VOOM Goes BOOM - update Dish Drops all 15 VOOM Channels

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It would depend of how the show(s) were originally produced. All were framed inside the "TV Cut-Off" outline (4:3) in the camera's viewfinder. So, it might be hit and miss as to what the full frame would show...set edges, mike booms, beer bottles, etc. Anything shot outside would probably be good, but I would bet I Love Lucy would have lots of stuff that should not be seen. I'd say the same would probably go for Star Trek, plus all the effects shots were produced for 4:3...they did not fill the full 35mm frame.

OK Geek Alert, but I have seen original film version of Star Trek at conventions. ;)

They were produced and directed to be shown in a 4:3 aspect ratio.

Monsters HD maintained original aspect ratios. Old classics were show in 4:3, 1.33:1 1.65:1, and 2.35:1. Black matting was applied to preserve the original aspect ratios when needed. (If they cheated, I never caught it).

I'm not sure what the original aspect ratio of UFO was since it's British and I never heard of it other than on Voom. Flipper seemed to be cropped at the top and bottom to form a 16:9 ratio. I recall Flipper on TV years ago and on Voom you could tell it was zoom/cropped since tops of heads were missing and Flipper's head was gigantic.

Unfortunately, there are no standards for aspect ratio conversion. (I wish there were.) Studios and networks handle that they way they choose.

I believe in preserving the original aspect ratios on everything; 4:3, 1.33:1, 1.65:1, 2.35:1, etc. Especially now since our DVR boxes allow people to choose there own stretch-o-vision or zoom conversions if they wish and most 16:9 TVs can as well.

I love letterboxing and matting when it is preserving aspect ratios (although they need to stay BLACK). I hate SD versions of pan and scan w/ matting on a 16:9 screen.

I'm also disappointed that most of the premium HD channels like HBO and SHOW are cropping 2.35:1 to fit 16:9 TV screens.

I'm not sure why we have to dumb down TV with stretch-o-vision and zoom/cropping. Just so stupid people won't complain about "those annoying black bars".

I would love matted 4:3 1080i HD Original Star Trek, I Love Lucy, and other classics. What is Nick-at-Nite HD going to give us? Upconverted, worn out, pre-historic beta w/ 500 original lines of resolution. A true Nick-at-Nick HD would re-master those classics that were filmed and preserve the original 4:3 aspect ratios.

Anyway, I just realized Voom was the only network I've noticed that saw the 1080i HD content potential in Original TV Classics which were filmed.

That is the opposite of all this upconverted crap we have now (and will probably be living with for a long time since people want/except name-brand-networks with HD logos over true 1080i HD).
Please stop posting about how you would pay $20 more for Voom when we now get 15 less (all hd no commercials channels) for the same price we used to pay. It is those posts that make the companies think they can just keep raising prices.
Why are we not at least getting Dolby 5.1 on the Premium movie channels when they we defiantly made that way.
Try watching the hd later at night its hard to find any unless its stretched. I did not buy Home Theater Components to watch everything with fun house distortion.
People have gotten so used to this inferior product. Just compare OTA
to what we watch even SD OTA. We should start to demand the quality
that we should have now in 2008.
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Star Trek TOS has been remastered already in HD but it's still all 4:3. Looks good though!

Even in HD, I'm not sure Chiller will be worth the time, edited and ad ridden.
People have gotten so used to this inferior product. Just compare OTA to what we watch even SD OTA. We should start to demand the quality that we should have now in 2008.
It's a great goal to be sure but the vast majority of viewers have no idea what they should be expecting and instead of showing people and helping them make sure they are really looking at HD and listening to multi-channel surround, most of us who know are fighting with people on a forum who would rather have ad ridden edited and upscaled channels because the repeats only happen once a week...
I agree, atleast IFCHD would be uncut and no commercials during the movies, if chiller really wants to make a stand they will go this route but they wont.
I'd say the same would probably go for Star Trek, plus all the effects shots were produced for 4:3...they did not fill the full 35mm frame.
Star Trek is being remastered in HD with all new exterior and special effects shots. They are being shown across the country - though often in SD - and really look impressive. Information and previews can be found at STARTREK.COM*:*Article

I'm OK with a commercial HD Horror Channel and a commercial HD Sci-Fi Channel.

I'm NOT OK with NO premium HD Horror Channel

I'm also not holding my breath for IFC HD on Dish either. If you haven't noticed, IFC is now broadcasting many of the horrors from Monsters HD, like Madman and The Burning. Same company, same library.
Star Trek is being remastered in HD with all new exterior and special effects shots. They are being shown across the country - though often in SD - and really look impressive. Information and previews can be found at STARTREK.COM*:*Article


Oh that's great!

Hopefully they will cut a deal with HDnet or Sci-Fi HD. A Blue-Ray release would be nice too.

I'm shocked cause Paramount can be so cheap sometimes.
Even in HD, I'm not sure Chiller will be worth the time, edited and ad ridden.

When Sci-Fi was a start-up, they were just as cheap as Chiller; rerunning old Sci-Fi TV shows, hardly any movies, and the five same commercials over and over. (I even think they were the same Riddex commercials - lol)

It took many years for Sci-Fi to turn into what it is today.

