Warner Bros. has no plans to drop HD neutrality

Neutral???? They have had big titles on HD DVD for over a year now that still havent shown up on BD. Thats neutral? :haha

Its very clear to me that Warner currently favors HD DVD because of its IME and because of BD's lack of complete specs and incomplete player features. IF HD DVD sales spike they will favor HD DVD even more. The only question is what does favoring HD DVD even more mean???

EXCLUSIVITY??? Seems to me that is what "casting our lot with HD DVD means" or does it mean even more titles being held back from BD??????
I actually think they do. Back in Sept. when the rumors were flying that HD-DVD was going exclusive I said no they weren't. Here is my take on things. SHowed up for both formats "parties". BD fans, after the interview, were saying they were going BD exclusive. Again I said no. Josh started a rumor that WB was going to make an announcement and BD execs were dropping everything to show up for it. Even the same "brokerage firm that did the Paramount Deal" would be there. Never happened. Noogan comes out and says' "hold up, you guys are blowing things out of proportion."

They are basicly playing right now, especially to put the pressure on Toshiba to put what they deem a viable hardware base in consumers homes. They are not looking at the PS3. They want standalone players as they have always maintained. They are watching the Toshiba deals that will be happening between today and Christmas. They will also be watching the BD player sells. They will go with whichever one sells the most standalones. If today's sale is any indication, BD is in serious trouble. There is no player, even Joe's rumored Chinese player that will be available for Christmas, that will be able to match these prices. The A3 will be going for $169 on Black Friday. Watch for the A30 at 249-299 (it can already be found for $329) and the A35 for $349 or less (it can already be found for $389). There will be an announcement by Warner sometime towards the end of the first quarter in regards to their plan. I honestly don't think it will happen before CES, but you never know. After all, they don't want to p.o. the Christmas crowd that bought all those Harry Potter movies too much.

Mysteriously, "Twister", Warners first 2008 release, has been postponed in both formats until May, including the SD version. Disney and Fox both know what's going on. Otherwise, why would they rip Warner and Paramount so hard? Fox has come back with the 100 titles released in 2008, but no specific titles mentioned.

Warner is in control of the future , and they are getting a big laugh out of all of this. My prediction, by the end of the first quarter.... Warner will go HD-DVD exclusive. Studios want IME. BD has yet to deliver. They want web enabled features, as witnessed by Paramount. Note that 2.0 is a completely optional spec. Warner is not pleased that they had to burn an extra copy to get it with T3. That will leave Sony, Fox, and Disney. Sony has a decent catalog, though not my favorite by far, Fox has a nice catalog (can't include Star Wars, because George is God and will do as he pleases), but Disney has a limited demographic, families. These are the ones not willing to spend the extra dollars on a BD player.

If I'm wrong, I'm wrong. I still have my Panasonic. Although, I think I'm going to hold off on the BD30 until this plays out.

Glad I am not the only one who sees how BD has shot itself in the foot by not having web and IME in place. All due to its specification fiasco.
I do not see how Warner is in control of anyone's future. If they go HD-DVD exclusive the move by itself will not end the format war. Sony, Fox, Disney, Lionsgate and MGM are still BD exclusive. So if Warner wants to end this format war and push consumers into buying HD players and discs then going HD-DVD exclusive will not do that. It will definately give HD-DVD a transfusion and give HD-DVD more leg to move down the road but the move itself will not make this format war go away.

However, if Warner were to go BD exclusive this would put a nail in the coffin of HD-DVD. Along with Universal's disappointing HD-DVD sales (not really their fault as they do not have very many current boxoffice hits right now) but that 2-1 disc sales ratio of BD over HD-DVD could persuade Universal to at least go format nuetral and that couple with a move by Warner to BD exclusivity would definately drop a few nails in the HD-DVD coffin on this format war.

