steals Ricardo's date. Later on Lucas try to convince Ricardo that she was no good for him and he was only looking after him. Of course, Ricardo does not buys it and does not understand how a man who basically lives his life without taking responsibility in his life gets to publish a poetry book, has a book club of admirers and above all is more popular than him. It is a very entertaining movie because you can't predict what Uncle Lucas is going to do next. His unpredictibility makes you watch the movie.
Witness for the Prosecution 4.5 stars - Excellent! This B&W film reminded me a lot of 12 Angry Men in that is was witty, dark, suspenseful, and a hugely well acted courtroom adventure. Charles Laughton and Marlene Dietrich give the best performances, with Tyrone Power and Elsa Lanchester not far behind. I very much enjoyed the story, the characters, and everything else about this film.

Wilfrid Robarts (Laughton), who is returning from the hospital after recovering from a heart attack, is accompanying by Nurse Plimsoll (Lanchester), his over-protective nurse. He is is quickly met by Leonard Vole (Power), who is accused of murder. Robarts agrees to provide limited assistance in the case since he is under doctors order not to over-exert himself. However, he later decides to defend Vole in court after discussing the case with Vole's and becoming more personally involved with the outcome.
Raja (2003) 3.5 stars This is an emotional rollercoaster type of movie. The movie takes place in Morroco between a Frenchman (Fred) and a arab girl (Raja). Raja is not the most beautiful girl but Fred is quite possessed with Raja. Not knowing her past he hired her as a cleaning maid in his house. Raja is an orphan who basically was left in the streets to take care of herself. She leaves with a boyfriend who basically milks all her money and even sends her to prostitute herself when she has no money to give him. She has a brother who basically only sees her as a piece of property that he can sell to the highest bidder. It is hard to know Fred's intention. Fred wants to marry her but I guess fear of being taken as a sucker for girl like Raja put some fear on him. Of course, this is what he hears from two old maids (besides Raja) that he has in his house. The story prolongs a little too much on the emotional rollercoaster between Fred, Raja and Raja's boyfriend. The fact that Raja can't speak or understand French makes the relationship and the dialogue hard for her and makes the emotional rollercoaster between the two to extend to a point of no return. Is it a true story or is it fictional? I do not know. I know that in 3rd world countries prostitution of young girls has been escalating to horrific numbers due to poverty and neglect. Watch it and decide for yourself. The ending is quite weird and you do not know what to make of it.

The Thomas Crown Affair (1968) 3.5 stars. This is a very good film. Steve McQueen (Thomas) is a financial wizard who has nothing better to do but to come up with schemes to rob banks. He devices a scheme that takes him completely out of the picture until... well, this is where I did not like the movie. The police unable to resolve the case brings an insurance investigator who seems to know more about police work than the police (hard to understand that one). The insurance investigator is Vicki (Faye Dunaway). If you get passed this little idea, the movie seems to take in a cat and mouse or chess game between Thomas and Vicki. Thomas and Vick played the very sensual played without even taking their cloths off!!-Imagine that today. Thomas is always in control but Vicki thinks that she may have taken him down his high horse but Thomas is not that stupid.

Left Luggage (1998) 2.5 stars. This is a very nice film about a young Jewish girl who by necessity gets a job as a babysitter for Hasidic Jews family. There are about 4 different stories within the film. Three of them are quite good. One is the fact that in order for her to work as a babysitter she needs to conform to the Hasidic Family rules. Second is that she feels a lot of affection for Simcha the youngest child. She sees the way he is treated by his father as a problem. A problem that may bring psychological problems later on to the child. The child basically fears his father and what he has to say. The third story is about the concierge and his constant harrasment of the family and anyone who is Jew.
Who's Harry Crumb? 3.5 stars - Very good!...if you're into juvenile humor, like me. In a nutshell, Harry Crumb (John Candy), who hails from a family of gifted private detectives, is assigned to work a high profile kidnapping case. The problem is that Harry's boss at Headquarters, Eliot Draisen (Jeffrey Jones), assigns Crumb to the case only because of his incompetence as a detective. There is plenty of slapstick comedy and juvenile humor in this one, but it works for me. There is also an excellent cast of characters: John Candy, Jeffrey Jones, Annie Potts, Barry Corbin, and even an uncredited appearance by James Belushi (bus rider) in the beginning of the movie. An entertaining treasure if you take it at face value.

