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Speaking of Plus, June's content has apparently been leaked, and I don't think this includes the three games replacing Uncharted 3, LBP Karting, and PES, which I suspect to be announced at E3.


I'm all over Farcry 3 and Batman Blackgate, both games I would never buy, but will certainly play when free. This is of course unconfirmed, but each of these games make sense as IGC additions.
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Speaking of Plus, June's content has apparently been leaked, and I don't think this includes the three games replacing Uncharted 3, LBP Karting, and PES, which I suspect to be announced at E3.


I'm all over Farcry 3 and Batman Blackgate, both games I would never buy, but will certainly play when free. This is of course unconfirmed, but each of these games make sense as IGC additions.

Looks like June will be another good month for PS Plus subscribers. Far Cry 3 and Guacamelee are both very good games that I already own. Like you said, Blackgate is a game I will definitely play now that it's free but I wouldn't have bought it. I've never heard of the PS4 game, Shooter so I don't really have any expectations there. Hopefully once the PS4 hits the 1 year mark we can start seeing some full retail games offered there too. If they are going to stick to digital only games on PS4 for a while I'd like to see Transistor, Child of Light, Octodad, and Sound Shapes offered at some point.
Looks like June will be another good month for PS Plus subscribers. Far Cry 3 and Guacamelee are both very good games that I already own. Like you said, Blackgate is a game I will definitely play now that it's free but I wouldn't have bought it. I've never heard of the PS4 game, Shooter so I don't really have any expectations there. Hopefully once the PS4 hits the 1 year mark we can start seeing some full retail games offered there too. If they are going to stick to digital only games on PS4 for a while I'd like to see Transistor, Child of Light, Octodad, and Sound Shapes offered at some point.

Yeah and in case it wasn't implied by the response here, for anyone reading this, avoid Resident Evil 6 like the plague.
Yeah and in case it wasn't implied by the response here, for anyone reading this, avoid Resident Evil 6 like the plague.

Funny you should mention that. Because in the gaming forum thread I pulled this from (consisting of hardcore PS trophy hunters, who often care more about getting free and easy trophies irregardless of a game's quality), I found it peculiar that not a single person out of over a dozen mentioned RE6 as a game they were looking forward to getting, in spite of the fact that RE6 is considered a relatively easy game to get the platinum in.
I knew this would happen as soon as I posted an unconfirmed Plus announcement. Some folks over at Reddit are giving good reasons that this could be a fake, including the suspicious source and the fact that it says "Instant Games Collection" rather than "Instant Game Collection" I guess we'll know for sure Thursday or Friday.
Funny you should mention that. Because in the gaming forum thread I pulled this from (consisting of hardcore PS trophy hunters, who often care more about getting free and easy trophies irregardless of a game's quality), I found it peculiar that not a single person out of over a dozen mentioned RE6 as a game they were looking forward to getting, in spite of the fact that RE6 is considered a relatively easy game to get the platinum in.

I guess even trophy whores have standards. Getting a platinum in a game like that is probably akin to searching through piles of sh*t to find a $20 bill. Yeah you got $20, but $20 won't buy back the time you wasted or get rid of the smell.
I knew this would happen as soon as I posted an unconfirmed Plus announcement. Some folks over at Reddit are giving good reasons that this could be a fake, including the suspicious source and the fact that it says "Instant Games Collection" rather than "Instant Game Collection" I guess we'll know for sure Thursday or Friday.

It does look like a good list of games but I kind of hope it is fake for purely selfish reasons. Arkham Origins Blackgate for the Vita is the only game I don't already own that I would get any use out of.
The real PS Plus list for June has been posted and sadly it's not as good as the rumored one we saw earlier. The list came with a lengthy blog post saying they are now going to start offering 2 free games for each platform every month. That means that PS4 gamers are going to get 1 more game than they were getting each month but PS3 owners might be getting a little less.

