Where are my Satellite Guy's gamers at?

I made the same choice as you. I like them both and was siding towards Miranda before the fight. I didn't realize it would end that way. As odd as it sounds for a video game, they each have their sexiness. Looks like it's going to be a kinky romance with Jack.

I plan on completely each loyalty mission and I should be able to. I did Jack's loyalty mission before I did Miranda's so they are both taken care of. So far I've done Jack's, Miranda's and Jacob's. Definitely a fun game and look forward to playing ME3 after I finish this one.
Wait till you get to ME3.. there's a DOOZY of a decision you have to make there, unless you somehow complete a massive list of prerequisites.
Let me guess about the fight..
the Miranda/Jack thing? I sided with Jack and she ended up being my romance partner. We made quite the couple.

I think you CAN make it so that you don't turn off either person, but that requires a second playthrough, or rather, you need have enough Paragon/Renegade points and you can't do that unless you imported/replayed and get that boost in the beginning.

I had enough Paragon in my very first playthough of ME2 (without an ME1 import file) to resolve both the fights in the game without losing anyone's loyalty. It just requires that you do everything there is to do each time you step on Omega, Citadel, Illium, and of course Normandy to give you all the possible Paragon points there are in those areas. It probably also helps to do other loyalty missions before Miranda's and Jack's and the DLC missions (Overlord, Shadowbroker, Normandy crash site, etc.), though I'm not sure if it's totally required. I do know in order to have the optimal Paragon (or Renegade, if you go that route) rating to resolve those crewmember arguments without losing loyalty, you have to earn I believe 90% (not sure of actual percentage, but I know it's based on a percentage) of all possible Paragon/Renegade points you can earn depending on where you are in the game. In other words, when you are on Illium, for example, the first time, don't just follow the main story path. Walk around and unlock other little side quests and complete them, if possible, or as soon as possible, in order to have the highest percentage possible of Paragon/Renegade points for where you are at in the game. You also need to be sure during other missions to always make the L2/R2 decisions.

As much as I love ME2, the morality system is the thing I like the least about it, even more than the loading times. It really limits you and I'm glad that they fixed it in ME3 to give you more freedom in your decisions. It got to the point in ME2, in fact, that I would never read other dialogue options; I just automatically selected the one in the upper right hand side of the wheel.

EDIT: I just dug this up from the Mass Effect wiki, which explains it much better than I just did:

The morality system of Mass Effect 2 works on percentages rather than the total points earned. There is a set number of morality points available in the game. Shepard's current "effective" morality score at any given point is the number of points earned out of the number of points available from the areas the Commander has explored so far. It is possible to have Shepard's Paragon/Renegade scale(s) maxed out, but still not have the percentage required for certain dialog options.[1]
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With The Walking Dead Season 2 officially launching today I have a bit of a dilemma. PC or PS3? See, I played Season 1 and the 400 Days DLC on PS3 because Season 1 came out before I built my PC. I would really like to continue the story with the choices I made in the first season but now that the new generation is here I'm close to retiring the PS3. I still have the PS3 in my entertainment center for now but what about the inevitable Season 3? I don't know how much weight my previous choices carry in Season 2 but I'd hate to see characters that died in my story show up again because I'm playing on different platform. Am I better off ripping off the bandaid now and switching over to PC or should I buy the PS3 version again and worry about Season 3 later? I played The Wolf Among us on PC last week and it is so much smoother than TWD was on PS3. I'm not sure if that is completely due to the hardware though. They got a lot of flack for the way TWD ran so they might have just improved their engine.

As much as I'd hate to continue my story on a device that will soon be boxed up I'm leaning towards PS3. There is a chance that they will completely move to next gen and start a new story with season 3 since most people won't be able to bring their save forward. There is also the slight chance that there won't even be a Season 3.
That is a dilemma! Any chance you are willing to wait for the PS4 version of season 2, in the hopes they figure out a way to pick up your choices from a season 1 save file? And there's always the Vita version (which has worse hangs than the PS3 version).