While Crumb and an accomplice are spying at two suspects through a golfing fan viewfinder:

Vince Barnes - You don't think he suspects anything do you?
Helen Downing (Potts) - I think he suspects he has a dick, but you would need a road map to find it.
Harry Crumb (Candy) - Well, I don't mean to be boastful but they're discussion my prowess as a private dick.
Accomplice - (stares at him in disbelief seconds before Crumb slides off the roof)
Mephisto 4.5 stars - This was an excellent World Cinema film; one of the best examples of German film making. This film is about an actor (Hendrik Hoefgen) who "sells his soul" by aligning himself with Nazi party leadership...even though it is against his own beliefs and lifestyle. He is initially indifferent to the rise of the Nazis but, when the opportunity is presents itself, decides to befriend a high ranking Nazi officer so that his "art" may continue. He does as he is told, and uses the theatre as a propaganda medium without questioning the consequences. He cannot admit to himself that he has made the wrong decision and even returns to theater acting in Germany when presented with another opportunity to escape the Nazi regime and be with his German born black lover, who is not exiled in Paris. In the end his artistic choices are constrained by the regime he serves. Watch this one!
The HoneyMoon Killers (1970) 3.0 stars. This is based on a true Story. Martha and Ray are two scam artists who take their scam to the next level --murder. They have a scheme to trick various woman into fall in love with Ray and then take their money. Martha is extremely in love with Ray and does not like the sex and relationship that Ray has as a consequence of their schemes. Martha ends up betraying Ray out of Jealousy. Ray sends her a letter while Martha is in jail that he still loves her. Martha is an overweight female with a big depression problem and she herself met Ray through the scheme. Ray, I guess, fell in love with her and since she accepted the scheme as part of their lives, they both traveled together. The film is B&W and so what predictable yet enjoyable.

Sisters (1973) 2.5 stars. A psychological thriller about sibling twins who are separated after year of being together. The surviving twin lives in denial that her twin sister is dead and needs to be treated with drugs for he mental illness. She seems to be living a normal live until she runs out her medicine and young black guy happens to be sleeping with her that night/morning. She plunged her knife into his mouth (chilling) and stabbed him to death. A young gossip reporter sees the body of the black young man and calls the police. The detectives are very skeptical about the young reporter story and go to investigate only when the reporter insist. The detectives do not find anything suspicious in the apartment after the boyfriend (doctor) of the twin cleans up the place and hides the body. I thought the movie was ok until the private investigator hired by the paper. They guys roll seems to be in limbo and at the end you will know what I am talking about.

In the Shadow of the Reich: Nazi Medicine (1971 1:33:1) 4.0 stars excellent documentary about the Nazi doctors and their philosophy of exterminating thousands of human beings in the name of the third Reich. According to this documentary the Nazi doctors were not acting under order of the Nazi party but they were also colaborators in the inhumanities done by the Nazi. The doctors were not only scientists but also military man who did bad science and experimentation on human beings of all ages. Too bad the majority of them were released and freed. They all should have suffered the electric chair.

Yotsuya Kaidan Part 1 (1949 1:33:1) 3.0 stars. this the story of a samurai (Lemon) who cannot get a high level job in society. He married a humble woman who now stand in the way of him getting back to a respectable position as a samurai. He has a friend who he served time in jail. The friend persuades his to divorce his current wife to marry the daughter of a respectable LORD who would give him his status back. Lemon tries to convice his current wife to divorce but she won't. Then Lemon's friend devices a scheme to poison Lemon's wife. Lemon is reluctant at first but later he is pushed to do it...

Hara-Kiri (1963 2:35:1) 3.5 stars this is a very philosophical film. The film is a continuous dialogue between Tsugumo and the clan master (I do not remember his name). The philosophical question asked is: what is a samuaria honer? In a story complete with a tragedy Tsugumo asks the question: what is honor when you see your child and wife dying because the husband can't afford medicine? What is honor when the husband can't put any food on the family table? Doesn't this drives some honorable man to beg and lose their honor just to ask for help? Very well acted and very well done film.
Valentin (2002). 4.5 stars this little movie is such a sweet movie. The life of an 8 year old young boy who is looking at his sorrounding and life around him. It is sad, funny and entertaining the way he assimilates what is happening in front of his eyes. This movie is also about parent responsibility and how a young child needs parents to care and love them. Valentin lacks the love of his father and mother. For reasons that not clear until the end Valentin had to live with his grandparents most of his live. He does not remember the love of his mother or the presence of his mother. He inquries about her but nobody seems to be given an explanation about her. His father is selfish man who looks at life from his point of view. Valentin had to adjust and live in a world in which he wonders why is he here if heaven is such a beautiful place. This movie was quite a surprise. You would like the ending.

