I guess you wont buy anything from me then?

I've been on EBay for almost 10 years buying things and I can count on one hand the times I've been screwed. 3 were for some old wrestling tapes. I havent had any issues with FTA equipment and I've purchased numerous receivers on Ebay.
Ha Ha!

Ice, now you know that I would not have any qualms about buying anything from you. I know you through this forum and that makes it like going into a ma and pa shop in my hometown. The kind of atmosphere where you went to school with the proprietors kids. When you come into their shop, you talk like close friends and neighbors. They couldn't screw you on a deal because they have pride in themselves and in the reputation of their business around town.
Buying things over the internet, such as through E-Bay, takes that hometown atmosphere away and some sellers may not have that sense of pride and commitment to the customer. The personal touch is lacking here.
I have purchased over $10K worth of merchandise over the internet and have not been disappointed with any of the sellers.
I was disappointed with one product, but not because of any fault of the seller.
Generally, I only buy over the internet through actual businesses (like an E-Bay Store) rather than through an individual. I have not had any bad experiences buying from an individual however. As I stated, if I can speak to them directly and discuss the merchandise prior to the sale and get to know the seller somewhat personally, they usually become quite open and eager to provide all the details about the item they are selling.
I bought my Wild Blue internet equipment this way and the lady I purchased it from even called me back after the sale to ensure that I received it ok and to ask if I had any questions that she could assist me with. Now that is down-home friendly!
huh.....I bought 2 Pansat 5000's a while back (dual tuner PVR units) and both had "factory version" in the title yet when I turned them on they both had stuff on the hard drive with titles as "PPV 501", "PPV 512" and "SPORT 455"...hmmm....sounds like Dish PPV to me. Didnt know factory could get Dish scrambled stuff
Oh yeah! Not everything nor everyone is truly honest. Gosh, you would think that they would have at least wiped the slate clean for you, simply out of courtesy if nothing else.
also if there is a stock picture and not the actual item especially if used
True, if they have the ability to download a stock picture to present it for a used item for sale, surely you would think that they could also have the ability to take some digital picture of the actual device that they are selling. I do look for these sort of hints when buying over the net. Like I stated, if the seller goes out of their way to present the item clearly and honestly and in detail, you can generally trust them to be sincere and on the level.