Watching a president tank:( (bush)

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Here is a quote I found to be true and has NOTHING to do with race! I did not write it and will give a link for credit.

It's fitting that 9th Ward would follow the Liberal line of blaming Bush.
She or He is not thinking with their own brain, just repeating what the Masters of Slaves (Liberals) are telling them to say.
I grew up in a Liberal Democrat family and belived the hogwash I was told until I got a job and was on my own and when my first paycheck arrived and the taxes that were removed to pay others to stay home and have babies to build the Liberal voting base, I became a conservative.
I believe in helping those who cannot help themselves, but when generations of families live on Federal assistance without lifting a finger, buying cars, free food, and discounted housing, I draw the line.
When you are a slave to the Liberal Democrat party, you are a slave to their their way of thinking and you repeat what they say and you vote how they say and they promise more to you if you remain their slave.
It was a Conservative Republican that freed the slaves during the civil war, and it's Liberal Democrats that keep the slaves down on the farm.
this week's remark from ousted German Chancellor Gerhard Schroeder, who is also eager to see a fellow Social Democrat in the White House: "I'd be very pleased if Hillary Clinton would become the next American president." As his audience applauded, Mr. Schroeder interjected, "But don't quote me too loud. I hope I'm not harming her by saying that."
damaged said:
It is against international law to use chemical weapons (napalm, etc.) on civilians, do some reaseach, because it seems you are lacking in that area of knowledge. against law

Now that I have provided _your_ answer, can you show _me_ where it is ALLOWED to use chemical weapons on civilian targets (as plainly shown in the video)?


you say it illegal to use chemical weapons, then you mention napalm, which is a chemical. you then go on to say the movie shows phosphorus was used, last time i checked phosphorus is a mineral.
now as to chemical weapons and there use against civilians goes. WHAT do you consider 50,000 lbs of JET FUEL flown thru an office tower??? just a little talibanian fun??? i guess those animals forgot to sign the geneva convention treaties.:eek:
projectorsrule said:
You dumbass conservatives just don't understand that if Britain hadn't kicked out Neville Chamberlain for that loony extreminst warmonger Winston Churchill then there never would have been a WW2!!
A policy of appeasment will truly bring world peace!
Evil butthole conservatives!

I HOPE you are being sarcastic, because if you really believe that, we would all be speaking German.
OK I can't really believe this is going on so long.

Who cares about all the name calling here. People seem so insecure about the president and have decided to blame his opponent's for the worlds ills when Republicans have controlled the house and Senate for the past 8 years.

The real mark of Bush will be written by the historians. His legacy will be judged by his actions. And by the declassification of the administration's documents over time.

The more that is learned and the more that people like Dragon002 and people on the other side will be just data mined and brought back in the future and used in future arguments against them.
mperdue said:
Really? And what are your qualifications for making this assessment? Are you basing it on the wealth of military experience you obtained back when you might have had to go to Vietnam if you had been a couple of year older or do you have real command experience? I suspect the former...

If you had been drafted back then you might have found out that the Generals running the campaign are the ones who determine what troop levels are required. Can you cite a case where the General in charge requested that the total troop level be increased and was refused?


Senator John Mc Cain a vietnam vet said exactly this and futher bush FIRED / retired joint chief members who said the exact same thing. We need 3 times the boots on the ground to mainrtain order once saddam has been deposed.

One thing for certain we havent won the war despite using torture, ignoring the geneva convention, and other no nos
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Anyone see the 60 minutes report tonight on prisoner abuse torture and even killing prosoners? Chaining their hands and arms above their heads so they cant sleep? Kneeing them for added pain? the low level guards get charged while cheney is protected

The prisoners are bveing excluded from due process, and the genecva convention.
ok bob, lets give them a freakin trial. get me a jury of their peers and get me witnesses who will testify.

they wear no uniform, they have no chain of command, they ARE NOT COVERED by the geneva conventions, and they are not US citizens. why they dont have the mob make them talk is beyond me!

this is the crusades circa 2006 , what dont you people get, it is THEM OR US. they brought this on, they drew first blood!
they do not want to talk, negotiate, make peace or live in harmony. they want us DEAD. what do you do with a rabid animal, ? you KILL IT! before IT kills YOU!
rtt2 said:
. People seem so insecure about the president and have decided to blame his opponent's for the worlds ills when Republicans have controlled the house and Senate for the past 8 years.
The more that is learned and the more that people like Dragon002 and people on the other side will be just data mined and brought back in the future and used in future arguments against them.

First, let me step up and admit I voted for him but, this administration has become Nixon-onian. of documents...Trips out the country when the polls begin to tumble at home.

This is a completely different man that was Governor of Texas. I don't even recognize him anymore.

While scrolling through all the comments, I noticed an early reference to Ted Kennedy.

Ted Kennedy? Still a boogie man?

Surely the two parties can offer something better than this.
jamey, i always liked you.

that said, president bush has been through what only one other president in history has been thhrough. (that being the war of 1812) a direct hit on the american mainland by her enemies. im sure ther are things this guy would love to tell us (probably would scare the hell out of us) he is trying his *ss off. id rather him being secretive than us lose another 3000+ citizens. correct?
dragon002 said:
that said, president bush has been through what only one other president in history has been thhrough. (that being the war of 1812) a direct hit on the american mainland by her enemies. im sure ther are things this guy would love to tell us (probably would scare the hell out of us) he is trying his *ss off. id rather him being secretive than us lose another 3000+ citizens. correct?

