Time Warner Goes 'Day & Date' For VOD
Screw downloads... day and date VOD/PPV would obliviate the need to drive to the store for a movie or even wait for a red/blue envelope. My only issue with the cable/sat stuff is that it is always open matte or zoomed for things w/ an OAR higher than 1.85:1. The multichannel providers have black bar phobia!
Screw downloads... day and date VOD/PPV would obliviate the need to drive to the store for a movie or even wait for a red/blue envelope. My only issue with the cable/sat stuff is that it is always open matte or zoomed for things w/ an OAR higher than 1.85:1. The multichannel providers have black bar phobia!

Time Warner Goes 'Day & Date' For VOD
Movies will be released the same day as the DVD.
By Swanni
Washington, D.C. (May 2, 2008) -- Time Warner has decided to release all Video on Demand titles on the same day they are available on DVD in video stores.
The VOD titles will include some movies in High-Definition.
Time Warner CEO Jeff Bewkes made the disclosure Wednesday in an investors call following the company's first quarter report.
The company has tested 'day & date' video releases on Comcast and its cable unit, Time Warner Cable. Bewkes said the experiment has been so successful that it's time to make it across the board.
The decision is likely to be controversial with video retailers claiming it would hurt their business. Without the head-start traditionally given to DVD releases, consumers may opt to buy the VOD movie instead, particularly if it's available in high-def.
Bewkes, however said DVD sales were up during the 'day & date' trial, albeit slightly, suggesting that some VOD purchasers are buying the hard disc after watching the movie at home.
Time Warner must work out some 'day & date' with cable and satellite providers before it's implemented so Bewkes did not give a launch date.