I just wanted to say what an excellent job you have done getting this site up and looking great. It will be a hit as soon as the name has a little more time to get out there. Even after just a few days, you have had a lot of people register compared to other forums during their first couple of weeks.
I have a feeling that you'll see me around a good bit, as I have not been visiting many of the other Sat forums very much recently because of the "feel" of the communities at them. This site looks like it might be the one to break that trend for me.
Keep up the great work, and best of luck to you.
I just wanted to say what an excellent job you have done getting this site up and looking great. It will be a hit as soon as the name has a little more time to get out there. Even after just a few days, you have had a lot of people register compared to other forums during their first couple of weeks.
I have a feeling that you'll see me around a good bit, as I have not been visiting many of the other Sat forums very much recently because of the "feel" of the communities at them. This site looks like it might be the one to break that trend for me.

Keep up the great work, and best of luck to you.