What the Warner announcement has done to my household.

What is it, like 50% of households have a digital tv now?

Its time for all these "im happy with upconvert" guys to go to their holes and all these "im sitting on the sidelines" guys to put their money where there mouth is.
All SD OTA will stop in 2009.
This is not accurate. In 2009 ANALOG broadcasting will stop, and be replaced by DIGITAL broadcasting. A digital broadcast can be SD or HD. Stations may CHOOSE to broadcast only HD, but I highly doubt that will happen any time soon. Currently, my local stations broadcasting in digital mostly show HD in primetime only, other times are hit or miss, mostly miss. Most other times are SD (digital SD, which is better than analog SD usually, but it's still SD)
Wheather folks chose HD or not is moot. All SD OTA will stop in 2009. After that most digital service will be in HD and those folks who currently do not own a HDTV will more then likely migrate to one because there will be no SDTVs in the market place in 2010.
My God you are as uninformed as the 19 year old troll. Analog OTA stops in 2009. Thats it Joe. There is NO HD MANDATE.... NONE. Its sad to see so many misinformed people at this point in the digital transition. :rolleyes:
This is not accurate. In 2009 ANALOG broadcasting will stop, and be replaced by DIGITAL broadcasting. A digital broadcast can be SD or HD. Stations may CHOOSE to broadcast only HD, but I highly doubt that will happen any time soon. Currently, my local stations broadcasting in digital mostly show HD in primetime only, other times are hit or miss, mostly miss. Most other times are SD (digital SD, which is better than analog SD usually, but it's still SD)
I doubt stations like PAX will ever go HD.
What is it, like 50% of households have a digital tv now?

Its time for all these "im happy with upconvert" guys to go to their holes and all these "im sitting on the sidelines" guys to put their money where there mouth is.

Nope. I work in the HT business. Kills me what people think and say.

11% of homes watching HD

Nielsen: 11 Percent Of Homes Watching HDTV

Large study of HD Owners not watching HD

Study: Large Number of HD Owners Not  Watching HD

About 25% of Households own HDTVs

About 25 percent of U.S. households own HDTVs, HD confusion continues, researcher says

HDTV America Doesn't get it

HDTV: America Doesn't Get It?

Hence. DVD goes nowhere. HDM does not reach mass adoption.

What is it, like 50% of households have a digital tv now?

Its time for all these "im happy with upconvert" guys to go to their holes and all these "im sitting on the sidelines" guys to put their money where there mouth is.


Just to be clear, my upconvert days will last till I see a Blu-ray player that the PRICE/VALUE is where I feel it should be. I believe I have posted that the player should be $100.00 or less or an equal deal as I payed for the A3 I purchased with movies. Just to be clear this must be a 2.0 or better player as upgrade after upgrade is not a value in my opinion. And if I am seeing another viable media format being released soon I may change this opinion.


I am on my way to do some measuring research at Walmart and Kmart for a 32" or 37" HDTV for my bedroom. I feel that the prices have came to a range that I now feel is acceptable. Anyways I will count the number (specifically models) available at each location. As for checking bestbuy or circuit city, well the closest one is about 2 1/2-3hrs away. The only other TV retail location is a privatly owned location which is closed today and Radio Shack and I feel I have no need to explain why I am not going there.

I also agree with you that the price difference is insane, but the average consumer has gotton used to $29.99 Dvd-players and $100-$200 tv's. Those are the people that are the hardest to convince.
I love how people would rather have dvd than BD if they cant have HDDVD


I tell you this, I ended up buying both so as far as Im concerned Im vested in the formats. Now that one is clearly out in front Im gonna support it, not whine about high prices(which arent that high) and stomp my feet.

Or wait on downloads :rolleyes:

Nah, you have been vested heavily on the Blue side for along time. I mostly think you say your neutral so that you think you have more credibility.

I don't care one way or the other. But you wouldn't have cared one way or another when Paramont went HD-DVD only if you were true neutral.

So don't say that, Just jump up and down and be happy your side won. Thats what it's all about anyway isn't it. :D
I love how people would rather have dvd than BD if they cant have HDDVD

I'm not sure how you came to this conclusion.

I think motorcycle_rider said it best when he (she?) discussed PRICE/VALUE.

For me, the $98 HDDVD player at Walmart met my PRICE/VALUE point. Because that player makes a great and inexpensive upconvert player for regular DVDs, even if HDDVDs dissappear from the face of the earth. Which it now looks like they might. It takes a lot to get me to set foot in a Walmart. This particular PRICE/VALUE item was the first in a long long time. Walmart generally exists solely on the PRICE part of the equation, but they messed up this time and slipped in some VALUE too.

