What is your current phone?

I think you made a good choice. The specs on the 2 are better with the dual core, but honestly, I dont think it is needed "yet" for anything that is out.
By the time you have programs that will take advantage of the extra power even better phones will be out, so save the money.

I am saying this assuming you got the X at a cheaper price than the X2 of course ;)
oh yea i did! very good deal
EVO rooted with Kingroms.
Upgrading to EVO 3D probably when released.

Sent from my 1976 Ford Pinto using SatelliteGuys
6 More days to go! Went to the Sprint Store this evening to reserve my Evo 3D. Since they charged their Premier program, I'm only eligible for $75 off, not a full discount, which sucks. It's so retarded that the Silver and Gold levels are determined by your voice plan, if I had a single plan for $90 or more or a family plan for $170 or more I could get the new customer price, instead I have a $245 bill with three phones and an air card, but don't qualify. Friggen stupid!

But I'm going to take advantage of their buyback program. I'll let them have the Evo ($150), iPhone ($91) and two of my old Nextel phones ($5 each) for a total of $326 off the full retail price of the phone. Friday morning 8AM sharp I'll be at the Sprint Store with a tear in my eye about the rejoice as I I'll be among the first to experience the second generation on the EVOlution! I'm also kind of interested to play with the Evo View Tablet, even though I have no plans to buy one since it's DOA, I'm curious to use the Scribe.
My brother wants a smart phone since hes had a regular dumbphone for 4 years(samsung a900), taking advantage of the evo 3d since prices for the regular evo will go down in the local classifieds :D
Epic 4g here... about the only Android phone for me since all the others with keyboards just plain suck. AT&T doesn't have any at all it seems. And well a smartphone just isn't a smartphone without a keyboard. I feel like I went back to the flip phone days trying to type then I just get aggravated and hand the phone back to the owner.

I have heard of people calling into sprint to get their rebate bumped up to the 150 for the Evo3d. Still don't get the whole nintendo 3ds thing in a phone but that's a whole other thread...
The thing that interests me about the Evo 3d is the bigger internal memory. As to the physical keyboard, I've found that FlexT9 or swype work great for me.
I guess I am dumb but what's the big deal on bigger internal memory? I assume you are talking storage as external memory just doesn't exist on the phones. I have TONS of apps installed on my Epic and I haven't run out. I did move some to SD just incase though. Never noticed a speed difference when they were moved.
I have a large network in Facebook and Twitter. I've gotten as low as 40 meg free on my Evo. Android gets really weird with low memory.
Ever since I got a tablet, I began shedding apps on my Droid X, to keep it to basically the apps I need; keeping the extras on the Tab and the iPad. It runs better, and just made sense. Actually I began the process originally because the DX is somewhat unstable, it has a tendency of spontaneously rebooting every now and then.
6 More days to go! Went to the Sprint Store this evening to reserve my Evo 3D. Since they charged their Premier program, I'm only eligible for $75 off, not a full discount, which sucks. It's so retarded that the Silver and Gold levels are determined by your voice plan, if I had a single plan for $90 or more or a family plan for $170 or more I could get the new customer price, instead I have a $245 bill with three phones and an air card, but don't qualify. Friggen stupid!

But I'm going to take advantage of their buyback program. I'll let them have the Evo ($150), iPhone ($91) and two of my old Nextel phones ($5 each) for a total of $326 off the full retail price of the phone. Friday morning 8AM sharp I'll be at the Sprint Store with a tear in my eye about the rejoice as I I'll be among the first to experience the second generation on the EVOlution! I'm also kind of interested to play with the Evo View Tablet, even though I have no plans to buy one since it's DOA, I'm curious to use the Scribe.

Are you going to have 3D turned off most of the time? Like for internet browsing and general app usage.
What one earth does one need a "3D" phone for? I can't wrap myself around the concept or the appeal. OR is this entirely about the processor? The idea of running 720p 3D video on a 4" screen just strikes me as silly.
I just want more memory. The 3d won't work for me since I have monocular vision with a lazy eye. The fact that it's faster is nice.
What one earth does one need a "3D" phone for? I can't wrap myself around the concept or the appeal. OR is this entirely about the processor? The idea of running 720p 3D video on a 4" screen just strikes me as silly.

If it were me, and it isnt, it would be about the processor and extra memory. I am like you when it comes to 3D on a phone.
I can see the appeal in the TV market, but on a phone it will be nothing more than a gimmick and/or a "ive got it and you dont" bragging point.
rockymtnhigh said:
What one earth does one need a "3D" phone for? I can't wrap myself around the concept or the appeal. OR is this entirely about the processor? The idea of running 720p 3D video on a 4" screen just strikes me as silly.

I can see the appeal of it having a 3D camera.
Are you going to have 3D turned off most of the time? Like for internet browsing and general app usage.

I'll probably keep it enabled at all times unless it looks too awkward. I'm a huge proponent of 3D and will take 3D anything any day. I don't really give a damn about the faster processor and more memory, although having more and faster is always better, 99% of the reason why I'm upgrading is due to the 3D capabilities. Having Sense 3.0 is also a plus. And hey I can use the WatchESPN app to watch ESPN in 3D without paying the $10/month for it :D