Whats for breakfast?

Christmas morning - Italian sausage browned and simmered overnight with Rotel, scrambled eggs and home made biscuits. About 25 people for our annual Xmas breakfast!
Christmas morning - Italian sausage browned and simmered overnight with Rotel, scrambled eggs and home made biscuits. About 25 people for our annual Xmas breakfast!

We have something similar, though on a much smaller scale. Last few years we have had a Christmas morning tradition breakfast of a great breakfast casserole the wife makes!
In days gone by, we used to get me and my brother and sisters and we'd make a run to a store called Scimeca's in Kansas City for Italian meats, pastas, and other various deli type stuff. They made the best Italian sausage around, and were great. Heck, I used to walk to that store from my grandparent's apartment when I was a kid and still have very fond memories of those days and that goes back 60+ years!

The sausage and eggs has held up all those years for the big Xmas breakfast at my mom's, she's 94 and enjoys these kinds of things though she can't do much other than enjoy them now.

The biggest difference now is that after the big breakfast and gift exchange, everyone bails out because they all have other family to visit. Before we used to always have a big Xmas dinner, now just finger foods and desserts throughout the day as some come and go. Mom love this stuff and we love that she is still around and in good enough health to enjoy it.
I think in the morning it is time for some homemade sausage!!!! :)

Sous Vide

Smoking Meat?
