Wally frustrations


SatelliteGuys Pro
Original poster
Jan 24, 2006
I've been back with Dish since July and since then, I think Wally's taken off about ten years of my life.

Bought an OTA Dongle to get locals and subchannels since Dish doesn't provide all. Simple enough right? Nope.

Hooked it up in the back, scanned and Wally found 130. Seemed a little high, but hence I hit SAVE and here is where the fun starts. Instant reboot. OK, I didn't think anything at first until...

The box came back on and nothing was saved. Not a single local saved. Hmm...

Tried again, same rebooting process over and over and over. Finally someone over in the Dish forum recommended unplugging my rooftop at say 99 channels cause the box may not be able to compute into the triple digits. STUPID BUT - sure enough true.

Scanned and pulled the plug so to speak between 105-120. Saved, no issues BUT WAIT...

Until today I hadn't done a scan in about a months time and very weary but wanting Daystar, Cozi and TCN, The Country Network I thought I would temp fate since I noticed their was a new update July 29. Bad idea.

After the initial scan of 131 channels which I let go all the way cause I figured Dish had an update that patched their last botched attempt, of course the Wally reboots in the blink of an eye and nothing, not one channel is saved.

In fact, since I scanned but nothing saved before the auto reboot, I now have 0 local channels. I try to reinitiate a scan. Problem, it finds nothing. Just shows the scanning screen and reboots like it's lost after 30 seconds. I try again, same thing. I then decide to pull out the Dongle and reseat it. Nope, shouldn't have tempted fate. Gives me the "Dongle detected, would you like to restart the Wally?"


Now everytime I choose Menu, and OTA my system reboots. What gives? Oh, but magically and I have no idea how or why. Logic is out the window with Wally, my original locals from a month ago are back as if nothing happened.

That's my story and I'm sticking to it. Thanks Wally for giving me Grey hair in the process. I've been thru 2 Wally's and 2 Dongles, each with the same results.

Wish someone that matters would see this and patch the bug.
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Wish someone that matters would see this and patch the bug.

Yeah...I remember your original post on those issues. I don't recall if DIRT ever got involved in your original post, but maybe you should shoot a PM to one of the DIRT members. That would probably be your best shot at getting the problem escalated within Dish.
But it's an OTA issue. Do you really think escalation would go anywhere, considering how they treat guide data on OTA? :)
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Yeah...I remember your original post on those issues. I don't recall if DIRT ever got involved in your original post, but maybe you should shoot a PM to one of the DIRT members. That would probably be your best shot at getting the problem escalated within Dish.

Just contacted Randall, we'll see. Thanks.

Do very few have a Wally or Dongle combination? I haven't read this issue anywhere else. Quite amazing if you ask me.
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Have you unplugged the dongle and rebooted - and I mean a hard reboot where you unplug the receiver while it is on wait then plug it back in...

Subchannel OTA Guide Data - Dish's Criteria


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