6 More days to go! Went to the Sprint Store this evening to reserve my Evo 3D. Since they charged their Premier program, I'm only eligible for $75 off, not a full discount, which sucks. It's so retarded that the Silver and Gold levels are determined by your voice plan, if I had a single plan for $90 or more or a family plan for $170 or more I could get the new customer price, instead I have a $245 bill with three phones and an air card, but don't qualify. Friggen stupid!
But I'm going to take advantage of their buyback program. I'll let them have the Evo ($150), iPhone ($91) and two of my old Nextel phones ($5 each) for a total of $326 off the full retail price of the phone. Friday morning 8AM sharp I'll be at the Sprint Store with a tear in my eye about the rejoice as I I'll be among the first to experience the second generation on the EVOlution! I'm also kind of interested to play with the Evo View Tablet, even though I have no plans to buy one since it's DOA, I'm curious to use the Scribe.