Those of you following my posts in other threads with great attention may have heard that my beloved Nexus One was permanently crippled by my 22 month old by throwing it down the stairs. I ended up getting the Samsung Skyrocket from AT&T to replace it.
Overall I am quite pleased with the new device. I like the bigger screen, faster processor, as well as access to the faster data network. I don't have LTE access in my area, but quite frankly the HSPA+ speeds are more than satisfactory for the time being. I'm getting speeds of over 500 kB/s consistently, which is a far cry from the speeds I got with my N1. Hell the phone even boots up at incredible speeds.
I do have a few complaints, most of them stemming from personal preferences that I got from using the N1/Vanilla Android for nearly 18 months. For one, I am NOT a fan of Touchwiz at all. The first thing I downloaded was LauncherPro to organize my programs, but there are other things as well.
I'm not a fan of the iOS style messaging system, with the speech blobs on sides of the screen, as opposed to the standard text listing I'm used to. Also, the color scheme is off on the notifications. The notifications background is dark gray, and for some reason some of the notifications use black text, making them VERY hard to read. In addition, I've grown used to having "full" control of my phone with rooting and custom roms, and not having it makes the phone feel somewhat foreign. I plan on changing the root problem tonight, but I am really hoping that CyanogenMod releases a working ROM for this phone very soon. I have a feeling though that won't happen until ICS, but quite frankly I'd be satisfied with CM 7.1 at this point. Finally, while I do like the bigger screen, I do NOT like the low resolution it displays. It appears to be the same as that of the EVO, and is far behind various other phones with qHD, Retina, and other displays. Also, with the phone being so big it is a little difficult at times to easy reach things with my thumb with the phone in one hand.
Overall though these are basically nitpick complaints about what is at the end of the day a great phone. The best part is that most of my complaints will be resolved with a new ROM, and the data speeds will only get better once LTE gets launched in my area (when that actually HAPPENS is anyone's guess.) I'd give it a A-.