VOOM Goes BOOM - update Dish Drops all 15 VOOM Channels

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Yep, it is good.

Scott told you that you would be stalked for closing the thread :D. Thanx for the reopen. :up Now that it is reopened we can guess what is going on even more. My guess is That Cablevision is trying a to have a reason to work a new deal w/ E* & other providers. This way they can get carriage in competing companies and boost revenue. Since CV is the major owner of Rainbow then they want to maybe bankrupt VOOM and still get a payout. Then they can bring back the channels under a different name and remove their 20% partner. They will still have the rights to the material that was VOOM but no longer need to pay out. In addition they will be able to show how E* ran VOOM into the bankruptcy and collect there as well. This is total speculation on my part but would allow CV to make money hand over fist on both sides of the table so to speak. As you can tell I don't trust big cable co's much. Only reason I have any cable here is due to internet and only internet. The speed of the DSL was about 1/4 of the speed of cable and more expensive.
I agree that it is sad we lost Voom. I really enjoyed Monsters HD and FilmFest and watched many times each week. I agree with some of the posters here that I cannot get into the new (replacement) channels. Commercials all the time, 90% is not high def content (except on a few like MGMhd, and in some cases these movies are not high def, because they look no different than the dvd's.). I feel we lost alot of high def content and gained very little for the same cost or more. Why didn't Dish just at least offer a special package for Voom? I would have paid for it.
I would have paid for it too, but they didnt. I do like what whatchel1 said, I would like to see them get rid of Voom and market the channels a different way so we would be able to get MonstersHD back. I would also be happy if we could get IFCHD because that channels has some good horror movies on it uncut.
What are the three most popular Voom channels in your opinion? I would have to say Monstershd has to be #1 but I could be wrong. I haven't even turned on Chillersd more than once. Its no Monsters. I like other Voom channels but really miss Monstershd.
My feelings are that next week will tell all. A new contract with cablevision will keep Voom relevant\alive.

Now if dish and Voom can put the lawers away for a time to nagotiate that would be helpful.
Im sure there is some way to come to ''yes''.

They need each other. No matter what people say, dish has taken a hit on this. Voom can not sustain themselves without dishes national exposure.
dish truely lost somthing without voom. They are simply not the same provider. Every company needs something to ''set'' them appart from the competition. A great dvr is not enough.
Its programming. dish, as of now, is way behind direc tv in terms of programming muscle.

This did not have to be the case. dish needs to fix this without adding channels that direc has.
Nothing to distinguish the two sat providers.
What are the three most popular Voom channels in your opinion? I would have to say Monstershd has to be #1 but I could be wrong. I haven't even turned on Chillersd more than once. Its no Monsters. I like other Voom channels but really miss Monstershd.

1) Monsters

2) Rave

3) Equator

4) Wordl sport

5) Filmfest

6) HD news

I agree chiller is very weak. I have starchoice (canadian sat sys) Ive been monitoring The Scream channel-Its actually better than Chiller but no Monster.

When chiller goes hd maybe it will be better. But the content is fair at best.
Glad to have found this thread...I was excited to see the new HD channels, then bummed when I realized all the VOOM channels were gone, especially MonstersHD and Kung Fu HD. Chiller is more TV-show related than movies, which is fine (love me some NightStalker), but I do miss being able to flip over at any moment to an uncut horror movie on MHD.
I would be happy if chiller came out with an HD channel that was uncut and the commercials were not during the movies, Just like IFC but in HD
I would be happy if chiller came out with an HD channel that was uncut and the commercials were not during the movies, Just like IFC but in HD

According to wikipedia it alunches in October.
I would be happy if chiller came out with an HD channel that was uncut and the commercials were not during the movies, Just like IFC but in HD

Chiller HD is coming. Just not sure when. Plus, they might be like allot of those replacement hd channels. HD logo and not much Hd content.
True that and with it still being edited and having commercials during the movies its really not worth it.
Chiller is using old old beta tapes from studio vaults. The same beta tapes that were originally used during syndication. It's basically like using an original VHS tape from 1970. If you are into or nostalgic for classic TV horror series (I love "Friday the 13th: The Series" and just saw the pilot), then Chiller is perfect for that. Horror movies on Chiller repeat 10 times worse than Monsters HD ever did though.

Chiller could kick some HD butt if they launch like Sci-Fi. I'm sure all old horror TV series will be upconverted grainy beta versions. But NEW horror movies are cheap and plentiful to buy.

Sci-Fi is a good business plan for Chiller to follow if they can find the money to invest. Sci-Fi buys the rights to original (often cheap) horror movies, labels them "Sci-Fi Originals", broadcasts them in HD, then releases them on DVD. They have to be making money hand over fist this way.

Of course Chiller HD launches this fall, but we don't know when Dish will carry it and Chiller HD is going to need some HD content ASAP cause what they use now will not upconvert very well at all.

It would also be nice if these HD converted SD channels would at least air a weekly HD movie commercial free. Networks used to do this a long time ago, it might be time to revive that.

Oh, and Chiller HD could NEVER replace MONSTERS HD.

Bring back the VoomPack cause I needs my Monsters HD!
How come Voom was able to take "UFO" and "Flipper" (old TV series) and convert them into 1080i HD? I'm assuming UFO and Flipper were filmed verses taped and they were able to use the film to make the HD transfer.

All Star Treks including the originals were filmed and therefore could be converted to true 1080i HD too.

I wonder how many classic TV shows were actually filmed - all of them could be transfered to true 1080i HD.

Obviously Voom did it and maybe the only ones to try so far. I wonder if anyone else will ever invest in that. I guess Voom was way ahead of it's time and really dedicated to providing 1080i HD.
How come Voom was able to take "UFO" and "Flipper" (old TV series) and convert them into 1080i HD? I'm assuming UFO and Flipper were filmed verses taped and they were able to use the film to make the HD transfer.

All Star Treks including the originals were filmed and therefore could be converted to true 1080i HD too.

I wonder how many classic TV shows were actually filmed - all of them could be transfered to true 1080i HD.

Obviously Voom did it and maybe the only ones to try so far. I wonder if anyone else will ever invest in that. I guess Voom was way ahead of it's time and really dedicated to providing 1080i HD.

You are right on the money!
ChillerHD will be fair to say the least. You are right. Voom was way ahead of its time. Id also say they were\are cutting edge.

Right now we only have HDNet to come close to the quality that Voom gave us.

I too miss voom terribly. Its a shame that dish did not offer it for 20 bucks separate tier for those diehards like us.
I wonder how many classic TV shows were actually filmed - all of them could be transfered to true 1080i HD.


It would depend of how the show(s) were originally produced. All were framed inside the "TV Cut-Off" outline (4:3) in the camera's viewfinder. So, it might be hit and miss as to what the full frame would show...set edges, mike booms, beer bottles, etc. Anything shot outside would probably be good, but I would bet I Love Lucy would have lots of stuff that should not be seen. I'd say the same would probably go for Star Trek, plus all the effects shots were produced for 4:3...they did not fill the full 35mm frame.
When friends would come over, VOOM would be the channels everyone wanted to watch.
It would be Monsters HD or Kung Fu HD. Over and over I would hear, NO WAY I can't believe this. The DVD doesn't even look close. I can't believe that they have THIS movie.

When we started watching Chiller it was a bad joke. An all horror channel that's edited for content. WTF!

Thank you Scott for reopening the thread. You are a scholar and a true gentlemen.
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CONGRATS ECHOSTAR! 922 wins best of CES award!

Just wanted to say THANKS.

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