Where are my Satellite Guy's gamers at?

Well it looks like Batman: Arkham Origins will be going back to GF tomorrow. Not because I beat it, but because WB Games presented me with something better: the two previous Batman games for $5.

I'm about 3 hours into AO and about 1 hour into a replay of AA, and I had more fun in the 1 hour than I did the 3 hours. A number of reviewers have said that AO is just like AA and AC but just not quite as good. Honestly though it goes beyond that. AO feels like such an unnecessary game. I truly feel that they just called it "Origins" as a way to trick people into thinking this was an origins story, or as some way to excuse the fact that there's almost NO recognizable villains in this. Compare this to AA, where in the first 5 minutes you're exposed to Killer Croc, Joker, and Harley Quinn. Speaking of, as much as I feel that Joker is an overused villain in the Batman universe, not having him as a major player, voiced by Mark Hamill does take something from AO. Also, why is Batman given half the gadgets in the beginning of the game when previously I had to unlock them? And if this game takes place in the past, why is everyone using modern technology?

All this smacks of the worst type of game: a cash-in game. I can't even bring myself to call this game "bad" because it really isn't. It just feels so unnecessary and "whatever." It's like the game doesn't have a soul. It doesn't do anything for the Batman story or convey any sort of message. It's simply there to occupy your time and take money from you (price of admission.)

I suppose the best advice I can give about this game is to just ignore it and play the others, unless you just simply can't get ENOUGH of Batman flying around and beating up people and stealthing around. Had this "game" been released 10 years ago it would likely just be an expansion pack. Honestly if you have a modern PC I think you'd be best served picking up the first two games here for cheap.

If you wish to see most of my complaints in humorous video form, you can do so here (NSFW)

Not to mention, yet another rushed, bug-ridden title. Developers are giving me less and less reason to pay full price day one to beta test their games. I always felt pretty meh about AO from the start, even though I bought AA and AC on day one. And your review, Yahtzee's take, and everything else I heard more than confirms my reservations. Seeing some video reviews, however, has me itching to complete my NG+ playthrough of AC. I got stuck in the first stealth mission in the old subway section because I kind of forgot how to use some of the gadgets to my advantage on this harder difficulty.
Started playing Bioshock last night. Played for about 3 hours and enjoyed it. Still learning the gameplay and story. Not near as involving as the last of us was but still enjoyable.
Started playing Bioshock last night. Played for about 3 hours and enjoyed it. Still learning the gameplay and story. Not near as involving as the last of us was but still enjoyable.

Both gameplay and story/environment definitely involve a bit of acclimatization. And the first 2-3 sections especially (through Neptune's Bounty) can be a bit tough until you start upgrading plasmids and get better weapons and weapon upgrades. Also be sure to listen to all the audio diaries and pay attention to things written on the walls. Because the main character you control doesn't speak, it's difficult to feel the same kind of emotional connection as you might in a TPS. But gradually you will start caring about certain people in the world and what your role is in the situation.
Both gameplay and story/environment definitely involve a bit of acclimatization. And the first 2-3 sections especially (through Neptune's Bounty) can be a bit tough until you start upgrading plasmids and get better weapons and weapon upgrades. Also be sure to listen to all the audio diaries and pay attention to things written on the walls. Because the main character you control doesn't speak, it's difficult to feel the same kind of emotional connection as you might in a TPS. But gradually you will start caring about certain people in the world and what your role is in the situation.
Actually I believe he's playing Bioshock: Infinite, and to be fair the story doesn't really pick up until you meet Elizabeth. Once she gets involved the story really begins to open up and blossom.
Not to mention, yet another rushed, bug-ridden title. Developers are giving me less and less reason to pay full price day one to beta test their games. I always felt pretty meh about AO from the start, even though I bought AA and AC on day one. And your review, Yahtzee's take, and everything else I heard more than confirms my reservations. Seeing some video reviews, however, has me itching to complete my NG+ playthrough of AC. I got stuck in the first stealth mission in the old subway section because I kind of forgot how to use some of the gadgets to my advantage on this harder difficulty.
My favorite part is when he's going through the story/villains and then after Black Mask says, "You know, this video will pass quicker if you stop pausing it to look up who the f*** these characters are!"
Beat Castle of Illusion w/ Mickey Mouse today. A game I picked up to play that my toddler likes watching (while yelling "mee mee" ... thought today he found the consonants to finally say "mickey"). It's the first game I've beaten this year, last year I beat just Prototype and HAWX. Can't tell you what I beat before that (I quit WoW a couple times, that's beating it right?). Go go gaming ADD.
Actually I believe he's playing Bioshock: Infinite, and to be fair the story doesn't really pick up until you meet Elizabeth. Once she gets involved the story really begins to open up and blossom.

