Voomers in NYC metro area (including Locals)

Good News

vinnyv07 said:
Im 14 miles from the ESB and still cant pick up NBC or WPIX , no matter what I do. Very disappointed. I guess i have to wait for the combiner to be completed.

Had my 4th visit this weekend to try and tweak my antenna or maybe get a upgrade from the one Voom gave me. Turns out the installers prior to this one were all idiots and just plain lazy. Only thing that had to be done was move the Antenna a hair, now I get all my locals including Ch. 4 and Ch. 11. Unbelievable howlazy some people can be.
Sean Mota said:
Big storm just hit my area. It knocked down both my E* and V* signal. I guess I am going to watch some DVDs until the storm goes by.

Believe it or not even through that big storm we had I never lost my picture.
ondarocks said:
Believe it or not even through that big storm we had I never lost my picture.

Spoke to soon, even though when my installer came on Saturday and tweaked my Antenna and everything was fine, last night I lost channel 4 again but not 100% I see pixelation like it wants to come in but just needs that extra push. I was told by my last installer(which was awesome and spoke perfect English) out of the 4 I've used so far that he's going to do 2 things.

1. get rid of the diplexers my first installer used and run separate lines
2. call Voom and see if they'll upgrade my Antenna.

P.S I keep on hearing about a Stealth Antenna, but the one they put on my house was connected to the mount of the dish and put up on like a curved mast. I think it said Wineguard or something like that. What does the Stealth look like or the upgraded Antenna they now use? Why didn't they install that in the first place and finally how ridiculous is this going to look on my house? It already looks like Nasa!!! My wife is gonna flip this will be the 5th weekend I have worked on my Voom equipment.
Seems like everytime I ask a question it never gets answered...............

ondarocks said:
Spoke to soon, even though when my installer came on Saturday and tweaked my Antenna and everything was fine, last night I lost channel 4 again but not 100% I see pixelation like it wants to come in but just needs that extra push. I was told by my last installer(which was awesome and spoke perfect English) out of the 4 I've used so far that he's going to do 2 things.

1. get rid of the diplexers my first installer used and run separate lines
2. call Voom and see if they'll upgrade my Antenna.

P.S I keep on hearing about a Stealth Antenna, but the one they put on my house was connected to the mount of the dish and put up on like a curved mast. I think it said Wineguard or something like that. What does the Stealth look like or the upgraded Antenna they now use? Why didn't they install that in the first place and finally how ridiculous is this going to look on my house? It already looks like Nasa!!! My wife is gonna flip this will be the 5th weekend I have worked on my Voom equipment.
!VOOM Fri !

I am getting VOOMED this Fri. 05/21/04 !( I HOPE) I already asked to get upgraded OTA Ant.
My Question is do you have any idea what I should expect on the locals .I am in Ocean County about 52 miles from NYC and 62 miles from Phil.
Thanks and will let you all know how it goes Fri. !
Locals in NYC Area

Alright, I don't watch the locals all that much but I was poking around the other night and noticed I can't tune in many of the locals. For anyone in the North Jersey/NYC area, what locals are you getting?

I know, I've checked the websites to see what channels I should be receiving but it doesn't seem to match up with what I receive. I know I don't get WPIX, I didn't seem to be able to get NBC last night. Not sure if I was able to get it before but I believe my wife may have watched it before.

I've also been trying to figure out PBS. I know Sean and I have discussed this a bit but it seems as though I cannot get a signal from PBS in the City or in NJ at night. I know they don't broadcast the HD stuff (not sure why) but what about the SD stuff?

Anyway, I'm a bit frustrated. Any ideas?


The Rickster
OK just verified it...

I don't get NBC or WPIX. I'm not getting either PBS (NYC or NJ). I know I've gotten PBS before so I seem to get it sometimes and not others. Think I may have an OTA antenna problem?


The Rickster
GadgetRick said:
I don't get NBC or WPIX. I'm not getting either PBS (NYC or NJ). I know I've gotten PBS before so I seem to get it sometimes and not others. Think I may have an OTA antenna problem?