If Chiller take as long as Sci-Fi to turn into something interesting, it will be another 5 years for Chiller to take off.

Hopefully, launching in HD might give them a kick start. I doubt it but can hope it.
OK Geek Alert, but I have seen original film version of Star Trek at conventions. ;)

They were produced and directed to be shown in a 4:3 aspect ratio.

Monsters HD maintained original aspect ratios. Old classics were show in 4:3, 1.33:1 1.65:1, and 2.35:1. Black matting was applied to preserve the original aspect ratios when needed. (If they cheated, I never caught it).

I'm not sure what the original aspect ratio of UFO was since it's British and I never heard of it other than on Voom. Flipper seemed to be cropped at the top and bottom to form a 16:9 ratio. I recall Flipper on TV years ago and on Voom you could tell it was zoom/cropped since tops of heads were missing and Flipper's head was gigantic.

Unfortunately, there are no standards for aspect ratio conversion. (I wish there were.) Studios and networks handle that they way they choose.

I believe in preserving the original aspect ratios on everything; 4:3, 1.33:1, 1.65:1, 2.35:1, etc. Especially now since our DVR boxes allow people to choose there own stretch-o-vision or zoom conversions if they wish and most 16:9 TVs can as well.

I love letterboxing and matting when it is preserving aspect ratios (although they need to stay BLACK). I hate SD versions of pan and scan w/ matting on a 16:9 screen.

I'm also disappointed that most of the premium HD channels like HBO and SHOW are cropping 2.35:1 to fit 16:9 TV screens.

I'm not sure why we have to dumb down TV with stretch-o-vision and zoom/cropping. Just so stupid people won't complain about "those annoying black bars".

I would love matted 4:3 1080i HD Original Star Trek, I Love Lucy, and other classics. What is Nick-at-Nite HD going to give us? Upconverted, worn out, pre-historic beta w/ 500 original lines of resolution. A true Nick-at-Nick HD would re-master those classics that were filmed and preserve the original 4:3 aspect ratios.

Anyway, I just realized Voom was the only network I've noticed that saw the 1080i HD content potential in Original TV Classics which were filmed.

That is the opposite of all this upconverted crap we have now (and will probably be living with for a long time since people want/except name-brand-networks with HD logos over true 1080i HD).

UFO was a TV series from way back when, I had read somewher that the HD conversion was acomplished by cropping while still maintianing proper ratios, so you loose some top and bottom.
UFO was a TV series from way back when, I had read somewher that the HD conversion was acomplished by cropping while still maintianing proper ratios, so you loose some top and bottom.

They did that to Babylon 5. Most of the time the parts cut out of the top and bottom were not really missed. But sometimes it was pretty noticeable. Still, even tho it was not how it was originally shown on TV they did a pretty good job. So sometimes the gain of widescreen is worth the loss.

I have yet to see any of the remastered Star Trek episodes. I will add to the others wanting to see them on UniHD or SCIFI-HD.
When Sci-Fi was a start-up, they were just as cheap as Chiller; rerunning old Sci-Fi TV shows, hardly any movies, and the five same commercials over and over. (I even think they were the same Riddex commercials - lol)

It took many years for Sci-Fi to turn into what it is today.

If Chiller take as long as Sci-Fi to turn into something interesting, it will be another 5 years for Chiller to take off.

Hopefully, launching in HD might give them a kick start. I doubt it but can hope it.

Thats the problem. Besides BSG Sci-Fi doesn't have a lot of good stuff IMO. I never watch that channel. Edited and constant commercials. If I had to guess Chiller will probably die. It seems the mainstream horror fans don't watch it and certainly the hardcore fans don't. They do have some decent series though. In this day and age who wants to watch a movie that is edited to crap with commercials every 5 minutes. I haven't done that in years. I could be spoiled though.
I agree, I want uncut and commercial free. If it was uncut and commercial free during movies and commercials before and after the movies I would be ok with that.
This thread was closed?

I must have missed it, what surrogate Voom hater closed this fine thread?:o

btw: Nothing on air "HD wise" was as entertaining as 24/7 Voom channels ......................Even with the ungodly reruns.

I still miss Voom.

Edit: I backtracked and found out the Boss closed it........................I only have one Satguy account boss ;)
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Just signed up for HD Only on the dishbuilder website.

Using Dishbuilder, this is the channel package description for the HD Only Package:

"The only all high definition programming package on the market today.This programming package is a must have for the HD enthusiast.Get the best national HD channels such as ESPN HD, National Geographic Channel HD, and 15 VOOM HD Networks at one low price."

Wonder if I should call and complain after my install if I don't get them :devil:

Guess I will find out in about an hour or two, after the install!
I always wondered why Rainbow never added a Science Fiction related channel to the VOOM lineup. It'd be easy to knock off SciFi due to all the ads and crappy movies.

If Voom does die next week I would think someone would get a clue on how to run a horror channel. Monsters could even be purchased by someone. How could this be done and still earn a profit without commercials is the question. Maybe we could purchase it. I know Lern has a lot of cash lying around-he has like 3 providers.
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CONGRATS ECHOSTAR! 922 wins best of CES award!

Just wanted to say THANKS.
