Whats for breakfast?

Peeled and grated 2 small potatos (hash browns) sliced 3 large portabello mushrooms, diced 2 Hatch green chiles and browned, then cooked a pound of Jimmy Dean sausage & mixed those. Added 11 eggs and sprinkled crushed red chile over and scrambled with a dash of mile added (1/8 cup?). ended up with 8 Burritos for work and 2 sandwiches (one for now, one for later). With the rest of a glass of milk.
The Morning Breakfast (trying to drop a stone):

_ Vitamix Smootie (pineapple, grapes, banana, strawberry, blueberry)
_ Fish Oil, Flax Seed Oil, Multivitamin
_ 1 package Quaker Oatmeal
_ 1 boiled egg
_ small handful of nuts (walnuts, almonds, hazelnuts, pumpkin seeds)
_ 2 cups of black coffee
I made a pot roast last night in the crock pot so I'm having the remains today. This go around I tossed in some sweet potatoes (vice white potatoes), carrots, onion and celery since sweet potatoes are the better health alternative.

You might try rutabagas or turnips in place of the white potato. They are a pretty good alternative as well....

Sous Vide

Smoking Meat?