Yep, sorry. I couldn't remember at the time that it's Bioshock: Infinite. I'm at the part where I helped Elizabeth escape and trying to get on a ship.
I finally finished GTA V. This was a beefy campaign for sure. According to the in game stat tracker I put in 31 hours and 47 minutes. I completed the story but I am only at 63% completion when you add in all the side missions. Once you add in the MMO like online mode there is a ton of value here for someone who only buys a game or two a year and wants to make them last.

I have owned every GTA since GTA III but GTA V and Vice City are the only two I actually finished. See I always get really excited for these games but at some point the missions go from fun to work. Except for a few occasions, that didn't happen in GTA V. I still think the Saints Row series edges out GTA in the fun category but GTA V is much closer than GTA IV was.

In terms of world building, Rockstar blows Volition out of the water. Seriously, it's not even close. GTA V is probably the most polished game I have ever played. The voice acting is great and they created a world that feels real. The SR world feels bland in comparison. You can do just about anything you can think of in this game. We are only a few days away from the PS4 launch and for me GTA V was the perfect game to send out the PS3/360 generation with a bang.

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I got $60 in Steam wallet credits yesterday at Gamestop. While I was there, I saw a guy wearing this t-shirt..


There aren't words to describe the level of cringe I felt...
Just a friendly reminder, Bioshock Infinite: Burial at Sea Part 1 releases tomorrow. The general consensus seems to be that it's not bad, but it's definitely too short. Still, I'll find any reason to get back to Rapture. That reminds me.. I should probably finish Minerva's Den before I delve into this..
Just a friendly reminder, Bioshock Infinite: Burial at Sea Part 1 releases tomorrow. The general consensus seems to be that it's not bad, but it's definitely too short. Still, I'll find any reason to get back to Rapture. That reminds me.. I should probably finish Minerva's Den before I delve into this..

I will be playing this tomorrow night. The only thing that could keep me from jumping in is the off chance that my PS4 will arrive tomorrow. I received an email from Taco Bell a few weeks back saying it should be delivered between the 12th and the 15th. I'm not holding my breath but my new toy could be here as early as tomorrow!
Been playing Modern Warfare a bit recently. I really did forget how good that single player campaign was, and also how it's rather unforgiving. A number of times (like in the television studio) I was being turned into hamburger by the Arabs. It's also sad to see how the series really took a nosedive afterwards. At least the first one had its story and setpieces set in a realm of moderate realism. Sadly the stories of 2 and 3 just got crazier and crazier, with MW3 going completely off it's t*ts with Russia pulling out of the US to invade all of Europe in 1 day. It sounds like a something that got pitched to Stallone as a plot for Rambo 4, which he then turned down because he thought that the world was just dying to see him make "Oscar." Saints Row 4 is still taking up my time, and I'll probably focus back on Minerva's Den and follow that up with Infinite's Burial at Sea DLC, unless of course one of my gamefly games comes in, which I'm not holding my breath on since they all have availability of "Low."
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So I finished Bioshock: Infinite and I am more confused than ever with that story. The game was fun to play but man that story was odd. I wonder how these guys come up with these story lines. I'd have to say the The Last of Us was more enjoyable and a much more engrossing story. I still give it good ratings since the graphics and game play were still great.
So I finished Bioshock: Infinite and I am more confused than ever with that story. The game was fun to play but man that story was odd. I wonder how these guys come up with these story lines. I'd have to say the The Last of Us was more enjoyable and a much more engrossing story. I still give it good ratings since the graphics and game play were still great.
Maybe this will help explain things:

I loved Bioshock Infinite. I'm still not sure if Infinite or The Last of US would be my game of the year for 2013 but those are the only two games in the running for me. GTA V was great but as far as I'm concerned it's a two game race. I think Bioshock will be passed over by most of the gaming websites for GOTY because it came out so early in the year. I think most of them will choose either TLoU or GTA V.
I really missed playing bioshock as I traded everything in for a wiiu for my kids when that came out. I am a huge bioshock fan and loved both games before it...grrrr I hope I can get that on the ps4 before too long!
I really missed playing bioshock as I traded everything in for a wiiu for my kids when that came out. I am a huge bioshock fan and loved both games before it...grrrr I hope I can get that on the ps4 before too long!
I doubt they're going to port it over. Your best hope is that they'll sell it as a streaming PS3 title for the PS4.

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