Them! (1:33:1 1954) 3.5 stars sometimes these old monsters B&W movies may seem a litte stupid in the light of today but if you are living in 1954 and try to watch it within this period of time, it wouldn't be such a bad film. This film deals with mutation of Ants for testing of the Atomic Bomb. In the begining one does not know what to expect until the giant Ants appear. It also raises the ethical question what will happen to us humans in a post-atomic era. I think we have seen the results.

STRAWBERRY AND CHOCOLATE (Fresa y Chocolate 1954) 4.0 stars. I first I was very skeptical about this movie. As soon as I saw Diego I wanted to turn off the movie but continued watching it. Diego is a homosexual living in Cuba. He is a non-conformist to the cuban revolution and sees that the regime does not allow for freedom of expression on art. Diego is an artist and works in the museum. He meets David. David is a peasant who has been given the opportunity to study in the university. He studies political science because that is what would eventually land him a job. He desires though is in literature. Both of these characters meet and the film concentrate on their relationship as friends -- not lovers. What started as a simple joke (we later find out), becomes a strong friendship that will last forever.
Tales of Terror (1962) 3.5 stars - Three very enjoyable Edward Allen Poe compilations made classics by Vincent Price: "Morella" involves the return of a man's daughter, who is estranged because of her mother's death. It is something of a ghost story and was my least favorite vignette. "The Black Cat" was excellent and very "The Cask of Amontillado" like for those who enjoy a buying in a basement wall. Peter Lorry (one of my favorite actors) co-starred in this one and the creepy dynamics between Price and Lorry was priceless. "The Case of M. Valdemar" involved the hypnosis of a terminally ill man shortly before death. Basil Rathbone of Sherlock Holmes fame, and another of my favorite actors, plays the evil character Carmichael. He delivers a horrifically good performance.

Pi (1998) 4.0 stars - Excellent film; well done in B&W! Max, a math genius, lives his life under the following assumptions: math is the programming language of nature, everything can be represented and explained in numbers, predictable patters emerge in any system. Max also appears to be a borderline schizophrenic who has suffered from migraine headaches his entire life. Because of his research, Max is chased by a Wall Street company with an interest in his research, and by an orthodox Jew who believes Max's research (a long string of numbers) is a code sent from God.

Control (2004) 3 stars - Good story, great beginning, excellent acting, but film fizzles in the 2nd half. A sociopath killer (Ray Liotta) is sentenced to death, however Dr. Copeland (Willem Dafoe) offers him the chance to be a test subject of an experimental drug intended to reduce the aggressive behavior. Liotta accepts the offer (really, what choice does he have) and, after a successful treatment in the laboratory, receives a new identity. However, his past comes back to haunt him. This is a tale of two movies: 4 stars for the first half, 2 stars for the second half...split the difference and you have a field goal.
The Big Empty (2003) 3.0 stars. I have seen this movie before and found it entertaining although the story is little over the top. Cowboy and John Person made me stayed till the end. The plot is fictional but the movie is entertaining in the details (like the characters Randy & Ruthie).

Asylum (1997) 1.5 stars. Robert Patrick stars on this one. I am not a big fan of Mr. Patrick. I thought that he did his best work in the x-files. In this movie Robert is a detective who has his own mental problems (from his childhood). He gets to investigate the dissapearing of mental patients in a health mental institution (an asylum). One of his best friends committed suicide but Robert is not convinced about it. The movie goes on and on...and at last is done. A predictable story and not a very good one.

The Raven (1963) 2.5 stars Boris Karloff, Vincent Price, and Peter Lorre, and a young Jack Nicholson played on this film. I did not find it to be a very good. At times it seems to be a comedy and other times seems to be a horror movie. At the end I decided that it was neither. Not a Vincent Price like movie.

