What's the latest news on the new bird called Anik-F3?

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Some of my favorite comedians. :D

Actually the entire cast of "Second City TV" (SCTV as it was knows) became famous in some way or another, that's where John Candy, Eugene Levy, Martin Short, Catherine O'Hara, Rick Moranis, Andrea Martin(not sure what she's doing now), Harold Ramis all got their start. We're just funny people! :D We can laugh at ourselves and our past..........it makes things "lighter".
Here's a pic of John Candy and Eugene Levy from SCTV as Stan and Yosh Schmenge, the Happy Wanderers..........good stuff!!!


  • happywanderers_th.jpg
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Without thinking or intending to it looks like I hijacked this thread.............I've never hijacked a thread before.........or anything else for that matter. Mods feel free to do what you have to if necessary.
Thanks for sharing the picture. Candy was an awsome actor/comedian. I sure miss him.

I agree with a poster about Canada missing out on attracting more tourists. If there was an FTA channel from Canada promoting Canadian culture, beauty, places and people, I am sure a lot of US FTA viewers will be interested in visiting Canada. A lot of people in the USA have relatives in CANADA (I have a cousin), another reason to visit.

I saw a program on one of the travel channel (I think it was Equator VOOM Channel) about the passenger train that goes all the way across Canada to Vancouver. That would be a wonderful trip. I like nature and scenery, and this would be ideal for me.
Thanks for sharing the picture. Candy was an awsome actor/comedian. I sure miss him.

I agree with a poster about Canada missing out on attracting more tourists. If there was an FTA channel from Canada promoting Canadian culture, beauty, places and people, I am sure a lot of US FTA viewers will be interested in visiting Canada. A lot of people in the USA have relatives in CANADA (I have a cousin), another reason to visit.

I saw a program on one of the travel channel (I think it was Equator VOOM Channel) about the passenger train that goes all the way across Canada to Vancouver. That would be a wonderful trip. I like nature and scenery, and this would be ideal for me.

In fact, aside from our geographical location, I think you'd find the culture and people are pretty much the same. I live right on the US Canada border. In fact my son's mother is American so he has the unique distinction of having a parent in both countries and thereby having dual citizenship. There are certain things that are a little different but for the most part we're very similar people. Consider that much of our ancestry stems from the same places and it's not hard to see why there are similarities. There is a lot of nature and beautiful scenery around here. There is a lot of undeveloped natural wilderness etc. I guess what I'm trying to say is that I know of some folks from the States that seem to think it's a whole different world where really, things up here are very much the same as they are there...........only colder! :) Although global warming is taking care of that........soon it'll be the only place that's tolerable!

But back to the topic.............I think that largely Canada is missing out on one huge way to promote ourselves. I am glad to hear that so many people enjoy Canadian programming, shows that I've enjoyed for years. That says a lot........wonder what it would take to get Canada to look into broadcasting at least a few channels FTA?
The CBC was FTA for a long time but sadly issues like sports and the programming on it (at the time they had stuff here in the US too) they scrambled

When I got the BUD there were CBC feeds for the 4 time zones. Man it was great, especially if you were a hockey fan, 3 early games from each time zone plus a late game from the west, Blue Jay and Expo games, CFL games, Royal Air Farce, and of course RED GREEN. They left C band around 2000 or so. I really miss it.

I can still pick up some 4:2:2 news feeds.......but, it's not the same.
Canadian bashing . . .

Naw, Canadians are no different than your Aunt who lives out of town and comes to visit once in a while.
Come to think of it, I'd prefer a Canadian!

They're more like your cousin who lives out of town.
Much more fun than your Aunt !

Same history, same multi-cultural immigrants , same, same . . .
They just don't seem to know when to come in out of the cold. :eek:

I've never found Canadian TV to be tooo much different from USA.
Well, except for the occasional odd word here 'n there. :rolleyes:

heh -:- here's something you'll never see: Canadian TV for Americans - with subtitles! :eureka
I think Canadian FTA is unlikely for a couple of reasons:

1. tight control by the commercial broadcasting lobby - their attitude is if there is one Canadian FTA channel maybe Canadians will realize there is an alternative to subscription TV, which will weaken their message that either you are paying for satellite or you must be stealing it. There is white satellite, black satellite and no grey.

