My plan bombed tried using the Carne Picada burrito meat cooked with Bell Peppers & Mushrooms (cooked over night last night) too greasy, the dogs loved it though ...
Had Fried Potatoes & Baked Ham along with corn & green beans... Monday night supper on Tuesday due to conflicts...
Watching the Today show, they are talking about planning a week or even a months worth of meals... that's a little to regimented for me, I have ingredients but am very flexible on what to cook when...
I usually do a week at a time, but I'm pretty flexible as to what I make every night. I don't make a menu, it's just whatever I get up and feel like I'm in the mood to make.
I forgot to add, last night we did not have burgers and fries. It was the last night for 3.99 Pepperoni pizza's at Little Caesar's so that's what we had. Tonight will be burgers and fries for sure.
Friday we had Ruby Tuesdays. I had the steak and lobster, both of which were awesome. I think HIFI got a burger, but I don't remember what was on it. Saturday we did go to the cookout, which was a block party for my parents block. I tried so many different types of side dishes, I lost count. I only liked a couple of them. My dad grilled steak, chicken, burgers, brats, and hotdogs. It was cold, but a good night for grilling and chilling with other people.
Tonight, I am still thinking about doing the chicked like dfergie, but I kinda want chili because it is so cold outside. I haven't decided yet.