But in all honesty, I don't think your choices in season 1 will make a huge difference to the main outcomes as
it seems the people that die early due to choices die anyway later. I can't think of a character that can be saved to the final scene, though I guess it's possible Lily could make a reappearance if she escaped in the RV in episode 3.
. The 400 Days DLC might be another story. Perhaps you could just buy that for the PC before starting season 2?

At any rate, to help or confound the issue even further here's a flow chart I found for the game's choices, which truly reveals their circular nature: http://venturebeat.files.wordpress.com/2013/03/the-walking-dead-graph-by-gamesbeat.jpg
I'd continue on the PS3. The game is all about choices and it's best to continue with yours as opposed to whatever is set by default in the other versions.
Unfortunately, like they did with Wolf Among Us, Sony and Telltale can't seem to have a season pass ready for TWD s.2 to purchase on the same date episode 1 releases. I don't understand the logic. They are just setting themselves up for pissing people off who buy the first episode anyway, only to find out the season pass will still cost them $20. I know it's their own fault for not waiting, but it's still not a good situation/business practice from a customer relations, or even sales, standpoint.
Yeah, I have a $10 PSN credit waiting from the purchases I made over Thanksgiving weekend. If you spent $60 they were giving you a $10 credit. Because of that credit I wasn't even going to wait for a sale like I normally do. I will be waiting for a season pass though.
I finally got around to playing Bioshock Infinite's DLC Burial at Sea Part 1. This is something I was really excited about but it got lost in the shuffle when it came out the same week as the PS4. Without going into detail about the story I will just say that I really liked the DLC. The story wasn't quite up to the standards of the main game but it was still pretty good. Mostly I just loved going back to the Bioshock world. Rapture is still as beautiful as ever and it's still one of the best atmospheres in all of gaming. I got about 3 hours out of this DLC. I took my time and tried to explore everything and find all of the audio logs. Some people said they beat it in about 2 hours with a faster play style. I am tempted to do another playthrough of the base game while I wait for part 2 to be released.
I finally got around to playing Bioshock Infinite's DLC Burial at Sea Part 1. This is something I was really excited about but it got lost in the shuffle when it came out the same week as the PS4. Without going into detail about the story I will just say that I really liked the DLC. The story wasn't quite up to the standards of the main game but it was still pretty good. Mostly I just loved going back to the Bioshock world. Rapture is still as beautiful as ever and it's still one of the best atmospheres in all of gaming. I got about 3 hours out of this DLC. I took my time and tried to explore everything and find all of the audio logs. Some people said they beat it in about 2 hours with a faster play style. I am tempted to do another playthrough of the base game while I wait for part 2 to be released.

I was wondering why you were online playing Infinite last night. I've actually deleted my copy of Infinite for the time being. I'll put it back in once the 2nd part of the DLC comes out and I'll try it all in 1 swoop.

Here's some VERY early impressions of Aliens: Colonial Marines. I have to say that it appears that the massive patch (but let's be honest, they just rebuilt the game) did remove most of the more glaring issues people complained about, but it isn't perfect. I've seen a few AI issues, but nothing I would consider noteworthy, except for one time when I was running with my partner and for whatever reason the guy kept checking a door we had passed. I just kept going and then eventually he came out of nowhere and ran ahead of me. Speaking of "running," the way characters run in this game is embarrassing. It doesn't as much look like they're running, but rather they're in a running animation and the character floats (it's hard to describe without seeing it.)

Still, when the game works, it works. I've always felt that Aliens is one of the scariest movies ever made, because it is that perfect combination of uncomfortability, tenseness, as well as jump scares. The game reminds me quite a bit of Doom 3, which I really liked because of the atmosphere and the tenseness added by forcing you to hold a flashlight to see everything and not hold a weapon at the same time, but in this case replace flashlight (as you can have that on whenever) with the motion detector. It's cool to walk around with the tracker on to then have pulses come up and track them coming after you, very similar to how the movie worked. Still, this isn't foolproof as many aliens will simply be still until you get close and then jump at you to give you a sloppy kiss. Speaking of, the aliens are quite tough if you're not paying attention. Aliens will often jump right at you and deal much damage very quickly, not to mention you have to get out of the way after you kill them so you don't get burned by the acid. So fighting the aliens is tense and fun, but what ISN'T fun is fighting other humans. Yup, Weyland-Yutani comes down to wipe you out and hide what's going on, and fighting them is very dull. Then the game devolves into a standard FPS.

