VOOM Goes BOOM - update Dish Drops all 15 VOOM Channels

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Other than you being totally, completely, and unequivocally wrong, I would agree with you.

It is the donors and corporate underwriters that support it. And why do they do that? Because of the high quality of programming. And, because that quality brings in the dollars, it indeed stands on its own. (even if they don't produce crap like...oh...I dunno...Lost.)

If broadcast networks, or almost any number of national "cable" channels, were to rely solely on viewer financial support, how many do you think would actually stand on their own? I don't remember the last time I even watched ABC. I only watch NBC for two half hour sitcoms, and CBS for Letterman. Occasionally Fox when my wife forces me to watch Idol (against my will, I might add.) Otherwise, it's only a handful of "cable" channels and some HBO OnDemand.

Oh yeah, and a fair amount of PBS (HD OTA). Very few shows can compare to Nova, Nature, or Soundstage. Even the formerly educational Discovery channels have turned to crap with reality shows. And, now National Geographic is joining suit, calling themselves NatGeo. I guess Americans are just too dumb to pronounce "National Geographic" in its entirety?

One of the best, if not THE best, HD channels in existence is PBS HD. And, I think you find that I am not alone in that assessment.

I could not agree with you more. PBS HD has some of the best programming available and the pictures are being received in glorious high definition via my OTA antennas.
The majority of the channels we have on any pay service are channels that COULD NOT stand on their own but are forced on us by a package deal contract. In fact, PBS couldn't stand on its own. It doesn't mean it isn't appealing to a percentage of the audience...

The difference between this and VOOM though is that VOOM is/was a commercal enterprise. PBS hasa funding mechanism that appears to be adequate to keep it alive. VOOM does not ahve that and it did not seem to be making any progress toward getting there. Sure they never said that they would be profitable this year---they said 2009. But they never came up with a single domestic customer other than the two providers that co own them. That business model was s not viable.
Thanks, Bro!

You don't wish harm on anyone but yet for whatever reason you enjoy rubbing salt in the wound. For a guy that hates Voom as much as you claim you sure do post in Voom threads a lot. Thats why I put you in the same category. Your a guy that sits behind his computer and likes to make others angry. Why?
Borderline DEATH THREAT? Get a grip man.

The guy has a right to post his opinion as do others who want to vent their anger at Dish. Dish is a very deceitful company that does not have a lot of integrity at the executive level.

Their picture quality also has steadily gotten worse since the introduction of HD Lite in November 2005.

The only reason I stay with them is the large investment in Dish equipment I have . It would cost me over $1,000 to switch.

So again, criticizing Dish should not be construed as a death threat!

I agree that dish is very decietful and a terrible group of executives! I am very upset without Voom HD, my wife and I really miss the Voom HD shows as we watched them often. I am surprised you say it will cost you money to switch though? For me I called Directv and discovered that I would get more channels in HD, and save over $600 the first year and continue to save every month there after. Directv is a lot cheaper and they are providing rebates for the first year and for the DVR's which to me should make it an immediate payback or at the very least a short enough one to drop dish and not give a decietful company more money to keep reinforcing their bad behavior.
I agree that dish is very decietful and a terrible group of executives! I am very upset without Voom HD, my wife and I really miss the Voom HD shows as we watched them often. I am surprised you say it will cost you money to switch though? For me I called Directv and discovered that I would get more channels in HD, and save over $600 the first year and continue to save every month there after. Directv is a lot cheaper and they are providing rebates for the first year and for the DVR's which to me should make it an immediate payback or at the very least a short enough one to drop dish and not give a decietful company more money to keep reinforcing their bad behavior.
So I am assuming you have switched and can get on with your life?;) Also take a look at the Dish/Direct warzone threads. Perfect place to continue any discussion of which is better.
It would cost me a lot of money to switch also.
Currently I use 2 622's feeding 5 TVs and an 811 for a 6th. I would have to shell out money for at least 5 tuners for me to switch.
Folks I hate to say it but VOOM is gone and it's NOT coming back to Dish Network.

If your unhappy then speak with your wallet, thats your right but doing so is not going to get you back VOOM.

Both Dish and VOOM are to blame for the entire mess, but what happened... happened and thats not going to change.

We could cry about the loss of VOOM until the end of time and the only thing you got to show for it is that you posted a bunch of messages that your upset that VOOM is gone. With that and a dollar you at least got a dollar I guess.

What I also find funny is that a lot of these new VOOM die hards upset about its demise is that a lot of these folks crying for its return and the death of Dish Network are actually the same people logging in with more then one account. So in a way yes folks it is the SAME PEOPLE complaining about VOOM over and over again trying to make it look like more people are upset, when really most folks really don't care.

VOOM is gone and its not coming back. I think its time we start closing the VOOM threads (unless its actual news) and if folks want to complain about no VOOM then do it in the War Zone area.

Its time to move on and move forward. I personally hope Rainbow Media breaks up VOOM and offers some of the former great VOOM channels as stand alone HD channels as VOOM did have some great stuff and I could see a few of VOOMs channels living on as they were, just not part of the 15 channel VOOM suite.

Thanks for your understanding.
After much thought and deliberation, I have decided to open this the origional VOOM is gone thread as it appears that some folks still wish to discuss VOOM.

I ask that all VOOM discussion be kept here in this thread, I ask members do not go into other threads and take them off topic by posting that VOOM is gone and that Dish killed VOOM, that does nothing more then take other good topics and make them off topic.

Thanks for your understanding and thank you for being a SatelliteGuy. :)
After much thought and deliberation, I have decided to open this the origional VOOM is gone thread as it appears that some folks still wish to discuss VOOM.

I ask that all VOOM discussion be kept here in this thread, I ask members do not go into other threads and take them off topic by posting that VOOM is gone and that Dish killed VOOM, that does nothing more then take other good topics and make them off topic.

Thanks for your understanding and thank you for being a SatelliteGuy. :)

Thank you.
Thank you Scott. Yes, I am still angry and disappointed that Dish and Voom couldn't reach an equitable agreement. There's plenty of blame to go around. I appreciate you at least leaving us one place to talk about it.
What say you? E* and V* have parted ways?:rolleyes:

Seriously, everyone wanting to discuss the merits of Dish Network versus VOOM can do so here, and everyone not wanting to hear about D* versus V* won't see it posted all over the Dish Network Forum, and won't need to visit this thread. It's a win-win for a lose-lose situation.;)
After much thought and deliberation, I have decided to open this the origional VOOM is gone thread as it appears that some folks still wish to discuss VOOM.

I ask that all VOOM discussion be kept here in this thread, I ask members do not go into other threads and take them off topic by posting that VOOM is gone and that Dish killed VOOM, that does nothing more then take other good topics and make them off topic.

Thanks for your understanding and thank you for being a SatelliteGuy. :)

Very Fair - Thanks Scott!
I hope a court will force Dish get back VOOM in full range.
A court cannot force E* to put VOOM back on the air at this point, they can only award VOOM compensate for their losses should they prevail in the case. VOOM will only return to E* if both parties reach an agreement. Of course, the likelihood of seeing VOOM back on E* in the near future is almost nil by my guess.
Please reply by conversation.

CONGRATS ECHOSTAR! 922 wins best of CES award!

Just wanted to say THANKS.