You honestly think....really think....he WANTS to tell us? He wants only for us to agree with him.

And you honestly think, really think, he can keep another Sept. 11 from happening?

I've haven't seen so many Americans as suspects since the Nixon years. I offer myself as proof.

I flew about two weeks ago and was told that I am on the "watch list". Believe me, I should be the least of the goverment's concerns.

I harbor no danger to anyone...except maybe for you. :)

I did go see Brokeback Mountain. Maybe that's how I got on the list.

I'm amazed that so many people who claim to love America, hate so many Americans.
dragon002 said:
and teddy is not a boogie man.

now a murdering , drunken , wh*re-h*pper yes, but a boogie man , no.

Agreed. But that was 1969. He's isn't going to run for President. Let it go.
dragon002 said:
ok bob, lets give them a freakin trial. get me a jury of their peers and get me witnesses who will testify.

they wear no uniform, they have no chain of command, they ARE NOT COVERED by the geneva conventions, and they are not US citizens. why they dont have the mob make them talk is beyond me!

this is the crusades circa 2006 , what dont you people get, it is THEM OR US. they brought this on, they drew first blood!
they do not want to talk, negotiate, make peace or live in harmony. they want us DEAD. what do you do with a rabid animal, ? you KILL IT! before IT kills YOU!

Did YOU see the 60 minutes report? One of the dead was a innocent cab driver who even the guards didnt believe was guilty. he was murdered by US guards.

the danger in torture etc is this....

If we ignore the rules some day a 2 bit dictator will do the same to US Servicepeople, and justify by pointing out correctly the US tortures too...

a very bad precedence to set.

bush really should be impeached......

as for the detainees in cuba, they have been out of the loop so long their info is long obsolete

dragon one day it might be a family member of yours held by a foreign country as a perrmanent detainee being tortured.

if we invade any more countries the volunteer army will collapse, and some here may be drafted, and risk torture............
Jamey K said:
You honestly think....really think....he WANTS to tell us? He wants only for us to agree with him.

And you honestly think, really think, he can keep another Sept. 11 from happening?

I've haven't seen so many Americans as suspects since the Nixon years. I offer myself as proof.

I flew about two weeks ago and was told that I am on the "watch list". Believe me, I should be the least of the goverment's concerns.

I harbor no danger to anyone...except maybe for you. :)

I did go see Brokeback Mountain. Maybe that's how I got on the list.

I'm amazed that so many people who claim to love America, hate so many Americans.


yes i do believe he would want to tell us, he is a good man. and i dont think he cares who agrees with him, he is trying to protect this nation and her people. that is his main job as president.

yes, i think, and pray that he and the military can protect us from another attack. that said if another attack occurs, i hope our retaliation is so swift and so severe that no other entity DARES it again in a thousand years. (think hioshima)

as far as you being on the watch list, hell, opus you could hide a nuke in that nose:)

brokeback mtn....we will leave that one alone.

and jamey you live in the NY metro area, along with chicago, philly , la, miami etc, you guys in the citys think you run this nation, the last two elections and ron reagans two wins prove that "fly over country" is the REAL america.
Bob Haller said:
Did YOU see the 60 minutes report? One of the dead was a innocent cab driver who even the guards didnt believe was guilty. he was murdered by US guards.

the danger in torture etc is this....

If we ignore the rules some day a 2 bit dictator will do the same to US Servicepeople, and justify by pointing out correctly the US tortures too...

a very bad precedence to set.

bush really should be impeached......

as for the detainees in cuba, they have been out of the loop so long their info is long obsolete

dragon one day it might be a family member of yours held by a foreign country as a perrmanent detainee being tortured.

if we invade any more countries the volunteer army will collapse, and some here may be drafted, and risk torture............


i respect your opinion , how ever FOS it may be, we didnt torture first they did. we didnt hack off heads, they did. we didnt hang bodies off of bridges and set them on fire , they did. your reasoning is flawed. you cant negotiate with terrorists, there is no president, senate etc. hell quadaffi turned in his weapons years ago, another idiot popped up to take his place. arafat is dead, guess what? they are still at it, sorry bob, ya gotta KILL them.
dragon002 said:
as far as you being on the watch list, hell, opus you could hide a nuke in that nose:)

That must be what they think. I was given a form to get off the list and was told "good luck-takes about six months".

Luckly I look more Irish than radical Islamic.

Here's the funny part, as I was checking my bags to return, I was asked what the "aerosol can" was that was in my bag. I said "shaving cream."

And then I wondered....How did they know that? I was checking in at the counter. My bags were 3 seconds out of my hand! I ask the ticket agent "How did you know that?"

She only smiled with a smile of one who knows.
so you are irish???? so is my ex,,,,GGRRRRRR....LOL are you catholic?? IRA??? hell im italian....MAFIA get over it. it is keeping our kids safe. and our guns and shotguns and pistols are keeping the government in check. be glad you live here.
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