One final note is that I think we may need to scrap our plans to do online 4 player co-op with this game. People have mentioned that the co-op system is very tacked on, and the game is CLEARLY not designed to have more than 4 people at a given time. This isn't like Left 4 Dead or Gears of War 3, where the levels and such are designed to handle multiple people with big open areas. From what I can tell, the levels here are dark and claustrophobic, and the alien count is designed to deal with the fact that not many guns are there (I don't know if the enemy count changes with more people playing). Seeing as we can have up to 7 people (4 players and 3 AIs) it will likely kill some of the tenseness and subtlety if the aliens are facing numerous guns and they have no long distance weapons to fight back with. I can't see this being a pleasurable experience with more than 3 people playing. 2 would likely be a good number, with 3 pushing it a bit unless you up the difficulty.

I'll keep pushing through and see how this all turns out. I'm not expecting this game to surprise me and be a late entry in my GOTY list, but at least it looks like I don't have to fight through bugs to be able to experience the actual game, which was a big problem I had with the Medal of Honor reboot.
I was wondering why you were online playing Infinite last night. I've actually deleted my copy of Infinite for the time being. I'll put it back in once the 2nd part of the DLC comes out and I'll try it all in 1 swoop.

Here's some VERY early impressions of Aliens: Colonial Marines. I have to say that it appears that the massive patch (but let's be honest, they just rebuilt the game) did remove most of the more glaring issues people complained about, but it isn't perfect. I've seen a few AI issues, but nothing I would consider noteworthy, except for one time when I was running with my partner and for whatever reason the guy kept checking a door we had passed. I just kept going and then eventually he came out of nowhere and ran ahead of me. Speaking of "running," the way characters run in this game is embarrassing. It doesn't as much look like they're running, but rather they're in a running animation and the character floats (it's hard to describe without seeing it.)

Still, when the game works, it works. I've always felt that Aliens is one of the scariest movies ever made, because it is that perfect combination of uncomfortability, tenseness, as well as jump scares. The game reminds me quite a bit of Doom 3, which I really liked because of the atmosphere and the tenseness added by forcing you to hold a flashlight to see everything and not hold a weapon at the same time, but in this case replace flashlight (as you can have that on whenever) with the motion detector. It's cool to walk around with the tracker on to then have pulses come up and track them coming after you, very similar to how the movie worked. Still, this isn't foolproof as many aliens will simply be still until you get close and then jump at you to give you a sloppy kiss. Speaking of, the aliens are quite tough if you're not paying attention. Aliens will often jump right at you and deal much damage very quickly, not to mention you have to get out of the way after you kill them so you don't get burned by the acid. So fighting the aliens is tense and fun, but what ISN'T fun is fighting other humans. Yup, Weyland-Yutani comes down to wipe you out and hide what's going on, and fighting them is very dull. Then the game devolves into a standard FPS.

One final note is that I think we may need to scrap our plans to do online 4 player co-op with this game. People have mentioned that the co-op system is very tacked on, and the game is CLEARLY not designed to have more than 4 people at a given time. This isn't like Left 4 Dead or Gears of War 3, where the levels and such are designed to handle multiple people with big open areas. From what I can tell, the levels here are dark and claustrophobic, and the alien count is designed to deal with the fact that not many guns are there (I don't know if the enemy count changes with more people playing). Seeing as we can have up to 7 people (4 players and 3 AIs) it will likely kill some of the tenseness and subtlety if the aliens are facing numerous guns and they have no long distance weapons to fight back with. I can't see this being a pleasurable experience with more than 3 people playing. 2 would likely be a good number, with 3 pushing it a bit unless you up the difficulty.

