Los Angeles Area Voomers


SatelliteGuys Pro
Original poster
Dec 27, 2004
Woodland Hills, CA
I live in the Valley (Woodland Hills) and had some pretty bad rain fade the last two nights with the rain we got. I am going to call Voom and request the larger 24" dish which I've heard is less susceptible to rain fade. Any else out there have problems the last couple of days?
joep said:
I live in the Valley (Woodland Hills) and had some pretty bad rain fade the last two nights with the rain we got. I am going to call Voom and request the larger 24" dish which I've heard is less susceptible to rain fade. Any else out there have problems the last couple of days?
We get bad rain fade with the 18" but only when it really storms like hell, and I think that's the forecast for tonight. Dang it!

Hey, I grew up in Woodland Hills and went to Calvert Elementary, Parkman JH, and Taft HS. Haven't lived there since the early 70s. I was there recently and noticed lots of changes in 30+ years. Where abouts are you?
Ah memories. I think that western edge was out in the boonies 30 years ago, but I don't remember very well. About 45 years ago they drove heards of sheep across Shoop Avenue (I don't even remember the spelling) which was a still dirt road with ranches when I first moved there (at age 5). Everything was low density one-story when I lived around there, maybe a few two-story buildings. But the last time I was there, 4 or 5 years ago, it was all 3-story and bigger with traffic and density. Yikes! I hardly recognized the place! Although I must admit, you have cleaner air now than when I left. The mountains are clearly visible now, but I remember them ultimately becoming hidden by smog.

Anyway, I am tempted to ask for a bigger dish as well. But with all the upheaval ahead with the eliptical dish coming out and multiple satellites, I think I will wait it out.
The area has definitely changed since the early 70's. I have only lived in the area for ten years, but I have seen pics of the place from the 50's and 60's. I think the early 70's was the time when the Warner Center area (Eastern part) of WH was being built out. Today, there are mid-rise buildings and it can get quite congested. The upside to all this development is that the Warner Center area (around DeSoto St and Oxnard Ave) is now considered the "Century City" of the San Fernando Valley. And based on the schools you attended, I believed you lived around here.

At the western edge of town, it is still fairly quiet and the density is lower. Most of the homes in my neighborhood are one story sprawling ranch style homes.
joep said:
I live in the Valley (Woodland Hills) and had some pretty bad rain fade the last two nights with the rain we got.

What kind of signal strength do you normally have? Maybe the aim needs some tweaking. I've got a normal strength in the upper 90's and had no problems or fade other than a split second, 2-3 times the entire evening, of signal degradation. Live near downtown in the hills above Silver Lake.
Just order the 24 inch dish. I had my 18 inch replaced with a 24 and have had very few dropouts ever since.
I called Voom yesterday about getting the 24" dish and they told me that my area was not one of the designated areas for an automatic upgrade. So, I scheduled an appointment for an installer to come by next week where he can determine if I really need the larger dish. Anyway, I do need the 24" dish, my sat signal is coming in at 97 so I don't think I should have any problems getting one.
24 inch dish mount

The same mounting pipe size and dish clamp size are used for both the 24 and 18 inch dishes.
Rain Fade Problems Virtually Eliminated with 24" Dish

I had my 24" Dish installed a week and am now reaping the benefits of having it done. As we are again having rain in SoCal, my SAT signal is for the most part staying above 70, about the signal before the picture starts to pixilate and break-down. This morning, the signal dropped below 70 a couple of times, but it is SO much better than the prior 18" Dish that had really bad rain fade even with only a little rain.

I know it may not be worth it now with Voom's history in jeopardy to try to persuade all of Los Angeles Voomers to request the larger dish, but it is definitely worth considering if you are experiencing rain fade…
I live in the south bay, torrance area, on a clear day sat strength at 95+ on a rainy day around 85.....I get all OTA station
Local OTA channels with USD Service?

Can someone else in the Los Angeles area confirm that they are also receiving USD cable channels when scanning local OTA channels through Voom (see attached).


  • DSC00157B.JPG
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Yes, USD channels coming through Voom

I am VoOming in Fullerton, and yes I too am getting the USDTV channels though only one has video, the rest are blank screens or audio only.

BTW I am getting all the locals perfectly here using the standard VoOm Wingard Sensar antenna, in fact better than with cable. And the antenna dosen't look too bad either. :)
joep said:
Can someone else in the Los Angeles area confirm that they are also receiving USD cable channels when scanning local OTA channels through Voom (see attached).

Yes, they showed up over 2 months ago. The only one that actually shows a picture is 99_1, which you show in your picture. The others are scrambled. I am upset that a company is burning up some more frequencies and then having the gall to sandwich 5 SD channels in the space of one HD channel. In Las Vegas they advertise that they also carry HD channels, but they haven't begun testing that in the Los Angeles area yet, to my limited knowledge.

Winston Salem NC Voom

Considering Voom.

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