What the Warner announcement has done to my household.

Yepp, I bought my PS3 with 3 mo's no interest for $499.

PS3 is $399 right now and so is the BD30. Not bad. Funai will be under $300.
Also, BD players are under $300, where did you get a DLP 56" for $600?

People have heard HDDVD is sooo much cheaper than BD for too long, its like a memory response now.

Not regularly. There is not one listed for under $300 at BB, Walmart, Samsclub, Costco, or Amazon. ONly CC has the 300 on sale this week at 299. These, as stated, are not final profile compliant either.

Yepp, I bought my PS3 with 3 mo's no interest for $499.

PS3 is $399 right now and so is the BD30. Not bad. Funai will be under $300.

Unless i am crazy the BD30 is $499 at bestbuy...

but some times those 3's look like 4's to me

and no a ps3 is not an option for me. no analog out...
and also the HD-a3 is 199 at walmart and 179 at amazon.

i call that 50% cheeper than the $399 ps3

that is 10-15 movies that i could buy... witch i belive is what the movies studios care about.

and before you say is i have my a2 hooked up over spdif. but i have a analog in so the bdp-s1 that supports all but DTS-HD ma works for that analog in..
"since there is little to no diff in PQ-AQ"
Not everyone agrees with that.

The cheaper player claim simply doesn't hold up for the long run. Electronics gets cheaper. The Chinese move in and sell everything so cheap few others, if any, remain in the market. HD DVD ran fast against a closing window of opportunity, and lost. But I appreciate the run, it no doubt brought performance and price improvements faster than we would have seen otherwise.
The BD30 is $400 at amazon.

When I stated "under $300" i was referring to the 1400.

Hopefully the funai will be around $250 so everyone will quit bitching about prices.
Yikes!!:yikes My bad. What I meant to say was analog would be off the air. I need to elaborate my posistion, when a station goes digital the equipment needed to do that provides that station with the ability to broadcast HD if they want to. Talk to any station engineer if you doubt me on this one. Station engineer I talked to works at WRAL in Raleigh, NC (I fix his personal tools). The first 24 hour high def OTA station in this country. Any feeds that they get from the parent company CBS or shows that were not shot in HD are upconverted on 5.1. This will be the way most of America will be viewing in 2010.

Right now all new shows are shot in HD. All sporting events shown OTA are in HD. About half the soaps are now in HD and most of the game shows are moving to HD. All news shows are in HD now. And here in Raleigh were are starting to see local advertising in HD.

So, tell me, after the switch, why would your station broadcast SD on new shows when the cost will be the same to broadcast those shows as they are being downloaded to you in HD?

Lets take a look at WRAZ/Fox here in Raleigh. 50.1 shows HD 60% of the time now. They upconvert the rest just like WRAL/CBS does. Heck, they even have some local HD advertisement now. On 50.2 they show the old SD shows. And on 50.3 they show weather and news.

I would expect that over 80% of the OTA market will be working this way by 2010. By that time when you replace a tv the new one will be an HDTV. That is all Costco, Sam's and BJ's are selling now. That is all Circuit City is selling now. I expect Best Buy to be there in 2008. The future in HD is happening right now, and with the prices coming down even more in 2008 for smaller HDTVs (You can buy a 24" HDTV LCD for $300 now) those SD sets will probably not see the end of the year in 2008.

Sorry for my miscue and I hope this more fully explains the point that I was trying to make.:o
I can not wait for that day Joe.

but we need to get the sat and cable companies on bord that we need a package for us HD folks that does not charge extra for HD... but when a channel is availabe in HD that the SD gets replaced on OUR package.. why do we need both?
Here ya go, Best Buy kicks analog TVs to the curb - Engadget

Id say its old stock(kinda like the 02-07 HDDVD player I bought in 11-07).

I can tell you this, my local best buys have ZERO analog tv's. I tried to buy that wonderful POS you linked to in my area, 3 stores 3 no go's :rolleyes:

again there is a difference between digital and HD. You can kick analog to the curb and still sell SD or ED. BTW the link Vurbano provided is to an ad for SD digital.
Right now all new shows are shot in HD. All sporting events shown OTA are in HD.

Not true. None of the reality shows are in HD. Scrubs was never in HD. Not all weekly Football on Fox and CBS is even in HD.

Fox uses 480p widescreen on many of their shows like Cops and Hell's Kitchen.
Yikes!!:yikes My bad. What I meant to say was analog would be off the air. I need to elaborate my posistion, when a station goes digital the equipment needed to do that provides that station with the ability to broadcast HD if they want to. Talk to any station engineer if you doubt me on this one. Station engineer I talked to works at WRAL in Raleigh, NC (I fix his personal tools). The first 24 hour high def OTA station in this country. Any feeds that they get from the parent company CBS or shows that were not shot in HD are upconverted on 5.1. This will be the way most of America will be viewing in 2010.