I'll keep pushing through and see how this all turns out. I'm not expecting this game to surprise me and be a late entry in my GOTY list, but at least it looks like I don't have to fight through bugs to be able to experience the actual game, which was a big problem I had with the Medal of Honor reboot.

I saw that you were playing Aliens last night and I would have jumped into some co-op with you. The only problem is that I hadn't downloaded the game yet so I fired up a bunch of Steam downloads and jumped into Burial at Sea. I do like that Steam is finally allowing you to download other games in the background while you play. The only problem is that it's turned off by default and needs to be enabled in the settings for each game individually. I'm good to go for the next time we're both online though.

I'm glad to hear that the game isn't that bad anymore. Like I said, I loved the movies. I'll admit that I got caught up in all the pre-release hype that came after their E3 announcement. After the success of Borderlands and Borderlands 2 I think most people just expected this to be a good game. The misleading "gameplay footage" didn't help either. Once the reviews hit I was just glad I didn't preorder the game. Aliens was basically the end of preorders for me. That was also around the time I built a PC and signed up for gamefly so I was pretty much done paying full price for games anyways.
I saw that you were playing Aliens last night and I would have jumped into some co-op with you. The only problem is that I hadn't downloaded the game yet so I fired up a bunch of Steam downloads and jumped into Burial at Sea. I do like that Steam is finally allowing you to download other games in the background while you play. The only problem is that it's turned off by default and needs to be enabled in the settings for each game individually. I'm good to go for the next time we're both online though.

I'm glad to hear that the game isn't that bad anymore. Like I said, I loved the movies. I'll admit that I got caught up in all the pre-release hype that came after their E3 announcement. After the success of Borderlands and Borderlands 2 I think most people just expected this to be a good game. The misleading "gameplay footage" didn't help either. Once the reviews hit I was just glad I didn't preorder the game. Aliens was basically the end of preorders for me. That was also around the time I built a PC and signed up for gamefly so I was pretty much done paying full price for games anyways.
People seemed to forget that Gearbox was also responsible for Duke Nukem Forever (although to be fair I thought a good amount of the hate towards that game was undeserved.)

A:CM is just another example of why it really doesn't make sense to pre-order games, and people are really starting to wise up to that fact. Let's look at all the possible reasons to pre-order a game:

1. To ensure you get it on launch day: I have yet to see any game in the modern era that was not available on release day because of stock issues, and that includes games like Halo 2 (which convinced me of this fact) and GTA V.

2. Pre-order bonus: These are rarely worth it. The one time I jumped on a pre-order was for Guitar Hero 5, and that's because it included Guitar Hero: Van Halen, a $60 game for free. I mean, 2 games for the price of 1 is a no-brainer. Nowadays you're lucky if you get something like an additional mission pack, and that normally is something you can just get later.

3. Pre-order discount: These are usually 5-20%, and if you just have some patience you can easily get the games cheaper than that.

4. So you can say you had it from the start: Well that's just dumb.
Though it doesn't require a pre-order, many people like to get games day one for MP purposes--so they can immediately start leveling up, earning perks, weapons, and skins, learning the maps, basically get ahead of the competition. I'm not into that at all myself, but I know that's a big incentive for some.

But ever since most games started dropping in price by 50% or more within the first 3-6 months of release, I've really seen no need for pre-ordering or buying week one. Not to mention, between free Plus games and a huge back catalog of bargain bin games I have yet to touch, it's not like I need the game today anyway.