The Rickster

NBC, WPIX & PBS are all transmitting at low power. PBS you could get if you are in the rigth place and distance of lower Manhattan (looking into NJ). Very difficult channel to get. Even people in Staten Island cannot get it. NBC & WPIX are a different monsters. Some have reported that they are able to get in NJ but again it depends on location. Their signal is not strong to begin with and they are supposed to go to a stronger signal this summer. They have been saying the same for a couple of years now.

Anyway, I hope that helps.

I'll be merging this thread to the "In your Area" Forum. There is a thread there dedicate to NYC local channels.


Wasn't quite sure where to post the message. Thanks.

Anyway, I can receive PBS out of NY sometimes but not others. I'm only about 10 miles away from NYC and I've got a decent line of sight, too. I just don't get it.

As far as NBC goes, not sure why they're not broadcasting at a higher strength. I mean, they are one of the major networks right?

I'm not terribly concerned about WPIX but you never know when I'll want/need to watch it. I can tell you I've not watched it in years so I won't miss it much.


The Rickster
I dont get nbc, PIX, and WNET. But i do get the PBS station on ch 50-1,2,3,4. So, Im pretty happy with that. There is a rumor that the combiner will be finished in time for the olympics. But its been delayed so many times its difficult to tell. Right now the combiner is supposed to come on line by the end of JUNE. But dont circle that on your calender. The combiner is going to have CBS, NBC, Fox, ABC, UPN, wPIX, And WNET and will broacast each ch at a higher power then they are at now....hopefully it will make all the ch's equal to what cbs is right now....but anything would be an improvement. Keep you fingers crossed. Maybe by the olympics everyone will be able to watch NBC.


Are you in North Jersey, too? I'm still trying to figure out why I have PBS sometimes and not others. I know they (in NYC anyway) turn off the HD progams but, lately, all I've been getting is the, "No signal on that channel," message.

It's killing me since I'm a Nova fan and HATE to switch on the DTV setup in order to watch it. Very painful to drop back to that horrible picture...

The Rickster
I live in Staten Island and I have never received a strong enough sig from WNET. What i am receiving is WNJN 50-1,2,3,4. They show the same loop of HD almost every night. Hey I love NJ...but do i need to see the same loop of NJ every night. I would love to be able to get WNET since their sub ch is PBS kids that stays on all night...for the little one. WNET is operating at very low power with their Ant pointing towards NJ....but me even being in SI cant get much of a sig from them. I have given up for now and Im going to wait for the combiner to come on line. Then we will get everything that we want. I hear ya on the picture quality....you hate to drop back to the horriable standart picture...but with any luck the combiner will bring us every ch that we cant get.

Yeah, sometimes I can receive PBS from the City or NJ. The problem is it doesn't seem to make sense. I can't figure out why I get them and sometimes I don't. It's a bit frustrating but I've not had the time to give Voom a call and really work on the problem.

I'll keep you posted if/when I find out what's going on.

The Rickster
Anyone experience rain fade in NYC metro area today at around 8pm. My voom Quality signal went to 0. I went outside but no rain. I looked up and there were some heavy black clouds covering the south west. I turn to E* and E* was still strong. I said to myself I need another dish. As I started getting signal back on Voom, I checked the E* receiver and now it did not have signa and gave me the famous message "no signal". Ah the clouds were moving from West to East. Right now it is still cloudy, no rain but black deep clouds are gone.
Wasn't watching

I wasn't watching Voom at the time so I can't say. I was upstairs cooking some dinner. My DTV feed was fine (I don't have Voom on the set upstairs).

The Rickster
I had the same problem, couldn't get anything. My wife was happy, she was able to watch SWAN on OTA FOX.
Channel 50-3 WNJN has broken the PBS-HD Loop and it is not showing HD programs. According to the PG is states that it is "OFF AIR" but it is not. The Programming is quite different than the national PBS-HD.

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