The Doom Generation (1995) 3.0 stars. Be warned about this film - it is not for sane people. This has to be the strangest film I have ever seen. What's the story about? My guess how young are doomed to behave in a violent way no matter what... I found it funny the reference to 666 as to every single product that 3 young people bought as to signifying that they were evil. There's lots of violence, blood, and sex. The sex scenes are a whole lot and incrediable. Rose McGowan (who played Amy) was made for this film. She did a great job. This film is not for everybody. I warned you!

Princess from the Moon (1987) 4.5 stars. After given my review of the "The Doom Generation" and my warning message, this film has to be pretties film I have ever watched. This one was quite a surprise. I was not expecting a movie like this. A simple story (a fairy tale) about a young peasant whose daughter passed away because they could not afford a doctor (this has become a cliche in Japanese film). But what happens next is quite amazing. I won't tell you and let you decide.
Witness for the Prosecution (1957 1:66:1) 3.5 stars. This is a good mystery movie. The twist and turns of the movies makes you go: what? but you know something is behind the entire plot. You need to see it in order to understand it.

Man Bites Dog (1992) 2.5 stars one of the strangest film I have ever seen. The violence is so out of proportion that is quite shocking and just make you go: I can't believe he did that. I was trying to find a story line or theme in this whole film. It looks like a documentary but it is not. Is it that we all enjoy violence or is it just portraying violence? Watch it and decide.

The Golden Coach (1952 1:33:1) 2.5 stars this is a comedy. It does not make you laugh very hard but it is simplistic in its approach and well directed. The actors are quite good as well and the story though a very simple is quite enjoyable. A theater actress is courted by three man of high society. Yet she is uncultured and uneducated as Actress/Actors were not very well respected on this time.

Camille Claudel (2:35:1 1989) 4.0 stars superb acting and story. The Story of Camille Claudel. A woman with a talent beyond her time but not accepted by society because of various social problems. One of them being a female artists. She goes psycho after having a relation with her mentor. She never was able to get over the relation and this affected her work. Very sad story, indeed.

The Golden Voyage of Sinbad (1974) 2.5 stars Sinbad's movies are quite good. Especially if you are able to sit and put yourself in the mind of a 13 or year old boy. That's how old I was when I watched these movies. The special effects and imagination of the movie made such an impact on me that still today I consider them classics. They are classics.

Rites of Passage (1991) 3.0 stars. This was part of "Out of the Closet" festival. The story of a boy named camp whose father does not accept his lifestyle of being gay. The dialogue between father and son and brother are quite excellent and comes to realize how painful it is to be rejected by those that you know -- your family.

Red (1994) 3.5 stars A story of three different lives that come together by chance. Isn't this everyone's story? how do we meet the one we love? how do we get the job we have? If only we could step backwards and see the events around us unfolding, we could appreciate this movie. The story is excellent.

Under Suspicion (2:35:1 1991) 2.5 stars. Too long. The first part of the movie was fine but the second part was getting a little boring. The movie explore the plot of a private investigator and the scheme that at the end makes him rich.

The Closet (2:35:1 2001). 4.5 stars. What a great comedy!!!!! A must watch! A man is forced to become gay by his co-workers. This way he is not fired and does not loses his salary. What follows after that is just hilarious and trying to unwind this whole plot.

Kate's Addiction (1999) 1.0 star. Very predictable and you will in the first 15 minutes where the movie is headed. Some extreme sexual situation.

Gerry (2002) 1.0 stars I could not quite get this movie. Two guys get lost in the desert and then what? well nothing happens. So I did not get it...

The Dangerous Lives of Altar Boys (2002). 3.0 stars. I enjoyed this movie but it has a sad ending. I kept thinking what else could be the outcome of such reckless behavior. In my youth days, I did a few things that were quite outrageous but it did not escalate beyond this.
Jaws 3 1.5 stars - Barely watchable Family & Flipper friendly version of Jaws. In a nutshell, a mama shark is looking for her baby shark in a water park while working through a poorly written, poorly acted, none-to-scarey story. I found myself wishing the shark would eat all marine biologists, staff, guests, the dolphins, and then go ashore and eat the writers, producers, and directors of this stinker. This one tanked....get it, tanked?:D
Jaws the Revenge 1.0 star - a big stinker made an even a bigger flop by its association with the original classic. Waste of time...avoid it like it was creeping death.

Autumn in New York 3.0 stars - not a very good April/October romance in which Winona Ryder is March, and Richard Gere is the big O (zero) playboy type who falls in love for the first time. Ahh, what can I say about this one...Gere has done much worse. I liked it.

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