The PRICE/VALUE point for HDDVD media, or BD media, just does not cut it for me. So I only bought two HDDVD movies that were on sale and therefore (barely) met a PRICE/VALUE point I could accept. And if I'm perfectly honest, even these two sale ones were a bit above my PRICE/VALUE point, but I splurged on them anyway.

Current BD players do not meet my PRICE/VALUE point, so I won't buy one just yet.

Had is not been for that $98 sale on the A2, an HDDVD player would not have met my PRICE/VALUE point and I would not own one now.

SD DVDs meet my PRICE/VALUE point sometimes - but usually only when they are on sale, are older catalog titles, or found in the bargain "used disc" bin at Blockbuster. I don't pay $19+ for any movie - no matter what format.

Considering PRICE/VALUE really has nothing to do with "give me HDDVD or give me death!" as your quote above implies. I'm sure most here could afford any HD player and any HD media that's out there if they wanted. Personally, I choose not to. Even wealthy people look at PRICE/VALUE ... at least the smart ones do.
Here ya go, Best Buy kicks analog TVs to the curb - Engadget

Id say its old stock(kinda like the 02-07 HDDVD player I bought in 11-07).

I can tell you this, my local best buys have ZERO analog tv's. I tried to buy that wonderful POS you linked to in my area, 3 stores 3 no go's :rolleyes:
Still says nothing about selling only HDTV's, they will still sell SD TV's. The link I posted was only one of several they have. Here are 6. 1" to 20" : Tube - BestBuy

3 more in this list: 1" to 20" : TV/DVD Combo - BestBuy

7 more here: 21" - 29" : Televisions - BestBuy

1 more here: 30" - 39" : Televisions - BestBuy

Maybe you can link to one of those 17 models that BB carries. :rolleyes:
Ok I just got back from Walmart and K-mart.

At Walmart they had 12 SDTV's
One of the 32" TV's was $276.?? tv had a Digital tuner in it.
To note there was a 27" for $198.97
I did not notice if or how many others had a digital tuner as the one I noticed with it was on my way out. I near running to get out also, so sorry about the lack of info.

At K-mart there was also 12 SDTV's
I would say that at least 6 had a digital tuner in them.
32" with a digital tuner was $313.??

I have to say that I was disappointed and surprised about the SDTV's now being manufactured with Digital tuners I had hoped that in the migration to digital we would have weeded out the SDTV by not having digital tuners.

Now with this said doing this I forgot to get my measurements for deciding on my tv for my bedroom and I had to go to wallyworld so I hope you all feel for me.
Same here, nothing better than having a good conversation.

But damn going from 600$ tv to a 200$ thats huge. I guess after all some people just care too much about money more than anything, which is totally fine, in order to be financially successful you must control your budget.
I haven't seen an SDTV at a retail store in a long time, maybe I need to look more carefully.

Now for people that have an HD-DVD, this is your time to buy more HD-DVD contents, cheaper, and definitely worth your money..

What you have to realize is that most of the purchasing public is like me. I own a house two cars one is payed off. high car insurence HIGH Gas prices and 3 kids, two witch are in private school... i like my HD that is for sure i own two 56"dlp tv's but a Blu-ray Player that is half the cost of the tv is not economical for most, expecialy if they get any wiff of it not being complete... if they want to put food on the table... the only reason i own both is i was able to buy both machines for less than $300 together...and only buy media that is $10-$15 because of budget..

I will be betting that i am in the majority... HD-DVD was the better choice because of price since there is little to no diff in PQ-AQ

That is the real world. I don't know your houseing situation, but most of us do not have the disposable income that you may have...

If I was single yeah i would have all the toys. Just wait till you are in my stituation and we will see how yours views change on the price of things.

[excuse my spelling-- i am a computer tech minded person] i speak 1010101 :D
Come on man, you tout owning TWO 56" dlp tv's and then claim woe is me for having 3 kids and high gas prices. I call bs. Also, BD players are under $300, where did you get a DLP 56" for $600?

People have heard HDDVD is sooo much cheaper than BD for too long, its like a memory response now.
have you ever herd of 18 months no intrest... and one is 2 years old so :P

but i was refering to a real BD player ya know one that can actualy play the audio codec's and not have tons of issues like the samsung 1400.

i was refering to a panasonic BD30

Not 600 but Frys had a 61" dlp for $900 last weekend.

I payed $99 for my A2 at walmart i would call that SOOOOOOOOOOOOO much cheeper even then your $399 BDP-s300. yes it is $399 at best buy...

HD-DVD Predictions for 2008

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