Speaking of which, boy am I ever glad I cancelled my pre-order for Beyond Two Souls. The extra pre-order content was only a 10-minute mini-game from Jody's training (which is now grossly overpriced at $5 on the PSN) and the soundtrack consisted for four songs.
I finally got around to starting it this week, and I am enjoying it quite a bit after the first 5 chapters or so--though just as frustrated with the controls as in Heavy Rain. For example, I found it easier to take down a half-dozen enemies in a combat exercise than doing sit ups (I simply didn't understand what the button prompt wanted me to do and I tried everything). Similarly, in Heavy Rain, I found it easier to fight off the first attacker in the game and drive head-on into traffic than to climb up a muddy slope or interact with children's playground equipment. That just shouldn't be the case.
The last game I can remember pre-ordering was Perfect Dark for the N64. Myself and 2 friends actually got out of school early to drive 20 miles to Toys R' Us to get the game. We had to pay a $5 deposit to pre-order then. When we went to get the game there was no one there, just a few employees. We thought it would be packed there. We went in and walked to the check out but no one was there, so we walked past and on to the item pick up counter. We gave our pre-order tickets to the lady with one hand and had a wad of cash in our other hand. She took the pre-order slips handed us the games and told us to have a good day.

Apparently we were suppose to pay at the first checkout where no one was at. The lady at the next counter just figured we paid and gave us the games. We ended up getting our games for $5. LOL I kinda felt bad but it was their screw up.
Aliens: Colonial Marines is QUICKLY losing it's charm. Any goodwill it got in my VERY EARLY impressions is nearly gone. I think I'm maybe halfway through this game (if nothing else, you can say it doesn't stretch out the pain) and I've seen numerous bugs, glitches, and other general annoyances. I think my feelings so far can be encompassed in this one picture I took, as I was somehow killed by SOMETHING while I was trying to duck through an opening. Bear in mind that when in motion, he was ragdolling like he was having the worst seizure in the world.
My wife bought my son and I the Skylander Giants Swapforce game for Christmas. We played it last night and he absolutely loves it. I myself found it entertaining actually.
My latest game im playing on the PC is State of Decay a zombie kill game that's very addictive.

I have it on my wishlist.

Me too. It's been on my steam wishlist for a while now. I'm just waiting for a decent sale on it.

Edit: I see that it's 50% off today. That's still a little more than I wanted to pay but I have some credit in my steam wallet so I'm going to pick it up for $9.99.

I'm sure I'm not the only one around here getting a lot of gaming time in this holiday season. Here's my end of the year update:

Beyond Two Souls — just finished my first run through this technical marvel. I don't have a next gen console, but I imagine the graphics in this game are pretty darn close to that level. I have mixed feelings about other aspects of this game, however, including the non-linear narrative that didn't pull me in quite the way Heavy Rain's did (I recently completed Heavy Rain in three sittings over three days; it took me over 10 days to get through Beyond); and decisions, especially early on, that don't change anything in the game (although Heavy Rain was guilty of that too, but to a lesser extent). Still an overall enjoyable experience, and I look forward to at least one more complete run.

Uncharted Golden Abyss/Fight for Fortune — upon finally getting my plat for Uncharted Golden Abyss a week ago, I fell for the marketing tactic of earning all those cards for the Uncharted Fight for Fortune card game. I gave the demo a try and am hooked and will likely buy all the DLC packs as well, though I've never played any kind of strategy card game before--nor had any desire to. FFF is a perfect bite-sized game for the Vita that I can play around with while watching football this holiday season. As for Uncharted GA, while it may be one of the best console-like games on the Vita (and free for Plus members), it's certainly the worst of all the Uncharted games. Just OK for me, but better than most other games out there because it's still Uncharted!

Hitman Blood Money — it seems that for every free full retail game I put a lot of time into as a Plus member, I threw some money at Sony on related DLC, prequels, or sequels. Hitman Absolution (free for Plus members last summer) is no exception, as I grabbed Blood Money recently when it was on sale for $4.25. Enjoying it so far, though not as much as Absolution, as I am still getting accustomed to slightly different gameplay mechanics.

Priorities still on my plate and/or HDD:
LA Noire (picked up on eBay a month ago)
Dishonored DLC (from the GOTY edition I bought)
Bioshock Infinite (free to Plus members next week--will likely buy season pass as well)
XCOM Enemy Unknown (been sitting on my hard drive since last June)

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