Finally trying out Dishonored..
There's not much insight I can give since I think nearly everyone else here has played the game already. The only thing I feel hasn't been addressed is, this game has by FAR some of the WORST voice acting and character animation of this console generation (7th.) I was amazed at how laughably bad it is. The opening murder scene was about as impactful as watching an episode of Captain Scarlet. Also, the dialogue seems like it was written by a 12 year old, especially that of the guards. The fact that they just speak about what ponces they are (when they're not just pontificating in sentence fragments of swears) does break the immersion quite a bit. The worst part is that you know they're trying really hard to come across as serious, as opposed to a game like Aliens: Colonial Marines where the actors just don't care. Here they were really trying, but I think my two young girls could do just as good of a job.
Other than that, the game does seem intriguing, although I'm torn as to how I should play, whether I do a Low chaos or a High Chaos playthrough. I'm leaning more towards "do whatever seems right at the time" and depending how I like the game and the ending I get, I'll either play again in the opposite way, or just look up the endings on Youtube.