Thank you...
Well, the thing is, my fiancé lives in Brisbane. So I guess that is where we'll be living. Europe, maybe one day. If nothing else I would love to take a European tour someday. My mom goes every year. I would like to go at least once in my lifetime.
But, Brisbane is my destination. Getting out of Texas? It can't happen too soon as far as I'm concerned. We'll be in an apartment so I'm not very hopeful about being able to put up a dish. I would prefer a house in the burbs but that's pretty unlikely. I'm afraid that at best we'll have cable. I'm not a fan of cable tv at all.
It's highly over priced and the picture quality is terrible. And to be totally honest, there's just nothing worth watching on it. At least Time Warner in SE Texas. I don't know about down under just yet. I'm just wondering if I should consider taking anything with me or leave it behind and buy all new, provided we get into a place where we can put one up.
I'm really bummed out about having to leave behind my fancy new hdtv I just bought.