The insulted part was referring to the way he coming on here slamming the service, it was pretty out of line, when there are people who come here for information. Bring up problems, sure, but the way it was posted was definitely insulting. It had zero to do with technology.
Well DUH...of COURSE I was "slamming the service"! When E* charges my CC $125+ each month, they are charging me for -
get ready - satellite TV
It just like when you pay for your cell phone each month, you are paying for...cell phone
SERVICE When I pay Comcast for internet access, I'm paying them for - internet
Obviously any of these services requires "technology" (equipment) for you to obtain said "service"; when the equipment is defective &/or has problems, it compromises the "SERVICE" I'm paying for.
The point which should be obvious to most folks, us folks that are "constantly whining" about how our "service" has now been degraded, feel we are NO longer getting the "service" we were once paying for. So sorry that some of us refuse to kowtow to a bunch of flimsy excuses to this & just accept it as being the "new norm".
Second, and you're right, I don't know exactly how it works but I DO know the Search problems and the EPG problems seemed to start about the same time and how do they not go together? Isn't the Search part of the EPG?
Again for the 2nd time:
But yet my Tivo Roamio's...that BTW use the SAME, guide provider...have NO problems finding these same shows reliably
Third, some of the problems I see on here are from people who are either a, what I believe is taxing the system by wanting to record PTAT PLUS OTA locals and use every tuner at the same time to do multiple things
I don't do OTA thru the Ho's & I've turned off PTAT, as I had already shifted all my local network programs to my Tivo' it sure isn't the cause of my issues.
(And IMHO, since E* NO longer is updating it's OTA EPG sub-channel listings, doing OTA thru (any of) their receivers is a waste of time anyway)
Fourth, I suspect that the number of people who use EHD's and OTA's are a very small fraction of the people who have Hoppers. Not that they should be ignored but I doubt Dish is making it a priority
I doubt it also...see we actually agree on some things
Online and irl, I'm sick to death of people constantly whining about every single freaking thing from Trump to soda, every topic under the sun is nothing but people crying
Well I'm sorry that our "whining" is causing you such anxiety & is so "insulting"...really, if all it takes is discussions in a satellite forum to "insult" you, I guess you have more problems than I'm having with these Ho's...
A lot of people are on here to learn and to help where we can, where I can anyway.
Not that you probably even remotely care, but I was doing satellite when it was only BUD's, before E* & D* came to exist. I was one of very first dealers to sell E* systems...the first receivers I worked with were the HTS 3200's that only looked at the 119 I've been around a bit.
I've had all but every type of DVR in my house...starting with the (non-satellite) Replay's & progressing thru numerous Tivo's (both standalone & D* based) as well as most of the E* ones...starting with that clusterf$%k Dishplayer w/the wireless keyboard. I've also had Comcast DVR's (back when we were Insight) & have one of those, also I haven't taken back yet.
My point to all this is - I've been on this board since it's inception. I've helped out many, many folks on here long before you probably even heard of this place, as well as my A/V sideline. Because I am NOT employed by any of these providers in any way, I am NOT behooved to wave pom-poms for ANY of them. I pick
ALL of the providers apart & convey this knowledge to my that they are truly making an informed choice of (TV) providers..since they'll also be stuck for 2 years in most cases. I have always told it like it the good, bad, awesome & horrible aspects of any of these services -
and will continue to do so, regardless of what the opinions are of a "couple people". Last time I checked, this place is run by Scott G & he prides himself on letting everyone tell it like it is. If he or his mods have any problems with my postings, I KNOW they'll be happy to tell me personally.
If you don't like what I have to say, ignore works well, I have a few people on it and it makes life a lot better
Agree, but I WILL still call out B.S. when I see it - not changing at this stage. I'm surprised you're not over w/Chad at this "safer" site:
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