Voomers in NYC metro area (including Locals)

It looks like WLIW has pulled their 21-1 channel from the air. This channel used to broadcast the PBS-HD. Look at this thread at AVS for details. They are forcing customers in NYC to get cable. Channel 13 which is pathetic and no one can get in NYC but a few is the alternate solution WLIW mentioned. Too bad, I still can get my PBS from C.T. and this is what I have to do.
Just an update.
The guy just finished to replace the original OTA with Winegard PR-5646 antenna. This is both VHF and UHF antenna. It is pretty big. He said that he could see an ESB from my roof to point the antenna. Anyway now i am getting NBC and some spanish ch 68.1. The signal on NBC is weak, but receivers were able to lock in on it. Still no ch 11.1 or PBS. Oh well. May with a time the signal will get stronger and then.
Pavel have you installed yours?
11 is weak still, and by PBS do you mean 13??they come from newark nj..i am in NJ and the ch master 4228 does the trick UHF 8 bay bow tie
I asked them to bring CM4228 but they did not. Well who knows what are they thinking about. I'll wait for a stronger signal.
I was hoping to move my antenna to the roof this week-end, but I can't. I will have problems with the Condo Community Board. (next house is a private house, no more condo community). Wish I could get CM4228...

My neighbor had VOOM installed yesterday, and he can get only 1 channel (FOX), he lives half a block away from me, he wanted also to put OTA on the roof but some guy who is on board of directors for the Condo Community came running and screaming that he has no right to do it.
He also had problems with installation, he had some mexican guy doing the install, not sure what was the name of the company, and the guy refused to do install completely - bad location. My neighbor literally locked the house and said you are not going anywhere until you make installation (since my voom works, his also should).
so now he is a happy VOOMer, no locals, but he doesn't care, he just enjoys his new Plasma TV, same as mine but newer. Yeah, he got TV, VOOM and soon a great sound system because of me. :-)

My boss had a scheduled installation in NW New Jersey (Morristown), but he had all kinds of problems with installers, first they came from LONG ISLAND, then they were 8 hours late (and that is after rescheduling about 5-6 times in 2 weeks span). They put a dish in 2 different places but couldn't get a signal because of the trees(but their meter thingies were getting a signal just fine), so the installation was rescheduled (it was late night already) and he is pissed with the installers.

if anyone that you knows has problems with installation, they should report everything to "Joe Harkins" <jharkins@installs.com>. He will make things right for people.

if you are looking for a PBS-HD channel, WNJN has the PBS-HD loop on channel 50-3 on the VOOM box. The PG will say it is off-air but when you tune in the PBS-HD loop is there. This is great for those of us in the other side of Manhattan that cannot get channel 13. Those in Staten Island might want to try it as well. I did have to rotate my antenna a little bit to get it and you might need a rotor as well.

Edit. My antenna is pointing towards NJ right now to get this channel.

Update: It seems to be a one hour loop repeating itself unlike the PBS loop. It looks like they are in testing mode.
Sean is correct about WNJN. Actually I live in Staten ISland and I currently get ch 50 and all the substations stronger than any station on the dial. What kind of power are they running and why cant WNET follow in their footsteps.
I got the following from WNJN:


To our HD viewers:

As you may know, NJN has been broadcasting High Definition programming content since 1999. During this time, NJN has been privileged to carry the PBS High Definition programming loop. This unique source of programming has included local HD programming from a variety of PBS stations, including NJN.

Recently, PBS HD programming has undergone several changes to improve the quantity of program choices. However, with this change in the national HD programming strategy, an additional cost factor was enacted. With limited resources, NJN made the decision to allocate these resources toward building-out our HD infrastructure and also toward producing local HD content.

Because NJN, like most public television stations, is still making the transition to digital broadcasting, we have a limited HD infrastructure. That means we did not have the technical capability to inform our viewers on air about the change in programming. I can imagine your surprise and disappointment when you suddenly lost the wonderful service you had been used to watching. We did take other measures to inform the various programming services of our upcoming HD programming change, and regret that you did not receive that information.

The good news is that NJN's limited HD programming is temporary. We expect to offer a variety of national PBS programming within the next few weeks.

NJN apologizes for this temporary inconvenience and appreciates your patience and interest in NJN's HD programming. We invite you to continue to look at this website for updates on our DTV progress, including the return of HD programming to our airwaves.

Thank you again for your interest in NJN's programming.
Here's more information from the same site:

From midnight until 8 pm, NJN provides four standard definition program choices: NJN's analog pass-though feed (NJN-1), PBS-KIDS (NJN-2), PBS-YOU (NJN-3), and Jersey Vision (NJN-4).

From 8 pm until midnight, NJN's DTV broadcast schedule changes to accommodate High Definition (HD) programming. Within the 8 pm to midnight DTV schedule, NJN broadcasts NJN-1, NJN-4, and HD programming (NJN-5).

I know I mentioned something about this before but I'm still wondering if anyone else in my area is experiencing the same problem. It seems, whenever there is an HD program being broadcast on PBS (either NYC or NJ Network), I get no signal. Once the program is done I seem to get the signal just fine. It's quite frustrating since I love Nova and want to see it in HD.

Anyone else see this?

The Rickster
Nyc Pbs

I think I replied before but my information probably was not helpful. I have NYC/NJ PBS channels 50, 21, and 13 mapped. Channel 21 used to have one subchannel in HD but it seems to have gone away. Someone else wrote that the HD has been moved over to one of the channel 13 subs as 21 and 13 are owned by the same company. Channel 50 still has one of 5 subs showing HD programming. The program guide for channel 21 and 50 is always incorrect on my box but channel 13 seems to be OK. I do not know if any of this is VOOM's fault because I think the channels are passing incorrect program info to VOOM. I have never called VOOM to notify them of the PG problem.
Joseph Nardone
Channel 50 shows its HD feed in 50-3 starting at 8pm and ending at 12pm. Channel 50 will not pass the national PBS-HD loop. They have stated it would be too expensive for them. Instead they will pass selected prgms and their own local prgms. So far all we get is a one hour pbs hd loop. I usually forget about 50 and get pbs from ct. channel 13 I can not get from my location and channel 21 as mentioned did a disservice for people in nyc.
Nyc Pbs

Does your PG display the correct listings for 50-3? Mine always shows 50-3 as "off air" though the channel is displaying the HD shows. Also my channel PG still lists the HD programs on channel 21 even though they are not there.
jnardone said:
Does your PG display the correct listings for 50-3? Mine always shows 50-3 as "off air" though the channel is displaying the HD shows. Also my channel PG still lists the HD programs on channel 21 even though they are not there.

Same here. I have not pressed VOOM about it because even channel 50 (WNJN) does not even know what will be the programs. Right now there is no programs in that channel except for the darn one hour pbs loop. As far as channel 21, the information is there but the HD signal is gone because WLIW (21) pulled it off the air. :mad: I wouldn't make such a fuzz right now since I am waiting for manual OTA scan in the new software. Let's wait for that and then try to fix it.

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