We all want to believe that if Warner is looking for a big Payday that our favorite format camp will outbid the other for Warner's exclusivity. I would like to see Warner avoid the money and put their hat in the ring of their choice. (Anyone here who does not believe that I want that to be BD's ring can't read) But the bottom line here is that neither format has a buzzard's chance of replacing DVD with the other hanging around.

So guys, these next 3 months might be all the time we have to push, cajole, and try to convice each other in the best interest of our beloved format. GO BLU!!!::rainbow
I do not see how Warner is in control of anyone's future. If they go HD-DVD exclusive the move by itself will not end the format war.
Yes it will combined with low priced HD DVD players. Given HD DVD superior attach rate it will be a death blow to BD.
That is my prediction. MAybe it will happen, maybe it won't. If Warner goes HD DVD, Expect Disney to follow. They want to sell their movies. Families aren't buying their movies at the rate they would like to see on BD. Meet the Robinson's was beat by second week Transformer sells and Heroes free w/ the xbox addon. They can't be happy about that.

... but Disney has a limited demographic, families. These are the ones not willing to spend the extra dollars on a BD player.
You do realize that "Disney" includes far more than just Disney, right?

It includes Disney, Touchstone, Hollywood, Miramax, and Pixar.

And, do not forget TV content from ABC and ESPN, and the large percentage they own of Lifetime and A&E.
Even if Warner were to chose HD-DVD over BD, I dubt that would help them keep up with the BD sales (discs).
Don't forget Warner won't drop any formats yet, because they love the money coming in from both sides.
Even if Warner were to chose HD-DVD over BD, I dubt that would help them keep up with the BD sales (discs)
Are you nuts? If WB chose HDDVD, it would completely turn the tide.

As big as Sony and Disney are, they would not be able to compete with all of the other studios. Period.

Much more content would be available for the less expensive HDDVD hardware. And you don't think that would change the balance of disc sales? As it is, we haven't even seen the effect that the recent explosion in HDDVD HW has had on disc sales. I am absolutely positive we will be seeing that effect in the next few weeks.
Neutral???? They have had big titles on HD DVD for over a year now that still havent shown up on BD. Thats neutral? :haha

Its very clear to me that Warner currently favors HD DVD because of its IME and because of BD's lack of complete specs and incomplete player features. IF HD DVD sales spike they will favor HD DVD even more. The only question is what does favoring HD DVD even more mean???

EXCLUSIVITY??? Seems to me that is what "casting our lot with HD DVD means" or does it mean even more titles being held back from BD??????

And when the New Line releases start they'll have big titles on Blu-ray not on HD DVD. That's neutral?

Oh, and they releasing Terminator 3 on Blu-ray with more special features. That's neutral?

HD Extras on Harry Potter 5 only on Blu-ray. That's neutral?

You can twist every bit of minutia both ways vurbano.
And when the New Line releases start they'll have big titles on Blu-ray not on HD DVD. That's neutral?

Oh, and they releasing Terminator 3 on Blu-ray with more special features. That's neutral?

HD Extras on Harry Potter 5 only on Blu-ray. That's neutral?

You can twist every bit of minutia both ways vurbano.

Paramount was neutral leaning towards HD DVD. Warner seems to be truly neutral--not as neutral as RB Films (doing two separate encodes) but neutral. T3 has more special features on Blu-Ray? :confused: They had to burn a PIP window for a second copy of the movie to fake PIP. How is that more special features?

New Line unintentionally leans Blu. They could delay the releases by two weeks to day and date the HD-DVD as well. They release the catalogs at the same time as Blu but do the new releases later. I hope they don't have the audacity to price the HD-DVD the same as the Blu copy when it would be effectively a catalog title at that point. (Plus, the HD-DVD costs less to replicate anyway.) Shoot 'em Up and Rush Hour 3 will be delayed on Blu. However, Pan's Labyrinth will be day and date with the DVD and Blu. PL should be a catalog price since it's been out in Europe for months and has even aired on Cinemax in the US. However, I know better. :rolleyes:

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