Right now all new shows are shot in HD. All sporting events shown OTA are in HD. About half the soaps are now in HD and most of the game shows are moving to HD. All news shows are in HD now. And here in Raleigh were are starting to see local advertising in HD.

So, tell me, after the switch, why would your station broadcast SD on new shows when the cost will be the same to broadcast those shows as they are being downloaded to you in HD?

Lets take a look at WRAZ/Fox here in Raleigh. 50.1 shows HD 60% of the time now. They upconvert the rest just like WRAL/CBS does. Heck, they even have some local HD advertisement now. On 50.2 they show the old SD shows. And on 50.3 they show weather and news.

I would expect that over 80% of the OTA market will be working this way by 2010. By that time when you replace a tv the new one will be an HDTV. That is all Costco, Sam's and BJ's are selling now. That is all Circuit City is selling now. I expect Best Buy to be there in 2008. The future in HD is happening right now, and with the prices coming down even more in 2008 for smaller HDTVs (You can buy a 24" HDTV LCD for $300 now) those SD sets will probably not see the end of the year in 2008.

Sorry for my miscue and I hope this more fully explains the point that I was trying to make.:o

Actually it si not true that everything is shot in HD. More and more all the time but not everything. Many stations currently plan to offer several D+SD feeds instead of HD. SD will live on for awhile. How long is something we can't say. But it is not going away as quickly as you allege.
My local fox and nbc affiliates broadcast digital 480i (and in low power). They do not even have plans until maybe sometime next year that they might go HD. Stations can cheap out on this if they want to. They are probably picking up a bunch of used news cameras on the cheap from stations that do HD.
I picked up one of the HD-DVD $199 deals back in November with a bunch of free movies. I knew it was a bit risky since things were trending bluray but I didn't think a bluray player would be in reach any time soon so I went ahead and got it. I also thought the war would drag out for quite a while and eventually be settled with combo players like the + and - DVD burners did.

About a month and a half afterwards I found an open box bluray player for $99 so now I can player either format.

I honestly don't know about either format at this time, on both players I had discs that would not play until I installed firmware updates. I've read that happens regularly with new movies and I just can't see J6P doing that.

I've always been a renter so I'm not worried about getting stuck with obsolete format movies. Either player can play regular DVDs and HD content from burnable DVDs.

I doubt stations like PAX will ever go HD.

They have announced they plan to go HD. I'm not sure why. They also changed their name to ion.
Ok I just got back from Walmart and K-mart.

At Walmart they had 12 SDTV's
One of the 32" TV's was $276.?? tv had a Digital tuner in it.
To note there was a 27" for $198.97
I did not notice if or how many others had a digital tuner as the one I noticed with it was on my way out. I near running to get out also, so sorry about the lack of info.

At K-mart there was also 12 SDTV's
I would say that at least 6 had a digital tuner in them.
32" with a digital tuner was $313.??

I have to say that I was disappointed and surprised about the SDTV's now being manufactured with Digital tuners I had hoped that in the migration to digital we would have weeded out the SDTV by not having digital tuners.

Now with this said doing this I forgot to get my measurements for deciding on my tv for my bedroom and I had to go to wallyworld so I hope you all feel for me.
Im not sure what you are getting at. A Standard Digital TV should have a digital tuner in it. Why would you want to weed out SDTV's in a digital transition? One thing to consider is that some people cant get good reception and a digital ATSC tuner would be useless for them and some people get reception but refuse to put up an antenna. Why would those people want to pay extra for the tuner when they plan on getting digital service through cabe or sat?
So, tell me, after the switch, why would your station broadcast SD on new shows when the cost will be the same to broadcast those shows as they are being downloaded to you in HD? :o
Because the affiliates feel they can rake in more advertising dollars by broadcasting multiple SD streams. And they can since they hold their DMA's hostage. Most still broadcast an HD channel but sometimes in name only since many are so bandwidth degraded due to all of the subchannels.
They have announced they plan to go HD. I'm not sure why. They also changed their name to ion.
With the 4-5 subchannels they run here it wont be "HD". It will look like the joke that PBSHD is here. Absolute garbage, and calling it HD is a crime.
Not true. None of the reality shows are in HD. Scrubs was never in HD. Not all weekly Football on Fox and CBS is even in HD.

Fox uses 480p widescreen on many of their shows like Cops and Hell's Kitchen.

Fox does broadcast "American Idol" in HD. ABC does the same for "Dancing with the Stars". Allegedly, "Don't Forget the Lyrics" is upconverted widescreen HD. If so, it looks damned good.

"Cops" looks like widescreen HD. "Hell's Kitchen" isn't always easy to tell on my 57" 1080P display.

HD-DVD Predictions for 2008