2. the CRTC (broadcast regulator) has more control if all channels are scrambled and paid for. This means they can measure how many people are watching what, and secondly and more importantly they can tack on stealth taxes. The subscription people have set up the billing mechanism, all the gov't does is require them to add network charges, fees, taxes, etc either up front or built in as a percentage of the gross receipts.

I could see a tourist organization sharing time on a TP somewhere when the price is right. Maybe I should lease a TP and sell shares. How much is a TP these days?

It is interesting to compare with the U.S. and the attitude to the broadcast of National Public Radio. If my impression is correct this is only available (apart from OTA) on subscription via Sirius/XM. Do Americans feel that NPR should be FTA? BTW after all the nice comments about Canada here I should say that NPR is great programming, particularly the Car Talk guys.
I've never found Canadian TV to be tooo much different from USA.
Well, except for the occasional odd word here 'n there. :rolleyes:

The first time I watched Curling it was probably on CBC , It looked like it was alot of fun. Anybody here ever try Curling , the closest I've come is shuffleboard.

Back in the 80's C-band days I remember watching the different time zones for CBC too , I watched a Kids show on Saturday or Sunday that had a different host in each time zone.
The first time I watched Curling it was probably on CBC , It looked like it was alot of fun. Anybody here ever try Curling , the closest I've come is shuffleboard.

Back in the 80's C-band days I remember watching the different time zones for CBC too , I watched a Kids show on Saturday or Sunday that had a different host in each time zone.
Haha! I was just thinking that the first Canadian tv I ever watched after I got my own C-Band dish as an adult was "Curling".. It fascinated me, as I'd never seen/heard of anything like that before!
Ok, why can't a Canadian FTA owned station be on an CONUS beamed transponder such as on G10R or AMC4, etc? It could be even a USA based (studios and mgt). The target market is USA, but with a CANADIAN content :eureka
Ok, why can't a Canadian FTA owned station be on an CONUS beamed transponder such as on G10R or AMC4, etc? It could be even a USA based (studios and mgt). The target market is USA, but with a CANADIAN content :eureka

Yeah, and call it something like "EH-BC" :D But seriously, I think the FCC might have a problem if too much of the content was Canadian based. I know that in Canada there is a certain amount of Canadian content that must be shown on a Canadian owned station.
I'm curious to see the shuffling on this one and what stays put. AMC 16 was setup for 24 KU TP's in circular mode for E*. I wonder if E* is leasing all 32 KU TP's on this bird? I'm sure it will be in circular mode too as they'd have lots of Dish1000+ users left high and dry.
... as they'd have lots of Dish1000+ users left high and dry.
How many years of use before Dish shut down new installations of SuperDishes?
How do you spell phase-out ? :rolleyes:

More to the point, neither would be totally useless.
Just somewhat less useful.

I wouldn't assume any technology they deploy to be permanent.
On the up-side, it has given them the opportunity to respond more quickly by using temporary solutions.
why would it?

118.75 is LNB LO 10750 and 119 is 11250. So it takes me 2 separate scans to get all of them

I get DBS entries from 119w even when I scan using a Ku linear LNB on a bird that close to 119w. For example, at SatMex 5 I pick up some 119w E* junk, which has to be deleted after a scan... "DBS bleedover"... only solution is to do a scan for FTA only, which won't get the DBS stuff.
It is interesting to compare with the U.S. and the attitude to the broadcast of National Public Radio. If my impression is correct this is only available (apart from OTA) on subscription via Sirius/XM. Do Americans feel that NPR should be FTA? BTW after all the nice comments about Canada here I should say that NPR is great programming, particularly the Car Talk guys.
NPR is a radio channel, not a TV channel.

As such is it is already "FTA", because it is available everywhere in the US on OTA radio channels (which are subsidized by the government).

The presence of NPR on Sirius/XM is a convenience for satellite radio users, so they don't have to have both satellite and AM/FM radio installed in the same vehicle.
To be quite honest with you I had never heard of NPR until I saw it on the my Sirius radio.

I've heard of it but alot of areas don't carry it. Here in Minnesota we have our own verison (MPR) that has some NPR stuff but very little. MPR is pretty much blankets the state via their translator stations
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