Watching a president tank:( (bush)

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dragon002 said:
so you are irish???? so is my ex,,,,GGRRRRRR....LOL are you catholic?? IRA??? hell im italian....MAFIA get over it. it is keeping our kids safe. and our guns and shotguns and pistols are keeping the government in check. be glad you live here.

Yes I'm Catholic. Yes, I'm glad I live here. No, a.357 isn''t going to keep the goverment out of my house (they have tanks), No, I'm not IRA but I have one. No, I'm don't know your ex, but Yes, I'm probably related to her.

Now, if you'd like to get drunk and fight, bring your Mafia friends and we'll all go someplace decent to eat.
dragon002 said:

i respect your opinion , how ever FOS it may be, we didnt torture first they did. we didnt hack off heads, they did. we didnt hang bodies off of bridges and set them on fire , they did. your reasoning is flawed. you cant negotiate with terrorists, there is no president, senate etc. hell quadaffi turned in his weapons years ago, another idiot popped up to take his place. arafat is dead, guess what? they are still at it, sorry bob, ya gotta KILL them.

we must be above reproach and better than them. bush is taking away our civil rights.

guess what once gone we will never get them back:mad:
You're talking like a knee-jerk hysteric. Lincoln suspended habeus corpus for the good of the country during the civil war. It helped to keep our country together during trying times. These too, are trying times. Bush is dealing with situations of first impression susch as have not been faced by other presidents. Those who call him an idiot might as well be looking in the mirror when they say such a thing, for they themselves are the idiots for making blanket statement that do nothing for the good of the country..

Bob Haller said:
we must be above reproach and better than them. bush is taking away our civil rights.

guess what once gone we will never get them back:mad:
name one!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

the right to talk to al qaida or the taliban??!!

during time of war talking to the enemy is treason. PERIOD.

and they should have SHOT jane fonda.

get a grip bob!!!
Watched History channel "The Truth About Black Hawk Down" tonight. Very informative. One of the last statements on the program was this: The troops were ready to go back into Mogadishue the next day and level the city. Reinforcements were there, but the Clinton Administration ordered everyone home. Statistics.. 18 Americans dead, over a thousand Somalians. The message that was was sent to the world.....The United STates is powerful, but just kill a few of them and they will quit. They interviewed somalians who said "We defeated the US" The facts don't support that, but because we quit they feel that way. This happened in 1993............after this wimpy demonstration by the Clinton Administration we were attacked and attacked and attacked. This weakness caused the deaths of many Americans.............I had rather have a President who will take a stand, or the next dead civilian may be me.
that didnt start it, it was that tampon wearing woosie carter.

him and his little fiasco in the desert.

cripe his mom was twice the man he EVER was.

i want to hear from all of you, now! if 9.11 happened on REAGANS watch, what would his response have been?? first of all it wouldnt have, they knew better!! there would be no baghdad or tehran or damascus to worry about. they would still be GLOWING!!!!!
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I see it this way, If shocking the nuts off these guys in Cuba will save one American life, then all I can say is the red is positive and the black is negative!!!!!

The purpose of the military is to

The military was not made to play police.
To get interesting insight into Carter and how inept he was and how disliked and ignored he was by his own staff, I suggest reading Shadow by Bob Woodward. Its the story of Ford, Carter, Reagam, Buch and Clinton post Watergate.
You're as far to one side as Bob appears to be to the other side. Perhaps reality should meet somewhere in the middle?

Eric Goempel said:
I see it this way, If shocking the nuts off these guys in Cuba will save one American life, then all I can say is the red is positive and the black is negative!!!!!

The purpose of the military is to

The military was not made to play police.
Why is the fact that if you do nothing illegal you have nothing to worry about with wiretaps? I will gladly let anyone who wants to listen in to my telephone convos and or what I do on the net, BECAUSE I an breaking no laws.

Members of my direct family have fought in 1 the Civil War (severely injured-I have a copy of dis discharge) 2 WWI (great great grandfather) 3WWII(both grandfathers-one died on Normandy) 4korea(my uncle died) 5Vietnam (another uncle got a purple heart and 6 surgeries for shrapnel) 7Me during desert storm
Bob Haller said:
we must be above reproach and better than them. bush is taking away our civil rights.

guess what once gone we will never get them back:mad:

There's something I can agree with. We have given up far too many rights over the last few years; the Patriot Act is far from patriotic. However, Bush only asked for the laws; congress passed them in a very bipartisan manner.


"They who would give up an essential liberty for temporary security, deserve neither liberty or security" -- Benjamin Franklin
sidekick said:
You're as far to one side as Bob appears to be to the other side. Perhaps reality should meet somewhere in the middle?

what did eric say wrong?? that our people are worth more than them?? THEY ARE! get over it.

hell id hook the wire to their gonads myself if it would save one of our fine soldiers.

where is Patton when you need him?? if he would have found bin laden he would have hacked his freakin head off himself ON TV.

now there is a PPV id watch, even on dish:devil:
Eric Goempel said:
Why is the fact that if you do nothing illegal you have nothing to worry about with wiretaps? I will gladly let anyone who wants to listen in to my telephone convos and or what I do on the net, BECAUSE I an breaking no laws.

Members of my direct family have fought in 1 the Civil War (severely injured-I have a copy of dis discharge) 2 WWI (great great grandfather) 3WWII(both grandfathers-one died on Normandy) 4korea(my uncle died) 5Vietnam (another uncle got a purple heart and 6 surgeries for shrapnel) 7Me during desert storm

I've been there on the inside. I worked as an agent, engineer and master electrician for the US Department of Justice and retired a few years ago. I used to think the way that these so called "nothing illegal and nothing to worry about people." I know, since I was one of them. THE THINGS THE GOVERNMENT DOES, IF YOU'D ONLY KNEW, WOULD SCARE THE LIVING DAYLIGHTS OUT OF YOU!
When I was in Comm I would read what happened in the world as it came off the computers, then go home and see the "news" that made everyone happy.

What mike said is 5000% true. If you knew the truth you would piss your pants and cry in the corner for the next year. War IS hell. It is not a preaty thing. The point is to KILL the other person BEFORE he KILLS you. What part of this do you not understand.

I know for a fact that they do not teach you this in text books and peace rallys, but it is a fact of life.
If we, as a country, did what some of you are suggesting, we would be no better than those we are fighting. It's agreed that war is hell. However, we don't have to reach the bottom dweller depths of humanity to win. Our standing in the world would be irrevocably lost if we stooped to the level of inhumanity as evidenced by the aggressors. If you cannot understand that ... God help you! and God bless the United States of America.
Dragon, All was clean and quiet in Y-town when Eddie DeBartlo and the boys were in charge!!! I wish they were back!!!
sidekick said:
If we, as a country, did what some of you are suggesting, we would be no better than those we are fighting. It's agreed that war is hell. However, we don't have to reach the bottom dweller depths of humanity to win. Our standing in the world would be irrevocably lost if we stooped to the level of inhumanity as evidenced by the aggressors. If you cannot understand that ... God help you! and God bless the United States of America.

and the sad truth is ....if we dont WE MAY NOT HAVE A COUNTRY!!!
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