Here are June's games

Trine 2: Complete Story
Pixeljunk Shooter Ultimate Edition

NBA 2K14
Sly Cooper: Theives in Time (Sly Cooper is cross-buy so Vita owners get a bonus game this month)

Mutant Mudds Deluxe
The real PS Plus list for June has been posted and sadly it's not as good as the rumored one we saw earlier. The list came with a lengthy blog post saying they are now going to start offering 2 free games for each platform every month. That means that PS4 gamers are going to get 1 more game than they were getting each month but PS3 owners might be getting a little less.

Here are June's games

Trine 2: Complete Story
Pixeljunk Shooter Ultimate Edition

NBA 2K14
Sly Cooper: Theives in Time (Sly Cooper is cross-buy so Vita owners get a bonus game this month)

Mutant Mudds Deluxe

I guess this change was inevitable (2 games/platform/month), though I didn't expect it so soon. Good for PS4 owners though. Perhaps increasing the chance of actually seeing a full AAA title someday.
Definitely not as good as the rumored list (I won't do that again). I actually really enjoyed Trine 2 on the PS3. It's a beautiful game. I've been waiting for Sly to come to Plus. I knew it would eventually, so I'm glad they made it a cross-buy to boot. NBA, Terraria, Mutant Mudds (whatever that is) don't interest me at all. :(
The real PS Plus list for June has been posted and sadly it's not as good as the rumored one we saw earlier. The list came with a lengthy blog post saying they are now going to start offering 2 free games for each platform every month. That means that PS4 gamers are going to get 1 more game than they were getting each month but PS3 owners might be getting a little less.

Here are June's games

Trine 2: Complete Story
Pixeljunk Shooter Ultimate Edition

NBA 2K14
Sly Cooper: Theives in Time (Sly Cooper is cross-buy so Vita owners get a bonus game this month)

Mutant Mudds Deluxe

Just found this out in the PS Blog comments, but apparently Pixeljunk Shooter UE is cross-buy with Vita as well. Didn't even know it was a Vita game. So 4 Vita games in June, which is good because the day I start playing a game with 8- or 16-bit graphics is the day I stop playing on a device made in the 21st century (I just don't get the appeal).
The Gamefly Digital Summer Sale has started today. Some deals today but nothing you haven't seen before. Honestly the most appealing sale is the "Another World" 20th Anniversary Edition at 75% off.!/promotion/332
Yep, I was just looking through these deals. Nothing from today really jumps out at me. I guess the Skyrim Legendary Edition is a good deal at $21.59 if you don't already have that game.

I don't see anywhere that says how many days there will be of this sale. Hopefully the other days have some bigger deals. I have seen a lot of the games offered here at better prices.

Edit: Thief is a good price on a pretty new game at $22.49. I haven't seen that one this low before. The problem is that it isn't a very good game.
Edit: Thief is a good price on a pretty new game at $22.49. I haven't seen that one this low before. The problem is that it isn't a very good game.
That game was getting major discounts within like the first 4 weeks of release. I think once all the reviews revealed it was a bad reboot the publisher realized that they needed to slash it quickly and hope to reap in some profits that way.
Yep, I was just looking through these deals. Nothing from today really jumps out at me. I guess the Skyrim Legendary Edition is a good deal at $21.59 if you don't already have that game.

I don't see anywhere that says how many days there will be of this sale. Hopefully the other days have some bigger deals. I have seen a lot of the games offered here at better prices.

Edit: Thief is a good price on a pretty new game at $22.49. I haven't seen that one this low before. The problem is that it isn't a very good game.

That game was getting major discounts within like the first 4 weeks of release. I think once all the reviews revealed it was a bad reboot the publisher realized that they needed to slash it quickly and hope to reap in some profits that way.

Thief was developed by Eidos/Square Enix, so I would say there is a better than 90% chance it will be free for Plus members before the end of the year, probably even for PS4. Just look at the track record: Tomb Raider, Hitman Absolution, Deus Ex, and Sleeping Dogs -- most made free within a year of the release date (Deus Ex being the exception).