VOOM Goes BOOM - update Dish Drops all 15 VOOM Channels

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If they will win, then Dish will have obligation to maintain the contract and air VOOM back - I hope.

That might be part of an out of court settlemement. But right now VOOM is asking for 4 not carriage.
Well I think I am hoping that DIsh will not want to go to court and just work something out. I think Voom is being very dumb to not allow atleast the 5 channels to come back, they allow other companies to have only a couple of the channels.
If they will win, then Dish will have obligation to maintain the contract and air VOOM back - I hope.
Let's see what happens a week or so from now. If VOOM is gone from cablevision, then VOOM as we know it will most likely cease to exist outside of a VOD service. If cablevision keeps some or all of VOOM; then maybe. But they are not suing to get back on the air... they are suing to get mucho money$
I too thank you Scott for resurrecting this thread.

Maybe Charlie wanted to monitor the comments but he just couldn't keep track due to so many different threads?

Lets just keep em here. BRING BACK MONSTERS AND RAVE! Then I will be much happier.
Let's see what happens a week or so from now. If VOOM is gone from cablevision, then VOOM as we know it will most likely cease to exist outside of a VOD service. If cablevision keeps some or all of VOOM; then maybe. But they are not suing to get back on the air... they are suing to get mucho money$
Well, we are as customers will get nothing then; also the companies will lost our money in longer perspective.
+1 on thanks for returning this thread.

What surprises me most about the VOOM situation is that E* decided to believe their legal team again. Lawyers across America must be lining up to sue E*. I bet R* had no problem obtaining legal council.

It brings to mind the Seinfeld episode where Jackie wanted a piece of the tobacco companies.
I too thank you Scott for resurrecting this thread.

Maybe Charlie wanted to monitor the comments but he just couldn't keep track due to so many different threads?

Lets just keep em here. BRING BACK MONSTERS AND RAVE! Then I will be much happier.

Yes, Im right with you on this!!! Lets hope they settle this amicably. Going to court
will shut the door on us Voomers.
I just wish there was some kind of info out there about if anything is trying to be worked out, I hate how quiet it has been.
After much thought and deliberation and due to many factors incuding the closing of Voom threads and now that dicussion about Voom has been reinstated, and by the way I am in agreement with that, I have decided to give the subject of Voom a much well deserved rest. Since this was the main place for discuusion and all discssions were closed I was forced to think about this situation more and more. I was able to read the opinions of a great many people as well as expressing a great many opinions of my own. Having threads closed and hearing what people said I decided I believe that I am tired of the subject and my efforts to support Voom seem to be an exercise in futility. If it was not for the threads being closed I probably would not have thought this way because I could not have devoted the attention to thinking about it as much and and tuned in as much to hear others thoughts on the subject as clearly as I have. This website has a very powerful influence. I liked Voom but it is a waste to put the effort out into voicing my support for it because it is against a few key individuals wishes, mainly Dish's. It is for that reason that I do now give up any concerted effort to show support for what was formerely known as Voom programming on Dishnetwork. I have done my best. It is not worth the time and energy. My relationship with my satellite television provider Dish Network has been a good one. Maybe it has been great enough that it can overcome getting rid of Voom. As I keep thinking when I read Scott's comments, life goes on and this is an exercise in futlity. I loved Voom, but if Dish decides they do not want to carry them that is a choice they have. It is not worth thinking about. Voom was a failed service when Dish started carrying it. Their programming was great in my opinion. As a high definition television watcher I have especially refined tastes by nature because high defenition television is a very refined television service. I guess most consumers do not see it the way I do. Voom programming was outstanding despite the naysayers, and there will most likely not ever be anything like it. I do not use those words lightly. I liked the programming and always will. It is unfortunate that it did not enjoy commercial success and Dish decided to let them be replaced. Unless Directv or someone else were to pick them up I cannot see Dish's decision as anything less than a death blow. I loved Voom. I even find myself now appreciating channels that when available I did not appreciate as much. And because of the events including on this website, people being anti Voom(Voom haters) and discussions being closed, I have decided to give up all my devotion. This has proved to me it is not worth it. As far as this situation goes it will cause me to increase my flexibility more and I am not very flexible. I have thought that Dish has been great to me and I have have had a great relationship with them. I hope that is enough to overcome them getting rid of programming. Programming comes and programming goes. Dish has no one else to compete with figuratively speaking because Dish has the greatest DVR. They have the greatest pricing. They also have some of the greatest programming even without Voom. They have some channels you cannot get on cable unless you have Cablevision and then it is the other way around and who knows how long that will last. Dish has great service. Voom could not survive on their own and it was more profitable for Dish to support other channels. I really enjoyed Voom but Dish got rid of it. I cannot control that. Anyway this and everything else has inluenced me to give it up. I would like to have Voom but the powers that be have deciced otherwise, therefor in part thanks to the information found on this website I am giving it up. There are better things to devote my time and energy to. I have been reading this website for a long time and I am not going to write it off because it has some pretty good information. Besides I like how Scott puts limits on mourning, in other words "we will mourn the loss of Voom for 10 days" he wrote. I really have not really been follwing this subject that closley, but if you stub your toe I guess you get up and get going, you cannot just stop and stay there rubbing your toe forever therefor Scott's viewpoint is relavant. I think I have been greatly influenced me. Thanks for the help.
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Very thought out. Me personally I just like comming here and talking about it. I wish very much that the channels would come back but who knows I doubt that they will but I do like talking about it with others who have an interest in as I do. I think you may be putting too much into it, but I am glad this thread is open again so you could make that point.
I just can't get into these new hd channels at all. Commercials and mainstream stuff that is repeated over and over on all channels. I miss Voom and am very upset with E* to the point that I would rather go OTA only until something different is offered.
I am with you though on the new channels. But it doesnt really matter to Dish it seems. Rainbow is stupid too for making Dish keep 15 channels.
I'm glad that Scott has rethought his position on this, as his decision to close various Voom threads irritated me - particularly because I have rarely seen other topics closed off like Voom was being closed off.

As much as Voom-lovers have been accused of high-jacking other threads with their Voom devotion (or actually did hi-jack) , there have been even more Voom-haters taking extraordinary pleasure and measures in taunting those who happened to enjoy Voom.

As we've been asked to contain our Voom discussions to this thread, I also hope that the Voom-haters move on to other topics and other tauntings...
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CONGRATS ECHOSTAR! 922 wins best of CES award!

Just wanted to say THANKS.

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